Chapter seventy one

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It was the weekend, Sunday to be precise, and that meant it was time for Calum and Michael's weekly catch up. Ashton was a regular fixture, of course, but now Luke was as well. Even if he was still sick.
"Welcome, come on in." Michael opens his front door, surprising Calum by even coming to the door.
"Hey, how are you?" Calum smiles back, stepping inside while not letting go of Ashton's hand.
"Yeah, good. Luke's here but he's been a bit sick all week." Michael purses his lips, the three of them walking into the living room to find the 17-year-old snuggled on the couch.

"Hey." Luke mumbles, looking up at the guests.
"Hi." Ashton gives a small wave, sitting up the other end of the couch awkwardly
"How you feeling?" Michael asks softly, playing with Luke's hair and leaning down to kiss his forehead lightly.
"Still shit. Like I'm gonna puke, but we know I won't." Luke sighs
"I'll be right back." Calum pecks Ashton on the lips.
"Okay sir." Ashton mumbles as they pull apart, watching as Calum and Michael walk out of the living room and towards the kitchen.

"Does Luke ever go home?" Calum asks as soon as they're out of earshot.
"Of course." Michael rolls his eyes. "He generally just stays one night on the weekend, and I see him maybe once or twice during the week if he has some spare time."
"That's still a lot considering you said it could be a one time thing." Calum counters. "Do his parents know?"
"I don't think so. He keeps claiming to be at friends houses but I'm sure they have their suspicions."
"Michael." Is all Calum says, voice laced with concern and maybe a slight bit of judgement.

"I can't describe it. Like, fuck, he's addicting. Not just the sex, we haven't even had sex this week because he's been sick. We just compliment each other perfectly. Part of me doesn't want my submissive anymore." Michael goes on, voice dropping at the end.
"You can't be serious." Calum hisses. "Anyway." He clears his throat. "You have a soulmate out there, I promise once you meet them it'll all be worth it. I'm just worried about Luke getting hurt the most. He's still so young."
"I know." Michael mumbles, pulling out plates  for their lunch.

"On the notion of sick, how sick is he? Should I be worried?" Calum queries, helping Michael with the plates and lunch set up.
"He's just felt nauseous all week, thankfully hasn't throw up. He says he has an iron stomach that doesn't vomit though. Also just general fatigue and exhaustion, sore joints a bit. Who knows, just seems like his body is having a bit of a hissy fit. I wish he could rest more." Michael frowns.
"He hasn't missed any school then?"
"Not yet but that's not to say he won't. I think he should."

Calum and Michael keep plating lunch in the kitchen and Luke's takes the opportunity of being alone with Ashton to grill him.
"Do you call him sir all the time?" Luke pipes up from underneath his pile of blankets.
"Oh. Yeah." Ashton replies nervously.
"You don't seem comfortable." The younger comments.
"I am, I swear. I'm just getting used to it when we're around other people." Ashton quickly clarifies.
"It's only become an all the time thing in the last week, before that it was just sometimes. I like it. It grounds me. Reassures me." Ashton adds, slowing down a little as he relaxes.

"Reassures you of what?" Luke cocks his head to the side.
"That he's there I guess. That he's always looking out for me. Calling him sir feels like my way of saying I trust him."
"Honestly... that doesn't really make sense. I won't judge what's right for you but that just... doesn't add up in my head." Luke confesses.
"That's okay." Ashton replies softly. "It'll make sense once you've met your soulmate, met your dom or sub."
"There's no way I'm a dom." Luke snorts in disbelief. "I don't want to be a dom."
"I thought the same thing about being a sub. I'm not saying what you are, I'm saying that it's 50/50 and that you can't know what you are."
"Maybe I don't know what I am, but I do know who I am."

"Lunch time!" Michael announces, he and Calum walking into the living room each with a plate of Chinese takeaway. "Shall we stay on the couch?"
"Please." Luke groans desperately. They all eat in near silence, enjoying the food Michael went to all the effort of ordering and then putting on plates. Calum and Ashton don't stick around too long, letting Michael and sick Luke have a little bit more alone time before Luke is due to go home. They depart with the promise to let Michael and Luke see their new house as soon as they're back from New York and Tokyo.

"I think you should go to a doctor." Michael breaks the silence once Luke is comfortably settled in his lap, both of them now under blankets on the couch.
"It's crossed my mind." Luke leans his head on Michael's chest.
"It's random and unexplained, you should talk to some medical professional. Better to be safe than sorry."
"I visited the school nurse twice this week." Luke hums.
"Your school has a nurse?" The dom raises his eyebrows.
"Sorta. She's a teacher but did the first two years of a nursing degree before she changed to teaching. She teaches the grade one's, we'd never met before." Luke explains.
"And did she say anything?"
"No, there's not a lot she could do."

"Do you want me to take you to the doctor  tomorrow after school?" Michael asks.
"I'll go with Sez but I'll call you straight after. Promise." Luke cranes his neck up to kiss the older's stubble.
"Sez is Sierra?"
"Of course. I only have one friend." Luke laughs. "One close friend at least."

A/N: you have all been so so lovely in the comments it means a lot to me to know that you care, don't forget that it's all right back at you and you can talk to me anytime. I can't really go outside at the moment because of the bushfire smoke but I promise I'm okay otherwise.

Lots of love (my fingers just wrote lots of Luke smh but also mood) and there's lots happening in the following updates this week, I can't wait :)

-Grace Williams xo

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