Chapter 46

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more Louis shining through in this one :)

also, I'm staring the Peter Pan story soon, it's called Lost Boy and it'll be up on my profile soon! so keep a look out for it!




Louis’ POV

Seeing Daniel on the news sent me into a world of panic. I couldn’t breath, I couldn’t control myself, I had no idea what I was doing. It completely caught me off guard and freaked me the fuck out. I had been avoiding that name and that specific date for the past five years now, after all that time, it was a repressed memory I really didn’t want to relive.

I was just thankful that Harry was there to help me. I don’ know why, but his soothing voice just cut through the ciaos in my mind and brought me back to reality. No one else had ever been able to do that.

After I’d calmed down, I could tell he had questions that he wasn’t voicing, but I couldn’t bring myself to answer them. It would scare him away and I couldn’t bear to lose him, not now that I’ve gotten to know him and realised how much I need him.

“You feeling better?” He asked me as I sat next to him at the dinner table, slightly leaning on his shoulder as we ate.

I nodded, but didn’t look up at him. I just ate another mouthful, not wanting him to see my red face.

“Good,” He said softly, kissing my head and making me feel safe as we continued to eat in silence.

After we finished, we went back to the lounge room and put on a movie, Harry being careful to avoid any news stations.

He held me close and securely in his arms, as if I was going to break at any second as we watched God knows what. I wasn’t paying any attention to it as Dan’s face filled my thoughts.

I could feel the guilt slipping back in, slowly crushing me like it did last time. I tried to ignore it, put the pain slowly pulled me under again. I don’t remember much, only that I fell asleep to the steady beating of Harry’s heart as I silently cried against his chest, the lasting images of the past five years that have haunted me playing in my head.


The following morning, Harry gently woke me as he shook my shoulder.

“Louis,” He sang as he stroked my cheek with a thumb. “C’mon, we gotta go to work.”

I moved a little, stretching my arms above a blanket that had appeared over me before rubbing my eyes and slowly opening them.

I squinted to see Harry kneeling beside the couch I was still on, fully dressed and ready to go as he smiled fondly at me.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” He laughed as I sat up sleepily. “It’s nearly 8, we have to go in a bit if we’re going to make it on time.”

I groaned and swung my legs down so I was sitting normally on the couch, before putting my head in my hands and running my fingers through my hair.

I took a deep breath and wiped my face. “M’kay.” I mumbled and slowly looked up at him.

He grinned back and took both of my hands, helping me stand up before leading me to the kitchen.

“Tea, right?” He asked me, remembering from the last time I was there. “You want me to make you some tea?”

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