(Got7) Jackson X Male Reader~Treated~

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Bio: Jackson was dating your best friend Y/F/N, Jackson thinks you are trying to get in the way while your friend thinks everything is ok. Will Jackson treat you right or will he try to get rid of you??

I don't really know how i thought of this but i got an idea and threw it in the book sooooo enjoy the chapter.



Today i was going to Y/F/N house, she was going to be with Jackson today and she wanted the three of us to hang out, even though i would feel like a third-wheel or i would just be in the way. But she told nothing would happen and she just wants me to have fun with her. But her boyfriend he doesn't like me. Most likely he thinks i'm straight when really i am gay. He would really say rude things to me telling me to stay away from my best friend even though i knew her way longer then how long they dated.

If you ask me i think it's complete bullshit. So i stay away from her so i don't get hurt, i don't want to tell Y/F/N about what's going on because one it could ruin her happiness or she won't believe and she'll hate me forever so i keep it to myself and let her be happy.

I knock on her door and wait for her. The door opens and i saw Jackson, he smile was gone when he saw me "What the hell are you doing here" Jackson asked "Y/F/N asked me to come over" I said "Really or are you just trying to get in her pants" Jackson said "I understand that you are trying to protect her, but i'm not the one you should be worried about" I said "Oh really? Why" Jackson said "Because i'm gay jackass, so don't even try giving me of a harder time than i already have, i like guys not girls, pussy is not my cup of tea" I said and rolled my eyes "Why should i believe you" Jackson said "Number one you can ask her, i've been gay for like what 4 years so screw yourself, now stop bothering me so i can do whatever i have to do and not be bothered by you" I said i then saw Y/F/N as she saw me she smiled and pulled my arm making me come inside her house.

"So what are we going to do today" I asked "I was thinking we should go to the mall and do some shopping or we can go to the ice cream shop, i have a lot of plans today as usual" She said. I just nod, she then looks over at Jackson who kinda looks like he still has a shock look at what i told him. 'Wow him being cocky took the best of him' i thought to myself "Alright, are you guys ready" Jackson asked "Oh wait, i have to get my jacket and purse before me go hold on" she said and ran back upstairs to get her things.

"Look i'm sorry for what i said to you i didn't know you where gay" Jackson said "That's ok, believe me this isn't the first time i went through this, most of her boyfriends thought i was straight or i had a girlfriend until they asked me the details of my life" I said and giggled a little as i saw Jackson smiled "Well at least i'm not alone to think that" Jackson said and i just shaked my head "Don't worry i'm not trying to take her away from you" I said and Jackson nods and smiled right when we got done with our conversation Y/F/N came downstairs "Ok i'm ready now, let's leave" she said we nod and we left the house.

We all had a fun time, and lucky that now me and Jackson are friends and we are on good terms.

*Skip To Now 9 Months*

Me and Y/F/N where hanging out because she said she was a little sad, so i wanted to hanged out with her to see what's the matter. "Hey, now tell me what's the matter" i said "Well Y/N me and Jackson broke up" she said "What why" i said "He confessed and said he's gay, and he has feelings for someone else" She said "Oh wow, are you mad about that?" i asked "Well not really i support him no matter what, he also told me who he liked and now i understand why" she said so i gave her a questioned look, "So who does he like" i asked "Y/N he fell for you, he gives you love eyes, now i'm just going to say this before you say something. I'm ok if you two date, i can't stop your dating lives, i think you both will make the best couple i've ever seen, i'm not mad but i'm happy for Jackson, and if you date him, i hope you both have the best of lives" she said and smiled at me. "But what makes you think i would date him" I said "Y/N i know you like him too i see the way you look at him or i overheard you talking to your other friend saying you fell for him too but you think it's wrong believe me it's normal and it wasn't gonna hurt me" she said i looked at her shocked, for one reason of how she overheard me talking about Jackson and she could've just came in and start yelling at me also how she can see if someone is in love or not.

"Wow i never thought you would caught all of that" i said and she just nods, "But i'm not mad you both have my support, i'm just upset that you two didn't tell me anything" she said "Well maybe we thought you would be mad at us and never talk with us again" i said "Well Y/N you should know that i don't mad very easily, it wasn't that strong it was just a little sad" she said and i nod she's right she doesn't get upset the easy. We hanged out for a few more hours then i went home. As i got home i sat down on the couch about to watch TV until i hear someone knocking on my door. I got up and opened the door and saw Jackson "Hi Y/N can i come in we need to talk" Jackson said i nod and let him in. We both sat down on the couch and i look at Jackson waiting for him to say whatever he has to say. "Jackson before you say anything i know everything" i said he look at me shocked "How" Jackson "Well Y/F/N told me that you came out and you two broke up and that you also like me and she gives out full support" i said "Oh that's not everything, she didn't tell you that she told me that you like me" Jackson said "Oh wow" i said "I also wanted to ask you if this went well if you would like to go on a date with me" Jackson said

"I would like that" i said while nodding "Great on Saturday?" Jackson asked and i nod. We both got up and i walked Jackson to the door "Well Y/N have a great night" Jackson said "I sure will" I said and kissed Jackson one the cheek and he left. "He's such a dork" i said to myself and laughed

Months and months later me and Jackson did become a couple and we where a happy couple Y/F/N found herself another boyfriend and she is happy for me and Jackson and we lived our happy lives.


I hope all enjoyed this chapter i sure didn't like it, but i did it anyways.

Thanks for reading~Mochichimine ❤

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