Chapter sixteen

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When Calum and Ashton get back to Calum's house, Ashton carries in dinner and Calum grabs the younger's bag. They wordlessly get out plates and cutlery and drinks for dinner and everything just feels so domestic and natural.

"So um," Ashton breaks the silence as he swallows a mouthful of fried rice. Calum's looks up and hums in acknowledgement. "You said you wanted to tell me why you visited Mr Riersack in person. I'm here." Ashton is nervous because there's significant part of him that doesn't want to know the answer. A lot of him has some idea but he hates that too.
"I'm sure it won't surprise I was there about the bullying situation. I told you I would sort it." Calum sighs.
"And did you? Because, yeah... we know it got worse." Ashton mumbles, perhaps a little too bitterly than is fair. Calum just takes a deep breath. He knows the Ashton is having it hard right now and he needs to be considerate of that.

"I told him that I told you I was your dominant first and foremost. I also told him that my actions should reflect that. Hence, my actions." Calum replies, still dancing around the bombshell that he might pull Ashton out of school.
"Which were... what were your actions?" Ashton eggs on.
"Nothing is finalised and that's why I'm talking about this with you. I didn't make any official decisions. Know that I just want you happy and safe."
"What did you do?" Ashton whispers, truly terrified and expecting the worst.
"Nothing yet, as I said, but I told him... that if the situation isn't a lot better by the end of this week then I'll pull you from school."

Ashton's fork clatters to his plate and his mouth falls open in shock. He had no idea what he was expecting but that wasn't it.
"I- what?!" Ashton wheezes.
"I mean that-"
"I'm about to graduate!" Ashton panics.
"I mean that," Calum says again, voice firmer and eyes darker. "You will still graduate. I strongly value your education. You just won't attend school. You can do your school work and study at home using your textbooks and things and I can get you private tutors if you need them. You'll only go back to school to actually sit your exams."
"I just need some air." Ashton squeaks, standing up from the table and going downstairs to go into the yard.

Calum sighs and waits. He supposes he should have expected a reaction like this. After five minutes of watching Ashton's dinner go cold he picks up both their plates and follows.

"Didn't want your dinner going cold." Calum says, handing Ashton his plate and shivering a little at the winter air in the alfresco. Ashton nods as a thank you and starts eating but he doesn't say anything. "It's cold out here." Calum mumbles. It's another couple of minutes before Ashton opens his mouth to speak.
"I'm sorry for running."
"You didn't run. You calmly walked away. You told me where you were going. I just gave you a big bombshell. I'm not mad at you at all, if that's what you're thinking. I told you, we're equals. I respect your need for space. Just tell me when you're ready to continue the conversation." Calum says, voice level as he looks into Ashton's eyes and tries to say more than what his words can.

"I wasn't scared because I don't want it. I'm scared by how much I do want it." Ashton eventually says. Calum decides to keep looking out at the harbour as Ashton speaks, not wanting to put too much pressure on his sub.
"That's okay Ashton." Calum says slowly. "We will work this out. The one thing I've learnt in life and business is that creating life and taking away life are the only two things you can never take back. Everything else can be fixed or changed. Nothing we do has to be permanent. You could be at home next week and decide you hate it more then go back the week after."
"Then yes." Ashton breathes out.
"What?!" Calum sputters, it now being his turn to be shocked.

"Then I agree to this for now. I might only have three more days so let's pull out all the stops and if none of this works then next week, I don't have school." Ashton says determinedly.
"You still have school work to do, I told you you're graduating no matter what." Calum replies matter of factly.
"Yeah, but not school school. No alarms." Ashton giggles and Calum can't help the way his heart bursts at the sight and sound of it. He walks around the tables and engulfs Ashton in a big hug. They seem to melt into one another in a complimentary way.

They soon agree to go back inside because the late July Sydney weather is a bit too unforgiving, especially in the evenings. It's still early but they decide to start getting ready for bed anyway, in part because of their early morning tomorrow.

"I-" Ashton reaches a hand out to Calum's as they're walking up the stairs.
"What is it Darling?" Calum turns around.
"I-" Ashton squeaks. "I wanna sleep in your bed." He says meakly with a blushes. Calum's face crumbles into a fond smile.
"I would be honoured. Grab your bag from your room then come join me. Get changed wherever you feel comfortable." Calum says softly and Ashton blush deepens as he bounds past his dom up the stairs and into his room.

Ashton walks shyly into Calum's bedroom ten minutes later to find Calum already in a black singlet against the velvet head board.
"I already got changed." He says, tentatively approaching the large bed.
"That's fine Ash, come join me." Calum smiles.

Ashton and Calum softly talk as they look out at the lights of Sydney and the ripples of the water in the harbour. Over time they shift closer and before too long Ashton has his head on his dom's chest and Calum has his arms around the younger boy. They both feel content and comfortable and at peace.

A/N: Heyyyy, I know I was supposed to update on Thursday. I'm so sorry, I'm just going through some personal/family problems at the moment. I wanna keep posting for you guys though and writing is providing me with a good distraction. All the love always :)

-Grace Williams xo

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