(Astro) Eunwoo X Male Reader ~Best Friends~

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Bio: You and Eunwoo were both best friends until you both began having feelings for each other.

This was requested I hope I did well.
*Author's POV* It was a normal day for Y/N and Eunwoo, they were just sitting in Y/N's bedroom watching TV together. But Eunwoo was to busy texting his girlfriend laughing a storm off. "Come on Eunwoo you said you wanted to watch this movie so let's watch it," Y/N said he was very jealous that he is texting his girlfriend. "Y/N you know I have to text Emily or she'll get upset and she'll think I'm cheating on her" Eunwoo said "It shouldn't matter she knows you're over here so stop worrying so much and watch this movie, I didn't just buy this movie for you to be texting Emily" Y/N said "Y/N you don't understand" Eunwoo said "Yeah You're right I don't. understand why you have to text her every time you're over here. You said you wanted to see this movie so I got it just so we can watch it" Y/N said "Y/N stop being such a drama queen okay? I'm watching the movie" Eunwoo said and continued texting his girlfriend.

Y/N rolled his eyes and got up to make more popcorn. 'What's so special about her anyway' Y/N thought to himself. Eunwoo felt guilty so he walked downstairs to say he's sorry. Once he found Y/N who is sitting on the counter on his phone he walked up to him and grabbed his phone out of his hand putting it on the counter. "I'm sorry for being on my phone, I know I've been wanting to watch this movie for a long time and thank you for buying it for me," Eunwoo said "It's okay," Y/N said. "You go back to the room I'll have to wait for the popcorn" Y/N said he was still upset, not at Eunwoo but at the fact about him being in a relationship with that Emily girl. 'How is Eunwoo even interested in her anyway? I thought he never liked her, I guess she just kept wearing tight clothes showing off her body again as she does to every dude's Y/N thought to himself.

Eunwoo can tell something is running through Y/N's head but he leaves Y/N alone by not asking any questions. Eunwoo walked upstairs. Y/N takes a deep breath and got back on his phone texting his friend Y/F/N.


Y/F/N: Hey I think you might like this info

You: What are you talking about?

Y/F/N: You know trying to win Eunwoo over Emily

You: No, don't try anything you'll embarrass me and then Eunwoo will hate me for the rest of my life.

Y/F/N: Just let me explain okay!?

You: Fine then explain

Y/F/N: I was out one day partying at my friends and Emily was over there. Normal right? Well she was kissing and grinding on this dude and she took him upstairs to one of the bedrooms the guy she was with did take a picture and posted it on social media, and she left him and claimed she was never at a party and was never with a dude.

You: Did she say she was somewhere else?

Y/F/N: Yeah, she said she was babysitting and she hates kids

You: Okay yeah you gave me that info thanks, but there is no proof even though there is a picture on social media that guy could've deleted that picture and what makes you think Eunwoo would believe me

Y/F/N: Because you're his best friend and you were looking out for him.

You: Sorry but that can never work thanks for trying your best though

Y/N puts down his phone and got the popcorn since it was finished, Y/N grabbed a bowl for the popcorn. After Y/N was done he walked back upstairs in his room and saw Eunwoo sitting on Y/N's bed. Y/N's hands him the popcorn and sat down on the bed. Then Y/N's phone began to vibrate. Y/N picked up his phone and saw that he got a phone from Y/F/N. He unlocked his phone and read the message.


Y/F/N: Guess what I just found out

You: What is it now

Y/F/N: Emily is out with some dude right now

You: Okay how did you find all this information

Y/F/N: Well, one of Emily's "friend" is my friend and she told me what Emily is doing, she is cheating on Eunwoo this is your chance to tell him and you both can date.

You: Maybe that could be a family member you can't be so sure

Y/F/N: Um nope that is her boyfriend.

Y/F/N: Emily's friend said she's been with that dude for two months.

You: And why do you believe her? She could be lying to you for all we know.

Y/F/N: Y/N I am telling you, maybe you should tell this to Eunwoo it's very important that he should know

You: Maybe you should tell him yourself I am not in this issue

You: Look, I have to go thanks for more information that will not help.

Y/N puts down his phone and went back to watching the movie. Eunwoo was concerned about Y/N he thought Y/N was still pissed at him. "Y/N," Eunwoo said Y/N didn't say anything he only looked at Eunwoo, "Look, I'm sorry about the phone issue," Eunwoo said "You already said sorry you don't need to say it again, I forgive you," Y/N said "Then what's on your mind?" Eunwoo asked "Nothing," Y/N said "Then you're upset with me," Eunwoo said "I'm not mad at you, I'm just thinking about a lot right now and I'd rather not talk about it," Y/N said "You would tell me everything, I'm your best friend" Eunwoo said even though it shouldn't but it broke Y/N's heart "Yeah, but sometimes it's better leaving things not said at the moment" Y/N said "Fine, I won't push it any further when you're ready to tell me what's the matter then tell me" Eunwoo said.

When the movie was over Eunwoo left because Emily wanted him to pick her up. While Eunwoo was driving to pick up Emily all he could do was think about Y/N and Y/N only. When Eunwoo went to the location Emily told him to go to and when he saw Emily he saw Emily kissing some guy. Eunwoo was pissed but he drove back to Y/N's house. Eunwoo got to Y/N's house and knocked on his door. Y/N walked downstairs and opened the door and saw Eunwoo. Once Eunwoo saw Y/N he quickly hugs him. "I'm sorry for being an asshole" Eunwoo said which made Y/N shocked "You're not an asshole, you're just a dumbass" Y/N said making Eunwoo laugh. "Shut up and lets just make a moment" Eunwoo said making Y/N laugh "Fine, let's enjoy this moment" Y/N said and hugged Eunwoo back.

"What's the matter? Why did you come back?" Y/N asked "Emily, is cheating on me" Eunwoo said "I'm should've known and to be honest, I knew it was going to happen one day" Eunwoo said "Wow" Y/N said and the two pull apart. "Well, now what?" Y/N asked "Let's watch that movie no one can bother us now" Eunwoo said and grabbed Y/N's hand pulling him upstairs in his room. For the rest of the night the two watched the movie and fell asleep.

*The Next Day*

Y/N and Eunwoo walked to school together and when they did they both saw Emily. She turned and saw Eunwoo and she ran over to him. "Why didn't you pick me up yesterday? You kept me waiting" Emily said "Oh really? Or were you to busy sucking off some other dudes face" Eunwoo said "Babe, what are you talking about?" Emily said acting clueless "Don't act stupid, I caught you last night. It makes sense of course you would do something like that, don't talk to me ever again, Now if you'll excuse me I have to take my boyfriend to his class goodbye" Eunwoo said and took Y/N's hand taking him away. "I'm your boyfriend?" Y/N asked "Of course silly" Eunwoo said "But we never talked about this" Y/N said "How do I explain that I've liked you even when me and Emily were dating" Eunwoo said "You just did" Y/N said "Yeah, and I know you like me too" Eunwoo said and kissed Y/N's cheek.

"How about tonight I take you on date later and we can figure this out okay" Eunwoo said and Y/N's nods and smiles "Okay then, see you later" Y/N said.

Then after school was over they went on a date, the two began and happy couple.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for reading ~ Mochichimine❤

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