Chapter twenty eight

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"You just received: one text message. From: Maggie Sears. Would you like me to read it to you?" Ashton jumps, startled by the way the car starts talking -though possibly more so by the way Calum so casually replies.
"Michael's free all day."
"Perfect." Calum hums, quickly dismissing the notification from the screen.

"I- did you just have a conversation with your car?" Ashton asks confusedly.
"Well, you could call it that. Voice automation has been in some cars for quite a few years now." Calum says lightly.
"Yeah but I've never actually seen it being used... that was weird."
"Well, we'll set it up in your car with your phone and you can have fun with it later but next on the to do list is visiting Michael." Calum explains, approaching a closed roller door then putting a number into a keypad to open said roller door.

"Are we- is this the Scorpion building? Do you know the entry code?" Ashton asks, doing a double take of what just happened.
"Of course," Calum smiles, "I have more security clearance here than just about all the employees, as Michael does at Hood."
"Right. So I'll be seeing a lot of him then?"
"Yes Sweetheart." Calum replies as they get out of the car and make their way to the lift.
"Does he have a sub?" Ashton's voice is curious, a million questions on his mind.
"Not yet darling, hasn't been paired. Though it's not likely to be too much longer."

"Calum Hood." Calum smiles at the security guard at the barrier, Ashton following behind and their fingers linked.
"I can't let you through without a security pass." The guard says firmly.
"I- what?" Calum halts, completely taken aback.
"Security is high at the moment, you need a pass to get through Sir."
"I've never needed a pass in ten years." Calum says annoyedly.
"I don't make the rules Sir. You need an entrance pass. You can get a visitor pass from reception."

Calum narrows his eyes and stalks over to the receptionist, though he could call Michael he knows better than anyone that's Michael's always busy at work and doesn't need to waste his time with incompetent security guards.
"Calum Hood, here to see Michael Clifford. Security won't let me through." Calum sighs, trying to be as patient as possible.
"Right..." She hums, typing for a moment. "There's no appointment for a Calum Hood."
"No- I- I've never had an appointment- I walk in here at least once a week, why can't I get up to his office?" Calum says exasperatedly, ready to hit his head against a brick wall.
"Mr Clifford doesn't take walk in clients." Is all the receptionist can say with a frown.

"This is ridiculous." Calum shakes his head, reaching for his phone.
"Would you like me to call his assistant? It's not standard protocol but-"
"You're telling me you don't even have a direct line to him?" Calum raises his eyebrows.
"No Sir, only his assistant does."
"My assistant does." Calum deadpans.
"I- I don't know who your assistant is." She stammers.
"Personal assistant to me, Calum Hood, CEO of Hood Motors." Calum says sassily, completely done with this whole ordeal.
"Oh apologies Mr Hood," she starts, making Calum finally smile and think he's getting somewhere. "Are you here for a meeting?"
"Jesus Christ, I'll call him myself." Calum mutters, stepping away from the desk to call his best friend.

"Hey! Are you dropping in today?" Michael cheers down the line as he answers his mobile.
"I'm trying." Calum clips back.
"What do-"
"Ground security won't let me up without a pass because of 'high security' and reception won't give me one because I don't have an appointment. I literally came up from the garage." Calum explains, already exhausted by the whole ordeal.

"Jeanette!" Michael shouts out to his assistant, pulling his phone from his ear for a moment. "What's the number to page security?"
"010!" She yells back.
"Thanks!" Michael responds, before talking to Calum again quickly, "gimme one second."

Michael reaches over to his 'desk phone', which is really just a smartly converted and programmed tablet, before dialling 010 and hearing the right noise to indicate he's now talking to all of security through their in ear pieces.
"This is Michael Clifford. Can whoever's on the entrance barrier please let in Calum Hood, and whoever he's bringing with him? He has free and open access."
"Yes. Copy that Mr Clifford." The security guard at the barrier replies in a hurry.
"See you in a few." Michael says to Calum before hanging up the phone.

"My apologies Mr Hood." The security guard says, embarrassed and flustered by the whole thing as he opens the barrier for Calum and Ashton. All Calum has in him at this point is tight lipped smile so he says nothing to refrain from snapping before dragging Ashton through the barrier and into a lift.

"That was..." Ashton says quietly once they're in the lift, looking for the right words.
"Chaotic and not normal at all. Never has it happened in all the years I've been coming here." Calum sighs.

"So glad you finally made it." Michael grins sarcastically when Calum and Ashton step into his office, Calum quickly ushers Ashton to sit down.
"What's this high security bull shit? Also why don't your reception have a direct line to you?" Calum snorts incredulously as he sits next to Ashton, instinctively reaching for his sub's hand because he can tell Ashton feels a little out of place and uncomfortable.
"High security happens every year around this time, once I have working models of a new phone -that's not yet announced- in the building. You just don't know because it never affects you, because," Michael rolls his eyes, "security normally know how to do their job. And reception are just annoying."
"You mean the phone I already have and I in fact used to call you?" Calum smirks.
"Ah but they don't know that. Very few people do." Michael grins cheekily.

"Touché. Now, to business, Michael allow me to formally introduce Ashton Irwin. Ashton, this is Michael." Calum announces, beaming with evident pride for his submissive.
"Ashton. Wonderful to see you again. Feel free to contact me anytime you need anything, we're basically family." Michael smiles.
"Uh, nice to see you too. And um, uh, thank you." Ashton stammers nervously, making Calum plant a reassuring kiss on the back of his hand.
"He's right though, Michael and I are like brothers." Calum hums.

"I'm presuming," Michael drawls, "that the business you did come here for was stocking up Ashton with only the finest technology."
"I- I have a working phone and lapt-" Ashton blushes.
"Of course." Calum replies to Michael, cutting off Ashton and making the younger shrink in his seat.
"Before we do, Ashton do you mind if I take a quick photo? To hand to security to add you to the free access list, though I promise today won't happen ever again." Michael asks, quickly whipping out his phone.
"Sure." Ashton says meekly, suddenly feeling like he can't say no. Calum notices the difference in Ashton's voice and frowns as Michael quickly takes a photo.
"I'll be right back." Michael reassures them as he walks out of the room.

"Are you feeling alright Sweets?" Calum asks gently, moving a bit of Ashton's hair out of his eyes.
"Yeah." Ashton mumbles, not meeting his doms gaze.
"Ashton." Calum presses, firmer.
"I don't need a new phone or computer..." Ashton says slowly, still more interested in eyeing the carpet. Calum, unsatisfied, softly grabs Ashton's chin to search for clues across his face. Ashton tries to squirm a little under the intense stare.
"That's not what this is about, tell me what's going on." Calum keeps his voice warm and reassuring, trying to encourage Ashton to open up.
"You-" Ashton cuts himself off and takes a deep breath. "You cut me off before and I thought that meant my opinion didn't matter. What's the point in me saying no?" Ashton's voice cracks.

"Oh Sweets." Calum frowns, instantly dropping to the floor to kneel in front of his sub.
"Should you be on the floor? Isn't that where I go?" Ashton squeaks, affronted.
"I'm here. I'm in front of you. I'm confessing to you. Ashton. Firstly, your opinion always matters. Always. Secondly, you can always say no. Whenever you want, whenever you're not comfortable. Thirdly, you do not belong to me and you never will. We belong to each other. Lastly, I am so so SO proud of you for telling me how you feel. I know that sometimes you worry you don't know how to be a good submissive because a month ago you never would have expected it but you're the perfect submissive and this communication with me is just one of many examples of that. I'm proud of everything you do and everything you are Ashton."

Ashton can't find any words in his throat, too focussed on trying to not cry a waterfall, so he just kisses his dom instead. It's long and deep and passionate and emotional but it's also grounding. It's the reassurance they both need.

A/N: I had so much fun writing Calum being locked out of Scorpion lmao enjoy I love y'all so much :)

-Grace Williams xo

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