(Got7) Yugyeom X Male Reader ~Liar~

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Bio: Yugyeom kept lying to you and you want to know the truth.
*Author's POV* The day was just another boring day, Y/N and Yugyeom sitting in their bedroom, bored out of their minds not knowing what to do but just sit on their phones. Y/N wondered who Yugyeom was talking to making him laugh. But he didn't want to annoy him or get in the way.

After a hour later, Yugyeom got up from the bed and began getting dressed "Hey, were are you going?" Y/N asked "Oh I'm just going to have dinner with my members they wanted to celebrate for something i forgot" Yugyeom said but he was sweating. 'Nervous much?' Y/N thought to himself "Okay then, have fun I guess" Y/N said and Yugyeom quickly left the house rushing out as fast as he can. Y/N sighed to himself 'He must be lying to me, this is the like what, the 7th time he done something like this' Y/N thought to himself.

Y/N decided to ignore it and just went through his phone, then he got a text message from his very close friend Y/F/N.

Y/F/N: Hey, do you wanna go out and get drinks?

Y/N: Sure, mostly since I have nothing to do in this boring house

Y/F/N: Where's Yugyeom?

Y/N: He's having dinner with his members for something special that he doesn't remember

Y/F/N: Oh okay, well get dressed and I'll pick you up

Then Y/N got himself ready and wanted for his friend to pick him up, after a few minutes later Y/N got a message saying that his friend was here. Y/N got his stuff and left the house. The two went to the club and they began having fun and drinking. While Y/N was trying to talk with his friend he saw Yugyeom grinding on another girl with a huge smile on his face. Y/N felt hurt and betrayed. "Hey, what are you looking at?" Y/F/N asked and turned to the direction Y/N was looking and also found Yugyeom.

"Let's go he's not worth your time" Y/F/N said and Y/N nods not trying to have a fight. After Y/F/N dropped Y/N off. Y/N immediately walked inside his house and started packing up Yugyeoms things. After he finished he took all his bags and puts them in the living and waitied for Yugyeom to walk through the door. An hour later Yugyeom walked through the door, "I told you to not wait for me when I get home, and what's up with all these bags?" Yugyeom asked "I waitied for you just so you can get your stuff and get out" Y/N said "What are you talking about? Do you know what you're saying right now?" Yugyeom asked.

"Don't play dumb. I know you're cheating on me. I'm not here to have a fight because I give up trying to save this bullshit of a relationship, so take your bags and leave" Y/N said "Really? Prove that I was cheating on you" Yugyeom said "Why do you have lipstick marks all over your neck, it's easy to see if you wanted to hide something you could've at least tried. Your fly is down you can see a boner should've gotten your girlfriend to help and you look a hot ass mess" Y/N said "Also don't try and lie and say you were out with your members while I waited for you to get home, I called them and they said you have nothing to celebrate and you're lying. I also was at your favorite club you love to go to and I saw you grinding on some girl" Y/N said.

"So there is nothing to argue for or play dumb, so grab you shit and get out and don't come back" Y/N said "Y/N please, I won't do this ever again. I'm sorry" Yugyeom said "You're sorry? I know for a fact that this must've gone on for months now, I can guess cause how you acted towards me, I can't give you any chances, so leave and don't come back" Y/N said and Yugyeom listened and grabbed his bags and left.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though I didn't put effort in it, I didn't care as much.

Thanks for ready ~ Mochichimine ♡

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