Chapter eighty one

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"Is your lawyer any good?" Michael asks Calum casually over the phone a few days later.
"Of course. Is your's not?" Calum replies confusedly.
"Mine are great but I need another one." The older shrugs.
"For what purpose exactly?"
"I need a lawyer who specialises in relationship law." Michael sighs.
"Is that a thing?" Calum wonders.
"I don't even know, I just need one."
"Mind telling me what this is about?" Calum presses.

"So we know Luke and I are soulmates," Michael starts to explain, "and we need a relationship contract, but that's not legal because he's a minor. I'd rather go through the official channels of getting an exemption than be on the front page of the papers for an illegal contract with a minor."
"I see. And you don't even know what the official channels are." Calum hums.
"Precisely. It's a government department, it's not like they advertise 'how to make a relationship work when you meet your soulmate before you're supposed to'."
"I'm sorry I can't help, just google good family lawyers? Contract law? Just talk to a big firm and they should be able to find someone. Who knows, you might not even need a lawyer." Calum supplies.
"You're right, thanks. Hopefully it all works out, I'll keep you posted and we can chat more over the weekend." Michael says gratefully.
"Of course, anytime. See you then."

"Jeanette." Michael calls out as the call with Calum ends.
"There's a big firm round the corner who claim to have at least one lawyer capable of every possible case." Jeanette replies, not stopping typing whatever she was in the middle of for even a second.
"You're a gem." Michael smiles.
"Do you want to call and explain the issue or shall I?" She hums.
"I'll do it, what are they called?"
"Wayward Lawyers."

Michael ends up having a very lengthy conversation with a paralegal about his issue and the man on the other end just hums a lot, emphatically agreeing that it's a unique case. Even if Michael isn't convinced that the paralegal is actually on his side.
"We will have a lawyer who can help you, that's a promise. However availability of lawyers varies, especially after hours, so you won't know who your lawyer is until you come in; is that alright?" The man over the phone asks.
"That's no worries at all but will it be the same lawyer for my whole case?" Michael queries.
"Of course. Would you like to book an appointment now?"
"Yes please, just for as soon as possible." Michael replies keenly.
"We have a slot for tonight at 6:15?" The man offers.
"Sounds fantastic, I'll be there."

The call ends and Michael can barely contain his excitement. He's one step closer to being legal with Luke. He bounces a little in his seat, barely noticing he's doing it, until Jeanette snaps at him.
"Stop that bouncing, it's driving me insane."
"Sorry." Michael squeaks quickly, starting to text Luke as a distraction.

Michael - Luke: I'm meeting with a lawyer tonight. We're going to have an official contract. Promise.

Luke - Michael: That's so exciting! I can't wait!

Michael - Luke: Neither ❤️

Luke - Michael: Call afterwards?

Michael - Luke: Of course baby, around 7 or so

Luke - Michael: Great, just text me xx

Michael - Luke: Will do xoxoxo

The day goes quickly, even though Michael stays till 6 to cut out the hassle of going home before the appointment with the lawyer.
"Good luck tonight," Jeanette says as they ride the lift down to the ground together.
"Thanks. Hopefully the process is going to be relatively easy." Michael answers gratefully.
"That's what we all want." Jeanette sighs, waving as they part ways at the front door.

Michael likes to walk through the city, which is one of the reasons he lives in the middle of it. He finds it helps clear his head. He strolls confidently and comfortably into the building and makes his way to the floors that the law firm operate from. He gets through reception and it's not long before he's welcomed into a pretty decent sized office by a man well into his 50's. He wore a simple gold collar and Michael smiles inside, liking seeing submissive's with good careers. Maybe equality was better than it used to be but it was still far from where it needed to be.
"I'm Ed, nice to meet you."
"Mike." They shake hands and Michael immediately takes note of how casual the encounter is thus far. He's won't make a judgement call yet but this relaxed attitude is a little off putting given he's in a law firm.

"What can I do for you?" The older asks as they sit across from each other, his desk in the middle.
"I need a relationship contract with my 17-year-old submissive to be legal." Michael says simply.
"Right." Ed takes a deep breath. "No promises here but I'll do what I can. Why don't you tell me a little more about your situation?"
"I got him pregnant, that's the clear proof we have that we're soulmates." Michael adds.
"This certainly is interesting." Ed hums. "And is a legal contract the only thing you want?"
"We believe so. Unless there's something else you recommend? We want our relationship to be recognised in the eyes of the law, especially as our child is due to be born before my sub turns 18."

"Your case certainly has merit Mike. Though I wouldn't think until a paternity test is confirmed, but they're easy. Even before birth. However, I don't believe I'll be able to help you." Ed sighs regretfully.
"Why not?" Michael clenches his teeth a little.
"What's your submissive's name?" Ed says softly.
"Is that relevant?" Michael raises an eyebrow defensively.
"Potentially. If the name is Luke Hemmings." He replies far too casually given the weight of the statement. Michael inhales sharply.
"There's a conflict of interest, Michael Clifford. My name is Edwin Hemmings. Pleasure to meet you."
"Hemmings?!" Michael chokes, suddenly feeling faint.

"It would seem this is the consequence of Luke not wanting to introduce us properly sooner. And I just didn't realise it was you sooner because I didn't know what you look like."
"I can't believe this." Michael mutters, holding his head in his hands.

A/N: oops Luke's mother is here (read 77 for context of how Luke's family works) isn't that exciting, love y'all :)

-Grace Williams xo

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