Chapter three

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Name: Calum Thomas Hood
Position: Dominant
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 22
Birthday: January 25th
Height: 6' 1"
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Brown
Build: Muscular

Ashton has just finished staring at his dom's profile when the door to his left is opened.

"Calum, this is Ashton. Ashton, this is Calum." Ashton gets it. He didn't get it before. Up until 3 seconds ago he was in denial about his submissive status but, as he's been assured, fate and destiny are never wrong. Now he could see why. It's not like he suddenly knew how to be a submissive (given he was preparing for the complete opposite) but placed in front of the dominant that the universe decided was his soulmate, things just felt right.

"Ashton." Calum's voice cut through the air and Ashton is completely beside himself. He has no idea how to conduct himself. He stays silent and looks at the floor. Calum had perhaps been expecting a more submissive submissive, not one that for 18 years thought he was a dominant, but the universe had given him something. He wanted nothing more than to endlessly care and guide for this boy in front of him. "May we have a moment alone?" Calum inquires.
"Of course, take all the time you need." Irma smiles as she and Elyse leave the room.

"Ashton." The younger boy still doesn't move. Calum waits a moment before continuing. "You look stressed darling. Relax. Tell me what's going through your head."
"I-" Ashton looks up nervously and begins to choke on his words.
"Relax." Calum whispers, pressing both his hands to Ashton's chest in a calming act of reassurance. "Take all the time you need. Talk to me."

"I always just assumed I was a dominant. Up until two minutes ago I was in denial, ready to get mad at the system for being wrong, but then I saw you. I have no idea what to do or why I'm feeling the way I am. Please don't be mad at me." Ashton seems close to tears and Calum was determined to not let that happen.
"I'm not mad at you at all sweetheart." Calum says in the calmest voice he has in him. "Let's take a step back. Do feel comfortable telling me why you assumed you were a dominant?"
"Yeah, I- uh." Ashton hiccuped. "Part of it was just my frame I guess, I'm not exactly small. I'm bigger than many dominants, you would never expect someone of my size to be a sub. Then I guess I've just always had a caring role. I didn't have a dad growing up, then I helped raise my brother and sister."

"How did you caring for your family make me feel? Did you feel like someone should be caring for you?"
"I took it as my duty. I wanted to give them everything. It got exhausting and stressful at times but I suppose that's inevitable. Sometimes I wanted someone to care for me but I figured that was either just what being a dom was like or that the feeling would be okay when I met my submissive and had a more fulfilling and focussed relationship."

"It's not inevitable. When a dominant guides, cares for, and protects others, it is fulfilling for them. A submissive is fulfilled when they have someone caring for them and they return the favour by making their dominant or carer happy in other ways. Submissives feel overwhelmed by too much responsibility and decisions they didn't ask for, when their needs of comfort and safety aren't being met."
"Oh." Ashton says barely audibly. "That explains a lot."

"I'm glad to hear that and hopefully I can help you comes to terms with everything that's happening, that's my job. Now, do you want to talk about how you felt when I came in here?"
"I felt submissive." Ashton mumbles like he's embarrassed and shouldn't feel anything close to submissive. "Every little ounce of submission I've felt as a slight itch over the years and subconsciously suppressed came to me so fast. Things felt right but also overwhelming."
"I'm very glad to hear that things felt right, they did for me too. As for the overwhelming, it is my duty to make you feel better. Because this is all new for you and a lot to process, we're going to take things slow. Tell me about yourself and what you do." Calum says, taking a seat across from Ashton where Irma previously was.

"I'm in year 12, graduate in November."
"That's nice, what do you wanna do next year?"
"I don't really know anymore, I feel like this whole submissive thing changes everything." Ashton voices drops in volume. All the nerves and uncertainty he's felt over the years and assumed he felt because, well, he's human, he's now starting to think might have been in part due to his submissive nature.

"Why would it change everything?" Calum asks, confused and slightly worried.
"Well, I don't really know how this thing works. Don't you like, decide what I do?" Ashton's mumbling now.
"Of course not, it's not the 1950's. You can do just about anything and I'll support you. An hour ago, what were your plans for after high school?" Calum reassures his sub, mentally noting that Elyse was right. This might be more work but he's positive it will turn out very rewarding. They were soulmates after all.
"Well I was just gonna do you whatever could provide for me and my sub." This boy was a mess.

"Ashton," The younger boy looks up nervously. Had he overstepped a line? "I'm getting the impression that you were, in some way and not necessarily intentionally, pressured into being a dominant even though it felt unnatural to you." Calum's careful to not upset him.
"That... that sounds kind of right." Ashton replies hesitantly.

"I'm glad that we've covered that, now I hope that I can help make things clearer for you. Did you ever imagine what you expected your submissive to be or how you would approach things with them?"
"No." Ashton's eyes dart the room. "It didn't feel right, I assumed it would later."
"That's perfectly alright. We're going to take small steps. How about I take you home and we can meet again soon? You can message and talk to me anytime, I just don't want to overwhelm you. I want to give you space and time to think and process what this means and what our relationship will be."
"Oh. Okay."
"Wonderful, let me drive you home."

Calum and Ashton stand up and make their way towards the door, Ashton looking and feeling incredibly nervous. Calum notices and grabs his hand, entwining their fingers.
"Dominants feel their best when caring for others. There's nothing I want more than to make you feel safe and happy." Calum smiles and Ashton shyly returns it.

A/N: These early chapters still feel a little cringe for me but it's getting better I swear. I hope you liked this, there will probably be a mid week update again!

Love you all so much thanks for the love and support so far it means a ton :)

-Grace Williams xo

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