the world cup part 1

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"JOSLYN GET UP COME ON GET READY!"  an excited adult leaped into my room throwing my covers off of me. i groaned rolling over ITS BLOODY 3:30 IN THE MORNING!

"why are you waking me up!" "its the world cup! and we are gonna miss it if we dont get to the port key! plus hermionie is at the weasleys and harry is here waiting for you!" 

i shot up "harry?" my dad burst into hysterics "yes lover boy mini James is down stairs" 

he left my room still laughing while i pouted. meanie.

i crossed over to my room and brushed my teeth. i put on my whitw tanktop then my red and blue flannel, i then slipped on shorts then my black vans.

yawning i walked to my bathroom and lazily pit some mascara on letting my hair fall naturly. 

i gabbed my over the shoulder messenger bag that had both me and my fathers clothes in it, it had an undetecable extending charm, but before i left i put on my black belt because these shorts were slightly annoying.

i pushed my door open and descended down the stairs.

"morning sunshine" dad snickered sipping his tea  "morning wheres Harry?" i yawned and he just starting laughing "what?" "harry isnt  here,  he is at the weasleys i just knew that was the only way to get you up!"

i glared at him and grabbed an apple biting into it "hey blue eyes, dont glare at me!" he chuckled and i rolled my eyes but couldnt help but giggling.

"well dad we should get going, its almost four" dad glanced at me from above the rim of his mug "you mean we should get going because you want to see harry?" he smirked placing the mug in the sink. i sort of just walked away and waited for him in the living room.

i never really noticed just how much pictures we had in here, alot of them were of dad and my mum. 

i stood up and gently grabbed a picture. this one was of mum and Lily, they were probally about 6th year in the hall hugging each other laughing. i smiled sadly. she seemed like such a wonderful woman. 

"those two, joined at the hip, if one went one way so did the other" i turned around to see my dad leaning in the door frame "they always had eachothers back" i nodded putting the picture in its rightful place.

"well we should head over" "yeah" we walked into the fireplace after dad slung his backpack onto his back.

"The Burrow" we swirled as the green flames engulfed us and we ended up in the famllar rose scented livingroom "WE'RE HERE!" it was silent for a minute before we heard footsteps stampeding throughout the house then my little sister got down the stairs first "josy!" she ran at me and i hugged her tight "hey gin"

then mionie came down and i race towards her giving her a big hug, then Ron, then the twins.

"Wheres harry?" just then i heard a yawn at the top of the stairs "did someone say joslyn?" he asked with his eyes closed. 

i smirked turning to Ginny "i dont know Gin, did you mention joslyn?" his emerald green eyes snapped open and he jogged down the stairs then wrapped me up in his arms. 

have i ever told you how amazing he smells? i guess thats a bit weird but enh, who cares.

he pulled away and i smiled "ready for the world cup?"  his smile could have lit up all of England 

"i have been looking forward to this since the moment the words left sirius's lips"

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