Chapter one hundred and seventeen

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It was a new week and that meant a new day where Calum and Michael could meet in their favourite lunch restaurant. Sometimes it felt like they were the only ones keeping this place in business. Calum and Maggie got back from London yesterday morning and jumped straight back into their work this morning, as if it was any other Monday at the office.

"Yeah the work stuff is sorted, but that's boring. Day to day nuances, you understand that. Ashton's the real source of news this week." Calum says excitedly, still artfully keeping his tattoo covered under his sleeve.
"Oh?" Michael raises an eyebrow in intrigue.
"He got his first tattoo this week."
"When you were in London?" The older splutters.
"Yep." Calum pops. "He didn't even tell me about it. Surprised me over video call."
"I'm proud of him." Michael chuckles. "What did he get?"
"A red heart on his wrist." Calum smiles. "But why are you proud of him? Isn't that my job?"
"He stepped out of his comfort zone, did something without telling you first. He's becoming more autonomous but in a way that makes it clear he's still about that committed soulmate life." Michael shrugs.
"Yeah..." Calum mumbles fondly.
"Wait- did you-" Michael's face falls in realisation.
"Of course I did. Without telling him in advance. An equal surprise." Calum clarifies as he pulls out his wrist and shows his black heart tattoo.
"You sentimental piece of shit." Michael shakes his head.

Michael and Calum fall back into small talk after Michael's done with roasting his best friend about the sentimentality of matching tattoos with your soulmate. Calum weighs in that he thinks the only thing that's stopped Michael and Luke is Luke's age -and Luke's parents would never consent to allowing Luke to get one underage. The conversation is easy but Calum has one thing he wants to ask, even if he's a little afraid to approach the subject entirely.

"So," Calum starts unsurely, "how are the legal proceedings with Luke going? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want."
"I probably should," Michael starts vaguely, to which Calum nearly seeks further clarification, "talk about it. I only talk about it with Luke but even then it's not a lot."
"Does he talk to someone else?"
"I think he talks to Kaykay at work but if he does he doesn't tell me about it." Michael shrugs.

"So what should you talk about then?" Calum presses.
"We have the appeal case next week. We only found out last week. You were in London and I've been scared to tell people anyway. Don't wanna jinx it." Michael's voice is flat and numb, like the entire thing makes him sick and he'd rather talk about anything else. Which is true, he hates that they even have to appeal.
"So who knows?"
"Obviously Crystal told us, I've only told Jeanette prior to this. Luke's told Kaykay because he won't be at work, maybe Sierra. His family I'm not sure about."

"I take it your parents aren't in the loop?" Calum muses.
"The only information they get from me about Luke or our relationship they drag from my teeth." Michael mutters.
"Yeah, hopefully the baby changes that." Calum concedes.
"In a way I hope it does, and I definitely want to reconcile this, of course I do, but they've already managed to say some awful things. I think once they wanna patch things up they'll be a bit utopian about it. Luke especially won't forgive easily, and I totally understand that." Michael sighs.
"I just- hate that this is happening to you. You guys don't deserve it on top of all the challenges you're already facing. Let me know if there's ever anything I can do." Calum says gently.
"Thanks." Michael smiles, voice quiet and sincere.

The lunch ends, Calum and Michael head their separate ways back to the office, and Michael is greeted by a headache as soon as he arrives. Crystal had emailed to let them know that she thinks they should consider security personnel for the appeal case. They would be at the Supreme Court in the middle of the city, everything would be public knowledge, nothing would be a secret after this. They couldn't keep it that way if they wanted to.

"This will stress Luke out so much. The baby deserves so much better than this. Fuck I hate it all." Michael groans, head in his hands and hands on his desk.
"Security can drive you. They can be waiting. You can have both. Tell me what I can do to make this as easy as possible for you all." Jeanette says gently, wanting to fix this as much as she can. She wants Luke and the baby healthy and happy, above all else.
"Ask Luke what he wants."
"You have no preference?" Jeanette raises an eyebrow.
"My preference is always the safety, health and happiness of Luke and the baby. Always."

Jeanette - Luke: Hey, please call me when you can. Or come in after work. We need to talk about some things to prepare for court.

Luke - Jeanette: I'll come in. Is Michael okay :(

Jeanette - Luke: Yeah, he just isn't a fan of Crystal's latest email :/

Luke frowns, definitely becoming an air of sad energy for the rest of his day at the coffee shop. Kaykay just hugs him and tells him that she'll drive him into the city afterwards. She was one of the many people who wanted to do everything she could for Michael and Luke. She knew nothing would ever be enough and the only that could fix their problems would be winning in court so she may as well try and make their life easier now.

Kaykay drops Luke off a little after three and Luke and Michael and grateful to be able to hold each other again. Michael shows his sub the email from Crystal and Luke frowns but decides he wants maximum security. Anything to take away some of the stress and tension.

A/N: hiiiiii things are getting tense but I love all the court scenes so I'm excited. Announced yesterday on my Wattpad message board, I have released Spotify playlists about ease into the world! I hope you enjoy the feels, let me know if there's any other songs that you think fit. Also maybe there's some surprises and hints at future things on my Spotify hehe love y'all

-Grace Williams xo

P.S. yes there's some CALM songs on the playlists,,,, tell me what from CALM you love. I would die for High.

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