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Hello, Mochi here,

I wanna start off by saying thanks for liking my book, but I believe I might discontinue my book so I can focus on other things and I mean discontinue my entire account for now, I don't know how long but I just need a break because I write a lot and it's affecting a lot of things, like my school work, my stress and I'm beginning to feel over whelmed, so a break might help me.

So all my books are discontinued for now maybe for a month or so, even for those who request on one of the books that will also be put on hold, I am sorry for that but I will be editing chapters and stuff like that but it won't be published yet, if I discountined the book but you still want a request I will reply saying I will get your chapter done but it'll be published later. Even on my other account called CxerryTae will be discountined as well because I am working on some books over there too because I just want that plain and boring account to be just sitting there.

Thanks for reading and see you soon ~ Mochichimine💜

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