the suppose to be train ride

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**joslyn P.O.V**

we were about to go to the platform, since diagon ally me and harry have been stuck like glue these past couple days.

we were apparating there and dad was gonna apparate us two so harry was holding my hand tightly while dad had his hand on my shoulder.

I felt like I was being squeezed through a tube of toothpaste. we landed infront of the barrier and everyone went in besides me harry and ron. me and harry were gonna run through the barrier while ron made gagging sounds behind us.

I had a big lovestruck grin that matched harrys as we linked hands

"1...." I started

"2...." harry continued flashing me his beautiful smile.

"3..!" I finished running at the barrier with him at my side

when we thought we were gonna go through the barrier we crashed into it our trunks and harrys owl plummeted to the ground as did we and harry landed onto of me. I made an oomph sound.

"oh my god im so sorry!" he scrambled off of me, he and ron helped me up and harry pulled me into his chest "im so sorry, love" I smiled at the nickname "its alright you didnt mean too"

we picked up all the trunks and put them back on the dolly.

"well what do we do now?" ron and I said. harry shrugged but ron got this nervous grin "well we can always take dads enchanted car" my eyes got huge but harry looked conflicted.

"ronald! do you know how much trouble we will be in?!" I screached "its invisible no one will see it" he retorted "keep it down guys the muggles are looking at us funny" harry hissed.

"well if we are taking the car we better get a move on to keep up with the train" ron said grabbing his trolly and walking off "then I am driving" I said. we all rushed to the car and put all of our stuff in the back seat, ron ended up driving because he said I was a horrible driver, pft as if! I went to sit in the back but they insisted I sit with them up front, since theres only two seats though I sat in between harrys parted legs and he held his arms around me.

"Ron! the muggles can see! put on the invisibility charm" he pressed the button and we were safe. we dove down looking for the train.

"you guys see it anywhere?" ron asked me and harry both shook our heads though I did hear it, harry and ron must've too because we all turned our heads and saw it right behind the car about to hit us. "AGHHHHHHH!" ron jerked the steering really hard and the car went sideways making harry and I's door opened.

we both fell out screaming, this is it, this is how I die, just driving an enchanted car to school almost get hit by a train fall out of the car and I die. NOT MUCH OF AN INTERESTING STORY TO TELL! my thoughts were cut off by a warm hand grabbing mine harry was holding me up as he was clinging to the car with the other hand, barely.

"please tell me you got her!" ron cried looking down franticly. I was trying to reach the car so I could grab the ledge like harry but I couldnt reach and my hand was starting to slip from harrys.

"I got her now help us were about to fall!"

ron tried grabbing harrys hand not letting go of the wheel so we dont crash. he finally grabbed harrys and pulled him up, still holding my hand, I had two fingers still wrapped around and i was ready to drop any moment "JOSLYN COME ON!" I tried harder and got my other hand in harrys.  he pulled me up while ron held harry making sure he didnt fall again, I got back in the car and once ron leveled it again and the door was shut ron kissed my head and harry clutched me to him kissing my forehead probally 7 times. "I thought I lost you for a second there" I bit my tounge from saying me too and instead just held him tighter. after that he sat me between his legs so we were both on the seat since I was so tiny and held onto me tightly playing with my fingers while doing so.

when we saw the castle I couldnt be more relieved.

however, my dear git of a twin brother doesnt know how to actually land a car.

so guess where we 'landed' it, the whomping willow and since I was sitting on harrys lap when we hit the tree so forcefully my head flung forward and hit the dash making it difficult to see and making me wanna throw up harry didnt get banged up to bad just some scratches but rons wand snapped in half.

after the car rolled and got out of the trees reach we all busted out the window and climbed through, I stumbled though seeing a bunch of black dots and I was hardly able to walk cause I was so dizzy, I was almost certain I was going barf any second now, just as I crumbled harry caught me and carried me bridal style  "are you alright josy!" "can you hear us" their worried questioning got tuned out though by snape dumbledore and mcgonagell.

"POTTER WEASLEYS!" she shouted stomping over to us. she grabbed ron and harry by the robes and dragged us to dumbledores office harry hasnt put me down yet.

just as they were gonna give me a lecture I couldnt hold it back much longer and ran out of the room stumbling as I went. "WEASLEY GET BACK HERE!" snape growled, but I kept going once I reached the restroom I barfed up everything ive eaten today. I did that 3 more times before it stopped.

I sat down and rested my head against the stall breathing heavy. that was horrible.

"hello are you alright?" I heard a soft girl voice ask.  the stall opened and luna lovegood was there. she was a really sweet ravenclaw. (a/n I know she was a Gryffindor in this before but im switching her back to ravenclaw cause it is my story.) I nodded weakly feeling like if I talked I would barf again. she came and sat down next to me. after a minute or so I decided it was about time I washed my self up, she helped me stand and she stayed with me while I washed my face and cleaned my mouth. once I was feeling somewhat better we left to go to the great hall.

im probally expelled because of the car thing.

we passed dumbledore on our way and he waved me over. "mrs.weasley I would just like to inform you that you have detention with your brother and mr.potter for three days also here you go it will help sweety" he said whispering the last part, he gave me a potion and I felt better, I bid him a thanks then I realized something.


I took off sprinting with luna behind me I kept running and I heard mcgonagell say

"ginevra wea-"

"WAIT!" I bursted through the door panting. theres no way im missing my little sisters sorting. she gave me an irritated glare while everyone else snickered, except mionie and ginny they looked relieved.

luna went to her table while I jogged to mine.

"continue" I said as I plopped next to mionie, professor M just rolled her eyes.

"Ginevra Weasley.......GRYFFINDOR!"

me  fred and george jumped up on the benches cheering for our little sister! she blushed but ran over anyways and gave us hugs.

once the sorting finished my family and hermionie rounded on me.

"What happened?!"

"are you hurt!"

"how did you get here?"

"we were worried sick!"

"where are ron and harry?"

"they didnt die did they?"

"shut up boys this is serious"

"I cried jos I was so scared"

all the talking started hurting my head so I jumped up and left the great hall going up to the common room knocking since I didnt know the password, ron opened and let me in. they said they were happy I was alright, I hugged ron goodnight,

I hugged harry as well but when I pulled away harry pecked the corner of mouth, I almost wanted to pull him back and crash his lips onto mine but instead blushed like mad.

rons ears went as red as his hair and he grabbed harry by the collar of his shirt and dragged him up to their dorm. I giggled under my breath and changed into my pajamas ready to just sleep.

I crawled in bed grabbed my teddy bear from my trunk and passed out.

class starts tomorrow!

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