Already on the toads bad side

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QOTC🌸: do you like the rain better or the sun?

AOTC☔️: the rain, most definitely (it's raining right now 😁)


We have nothing to loose
And a whole world
To see


**Jos P.O.V**

"come on jos we are gonna be late!" Hermione said grabbing my hand and dragging me down the stairs. honestly i wanted to go to Hogwarts but at the same time i didn't want to leave dad. That was the hardest part about leaving because i always missed him so much, he had been so supportive this past summer and i don't think i would have made it with out him. Just yesterday, i had a bit of a breakdown about my 'gift' and he was there for me to pick me up and hold me together, he didnt tell me that i was wrong or dramatic he just held me and told me he was proud and that he loved me. later that night i was walking by the room with our family tree on it when I heard Harry and Dad talking. Harry has been having these horrible nightmares and i had a talk with Hermione and we are worried for him. His moods have been all over the place and his temper flares up. i know he doesnt mean to because he comes and talks to me and tells me how guilty he feels about it. He was telling dad how he thinks that maybe because of this connection with Voldemort he has and after all the things he's been through something went wrong with him and the reason he can see into Voldemorts mind (the nightmares) is because he is becoming like him, which is insane. Dad hugged him comforting him and he said words that i will carry with me for the rest of my life.

"I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and death eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are."

After a little while dad told him the story about how his mom disowned him and burned a hole on his name in the family tree and how he went and lived with the Potters', he told Harry how they treated him like a son and how James was his practical brother and how great people they were. This got Harry to smile.

I walked up to dad and smiled sadly at him as we apparated to Kings cross station. Everyone was bustling around like maniacs and half of the order was there. Dad clamped his hand on Harrys and I's shoulder "can i talk to you two for a moment?" we nodded and followed him into this private room type thing while Mad-eye blocked the door. We all sat down on a bench,nme and Harry sitting on both sides of him. "i wanted to give this to you Harry" he said and pulled a wizard photo out of his robe. I took a look at it with Harry. "That was the original order of the Phoneix, Your mother and Father, were extraordinary" he started and i saw his eyes sadden talking about his best friends. James had his arm around Lily smiling like a mad man while lily smiled gently and Dad was next to him with a hand on his shoulder grinning widley as he wrapped my mum up in his arm and she was smiling and towards the end she started laughing her long hair dripping over he shoulders and her dimples much like my own popping out before the picture looped. there were others in the photo such as uncle Remus and Dumbledore and the traitor, Pettigrew, but even with him in it, it was one of the only photos of them all together. Which made it beautiful and i felt my throat tighten looking at my mum.

"not a day goes by Harry that i don't miss your father" he said "and your mum, Joslyn" he said pain evident in his voice, i went to stop him. i didnt want to make him talk about it, i knew how much it hurt him. "oh what i would give to have her back, she was incredible. Her and lily were practically twins they were, joined at the hip" he said chuckling sadly. "Lily could put a smile on anyones face, and when it was the both of them it was impossible to be sad" he sniffed slightly and passed the picture to Harry.

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