(NCT) Doyoung X Male Reader ~Roommates~ Pt.1

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Bio: You and Doyoung used to be friends. Now years later you're both roommates.

This was requested I hope I did well.
*Author's POV* Y/N was packing because it would his first day in college. It took Y/N a long time to convince his dad to go to college and to share a dorm. Once Y/N was finally done with packing he went to his dads car and drove him to the college. Y/N got to his college and he got his bags. Y/N walked into the school and went to the front desk. "Hello and welcome, how can I help you" The lady said in the front desk. "Hi I'm Kim Y/N, I was suppose to get my keys to my dorm" Y/N said "Oh I have your key right here, your room is 207 on the second floor" The lady said and gave Y/N his key. "Thank you" Y/N said and went up to his dorm room. Once Y/N finally got to his dorm he used his key and unlocked the door.

He didn't see anyone but he looked at the other side of the door and saw a man bed and a small desk already done. So he knows his roommate was already in the dorm and got done with his unpacking. So Y/N began unpacking getting himself ready. After a few hours later Y/N was done unpacking. Y/N had nothing to do so he decided to walk around the school so he can know were to be when he had to go to class which is in three days. While Y/N was walking around he saw someone, 'why does he look so familiar' Y/N thought to himself. But he kept walking. 'I swear I know him from somewhere' Y/N thought to himself. Then it finally hit Y/N it was Kim Doyoung. Y/N couldn't believe he had to see Doyoung again. After all the hell Doyoung gave to Y/N.

Doyoung picked popularity over Y/N. Doyoung wanted to be popular while Y/N never cared about being popular as long as if he had Doyoung by his side he would be okay. Well Doyoung met the wrong people and told him to not hang out with Y/N anymore and they began bullying Y/N. They'd dump drinks on him, throw his books all over the hallways, and even threw his bookbag in the garbage. Y/N couldn't take the torture anymore but he had to wait, he was happy that the final week of school was over. Months later he sees Doyoung. Hanging out with the same people who bullied him. Y/N is shocked of even seeing Doyoung or those group of people.

While Y/N was walking back to his dorm he bumped into someone making them drop their papers they had in a notebook. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention" Y/N said helped the person picking up their papers. "It's okay I wasn't paying any attention" The person said. Once they both finished picking up the papers Y/N saw it was his friend Mark Lee. "Y/N?" Mark said with excitement in his voice and smiled. Mark went and hugged Y/N and Y/N hugged back. "I never knew you wanted to go here" Mark said "At least I won't be alone now" Mark added "Yeah, a lot of people from last year are attending here" Y/N said "Yeah, but do you know who your roommate is?" Mark asked "No I don't know who my roommate is when I got to my dorm no one was in there but they unpacked their things" Y/N said "Yeah I don't know who my roommate is the room was completely empty" Mark said "Oh, well lets get something to drink" Y/N said Mark nods and they both get smoothies and they see if they did anything during the summer. 

After a few more hours Y/N went back to the dorm. While he was walking to his dorm he saw Doyoung again. But Y/N just kept walking. Y/N finally got to his dorm. Y/N went and sat down on his bed and started going through his social media. After a few more hours later Y/N can hear keys and the door opening Y/N looked up from his phone when the door opened and saw Doyoung which shocked Y/N. "Oh well isn't it Y/N, wow you seem different, you're not as ugly as before" Doyoung said and laughed Y/N only glared at Doyoung. 

"As that little baby glare is gonna do nothing but make me beat the living shit out of you, just because we're not in high school doesn't mean I changed I still hate you Kim Y/N" Doyoung said "Why do you hate me so much? We were best friends since we were kids and now you have a dying hate on me, what have I ever done to make you like this?" Y/N said knowing he is not gonna get a answer out of it "You're nothing but a fag trying to suck off every guy off on the campus, I heard what you did why would I ever want to be friends with some whore" Doyoung said "But I never done anything for what you're hearing, all through out high school I haven't even gone on one date I only hanged out with you until you wanted to get popular but don't worry, one day all that is going to change those friends of yours is going to leave you in the dirt and you'll have no one left" Y/N said and got up from the bed.

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