Chapter Sixty Five

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Chapter Sixty Five

The Gold District - The Day of the Wedding

Lex adjusted his gold and silver griffin cuff links as he stood at the door of the church. He didn't turn around as his wife, Elisa, approached. "I can't believe Kaelen had an entire church transported from Nah'Bye for this damn farce of a wedding."

"Hush before someone hears you," reprimanded Elisa as she patted him on the arm.

"I don't care if someone hears me," exhaled Lex angrily while he shook her hand away. "Even after what Sebastian said she'd done to Xara -." Lex scowled while he stared ahead of him, "The whole room had to be decontaminated and he still- ."

Elisa turned Lex to face her forcibly as she placed her hands on his shoulders and shook him to emphasis her next words. "Mind your own business."

"He's changed so much," continued Lex more to himself then to Elisa. "He used to be -."

"What are you two talking about," smiled Kevin as he walked to stand beside them from the interior of the church.

Elisa smiled politely while she smoothed her hands over the folds of her rose colored dress. "We were discussing how gray the sky is today." Elisa took a deep breath before she continued politely, "In the weeks we've been on Ah'Taria I can't remember a day where the sun wasn't shining and the sky wasn't blue with big fluffy white clouds."

Kevin turned his gaze from the beautifully designed interior of the church to look at the sky, "Yes indeed. A dismal day for a wedding isn't it?"

Lex stared contemptuously from the black and silver interior to Kevin before he looked away. "Even the gods are against this wedding," mumbled Lex.

"Hmm," hummed Kevin with an amused smirk. "Did you say something?"

"He didn't," rushed Elisa. "He didn't say anything," nodded Elisa with a warning look toward Lex. Elisa placed her right hand on Lex's shoulder and her left on her stomach. "Lex is just excited. This is the first off world wedding we've ever attended."

"I think you both are in for a treat," nodded Kevin as he stared out at the vibrant green grass of the Water District. "I believe this wedding will go down in infamy."

Lex released a pent up breath and smiled as two people came up the ivory stairs of the church toward where he stood. He stared blankly at the hand that was held out to him before he took it and presented a fake smile. "On behalf of the groom and his family thank you for attending," murmured Lex reluctantly.

Kevin released an amused chuckle, "Sound more like you mean it."

Lex watched as the couple moved into the church before he gave Kevin his full attention. "No," responded Lex bluntly, "I don't want to."

"Lex," whispered Elisa as she clutched his arm. "Leave it be and be quiet."

"I will not," growled Lex quietly. Lex attempted to shake her hands off as he glared at the amused Kevin. "I've been still long enough," fumed Lex.

"Lex," screech/whispered Elisa tightening hey grip. "Be quiet and -," Elisa words trailed off as she gazed in disbelief. "Midas," frowned Elisa.

"What," asked Lex with a confused expression. He moved his gaze from a smug faced Kevin to stare at his wife with a puzzled expression before he followed her extended arm. His expression turned to shocked disbelief as his brown eyes took in their old lover. "Midas," scowled Lex. "Why are you here?"

"Why else would I be here," smiled Midas confidently from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm here to beg for my lover to take me back."

"I told you," frowned Lex as he started down the stairs. "That I -."

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