Chapter ninety two

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"Keep your head down, don't say anything, pull on my arm if anything happens." Calum says quickly when he first sees the hoards of photographers and reporters outside the Scorpion building. They had walked there, because that's what they always did unless there was a particular reason not to. It seems there was a reason not to today but they just hadn't gotten that memo.
"Okay." Ashton replies shakily, clutching onto Calum's hand for dear life.

"Calum Hood!"

"Can you comment on Michael Clifford's relationship?"

"Did you know about Luke?"

"Is that your submissive?"

"Is he underage as well?"

"Who is he?"

Ashton scrunches up his face and hates every second that he's stuck in the crowd but he's thankful that Calum's the one pulling him through it and out the other side. Calum and Ashton don't stop to chat once they're in the foyer, the paparazzi's desperation for something to talk about is evident by the way they're attempting to push through the doors and security.

"I hated that." Ashton whispers once they're alone in the elevator.
"I know sweetheart, I'm sorry. We would've driven if I had known." Calum apologises with a frown, wrapping his arms around Ashton is solace.
"Will that happen again?"
"I hate to say it but probably, maybe not today, but in the future." The older sighs.
"And they're gonna find out about me? And bring my family into it like-"
"Obviously what they've done to Michael and Luke is inappropriate and neither of them deserve it," Calum cuts his sub off firmly. "But the fact of the matter is that Luke would be an easy person to research as far as random teenagers go. He attends a high profile school, is very active on social media, and has a semi-high profile mother."

The lift doors open and the first thing Calum sees is Michael pacing the foyer, Luke is curled in on himself while on a phone call in Michael's office.
"I should've brought you another bacon and egg muffin." Is the first thing Calum says.
"Oh thank fuck you're here." Michael's head snaps up, ignoring Calum's comment.
"Is there anything I can do? Should I bother asking how you've been?" Calum asks, expecting the worst.
"We had the debrief meeting, written my statement. Now Luke's on the phone to his mum."
"Well at least you told your parents when you did." Calum supplies.

"About that..." Michael winces.
"You did tell them didn't you?" Calum stresses worriedly.
"Yes, but... they don't know Luke's underage. They think we got matched like normal, we didn't say that we did but it may have been implied..."
"Oh my god, how have they reacted?" Calum pales.
"I wouldn't know, I've ignored all their phone calls."
"Michael." Calum narrows his eyes.
"Calum." Michael rolls his eyes.

"When exactly are you going to stop avoiding them?" Calum purses his lips.
"When they forget?" Michael answers hopefully.
"These are the people who brag that they still remember every word of every contract they've ever had." Calum replies flatly.

"Enough about me, how are you?" Michael changes the topic.
"Forgot to mention sooner, in case you weren't aware, that there are hoards of paps out the front. We walked through them and the fuckers even had the audacity to ask if Ashton is underage." Calum gripes.
"What?" Michael snaps, certainly not aware of the situation.

"Did you know about the paps outside?" Michael says sharply as he bursts into Jeanette's office.
"PR and security are currently working together to resolve the issue. The media want footage and so PR are currently in the process of preparing someone to go out the front and read the statement, that will give the clear message that they won't get anything else." Jeanette replies calmly.
"I'll do it."
"No you won't." She shoots back. "You'll attract too much attention."
"They want me. I'll make it clear that one response from me is all they'll be getting."

"We can't send you out the front into that crowd, it's too much of a security risk." She shakes her head adamantly.
"Well I don't want a press conference, that implies I'll take questions."
"The print version of your statement has been released, I'll discuss with PR and security if they feel it will be the right decision. Now go do your PR training." Jeanette leaves no room for negotiation in her tone but Michael wants to negotiate anyway.

"I'm the CEO." He grits his teeth.
"Which makes you not the head of security or PR." Jeanette counters.
"It's my job-"
"To go do your media training. Bye now." She stands up and physically pushes Michael out the door, closing it behind him.

"Did you see that?" Michael blanches.
"It was what you deserved." Calum shrugs. "Now you go get your man, we'll be waiting in the conference room." He grins at his best friend as he pulls his submissive into the board room.

"How are things?" Michael knocks lightly on the door to his office and pushes the door open a little.
"Oh." Luke looks up, like he was caught in the middle of a trance. "I got off the phone a while ago, it was fine. I've just been thinking since then."
"That can be dangerous." Michael frowns.
"I know. I just can't stop myself right now." Luke agreed.

"Let's go do this media training, I promise it'll be alright." Michael says hopefully, extending a hand out for the younger to take. Luke graciously accepts and they're both walking out of Michael's office in silence, their thoughts heavy and chaotic.

The media training is exactly what Luke, and Ashton for that matter, expected it to be but that doesn't mean they didn't learn anything. They learnt what they should and shouldn't share on social media. Where they should or shouldn't shop. Places that paparazzi were more likely to be or not be. What things would instantly cause headlines; such as engaging with Scorpion or Hood's competitors, for one. What to do in a media crisis. Who in the media you can and can't talk to. They both feel completely nauseous by the end of it.

A/N: the chaos continues! I will see you on Saturday with more.

I also just want to let you know that I'm plotting along writing the sequel to this, which holds quite a few things I don't think anyone will expect, but it's slower than when I was writing ease because I'm busier and also working on other writing projects. Hope to share some of these other and smaller projects with you soon.

Love you :)

-Grace Williams xo

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