the girl that I love

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**harry P.O.V**

today was wednesday, and today I was gonna do it, today is my chance.

I sprung out of my bed and put on my robes, I went into the bathroom brushing my teeth making sure they were white and my breath minty, I sort of gave up trying to get my hair to lay down so I ran my hands through it to make it look like I just got off my broom, which reminds me quidittch practice starts next week, I put on some cologne and made sure I looked good.

all of the other boys were getting ready to.

"todays that day harry!" ron clamped his hand onto my shoulder, by the way we're talking you'd probally think im getting married...I can asure im not, im only 12.

we walked down from our dorms waiting at the bottom of the girls staircase.

after a couple minutes they came down mionie looked normal besides the crazy grin and the wink she sent me.

joslyn had on her robes but she was wearing the actual black skirt girls are suppose to wear but she always wears her jeans, she had black knee high socks with maroon lace covering the material at the top and her maroon vans, her hair was completely curled today, not like her natural curls, and you could tell hermionie tried to put make up on her but jos refused, because there was a smudge of black on her nose. I wouldnt want it any other way though, she could literally wear barnie footsies with her hair all over the place and I would still think she was the most beautiful girl I have ever layed eyes on.

over all she looked absolutely lovely.

I took her hand when she reached the bottom and kissed her cheek, she blushed.

"has anyone ever told you just how beautiful you are?" I spoke again, she was as red as a tomato and biting her lip so she wouldnt smile, I how ever wasn't holding back.

I licked my finger and wiped off the black smudge from her nose with the pad of my thumb, this made her blush further.

god shes so adorable when she blushes.

we walked to the great hall, and I watched joslyn the whole time she was so confident and sweet and even though she is almost as big of a bookwarm as hermionie she is also a complete nutter.

we sat at the table and I wrapped my arm around her waist, I couldnt help but think about how our bodies fit together like peices of a puzzle.

we played all cutsie and I fed her a mouthful of soup as she giggled feeding me a chip, we were laughing the whole time just enjoying eachothers company, I felt a sense of pride as she laughed that adorable laugh that was music to my ears.

I would tell you All about classes, though it would go something like this

°sitting with her in ever class

°making her laugh

°making her blush

°her making me laugh

°and looking at her with that grin I could never hold back when im with her.

finally classes were over and dinner started in an hour.

this is it.

my chance to get the girl.

"hey josy wanna go for a walk?" she beamed at me and nodded, she linked her arm through mine and we walked into the courtyard, heading over to the black lake. me and the boys as well as hermionie and ginny, have been planning this for weeks, thats why hermionie dressed her and everything today.

we reached the tree, the gang and I sat at almost everyday last year, it was a beautiful sight, but nothing could out shine the girl right next to me. my palms started sweating as I was getting ready to do what ive been wanting to do since last year.

come on harry its just a girl, I tried telling myself
but thats the thing shes not just a girl she is the girl...that side of me was right.

I did the summoning charm we learned the other day and got a bunch of pink roses. her favorite I hid them behind my back.

alright harry...... its now or never.

I kept the flowers behind my back and took her smaller hand in mine pulling her up, she now stood infront of me and once I saw those eyes I almost forgot what we were here for.

"I got you these." I said giving them to her she beamed at me which helped gain my confidence quite a bit "oh harry there beautiful" she said sniffing them.

"not as beautiful as you" I know how cheesey that sounded but I meant every word, I was smiling like an idiot and she had this big ole grin on her face that made me feel like I could take on the whole world.

she set the flowers down and I summoned a sterio that started playing a thousand years by christina perri

she looked at me and I stuck out my hand bowing slightly "may I have this dance?"

she giggled placing her porcelain soft hand in my own making butterflies swarm in my stomach, "why of course mr.Potter"

I spun her around and she placed her arms around my neck and my hands were on her hips, she was on her tip toes slightly due to the hight diffrence. I again wore this love struck grin on my face that I always had when around this beautiful girl.

she wore a matching one.

we swayed to the music and when it was close to finishing I spun her around. my heart rate sped up 1000 miles per hour.

"I have died every day waiting for you darling dont be afraid I have loved you for a thpusand years..."

just as the line finished and the music was still playing I couldnt hold back anymore her rosy pink lips were teasing me.

I dipped my head down and kissed her.

it took her a second to respond, but she did. she kissed back and this kiss had so much passion and so much love.

my stomach was again swarming with butterfl- know what fuck butterflies, there was a whole zoo going on in there.

her arms tightend around my neck and my hands tightened on her hips. I noticed how our lips molded together like they were made to be there. she smiled into the kiss and I did as well.

we pulled away and I rested my forehead on hers, her amazing eyes fluttered open.

how can a human being possibly be that perfect I thought to my self.

"Joslyn, will you be mine!" I asked.

"harry remember that day at the burrow when I told you how I felt?" I nodded smiling at the memory.

"ive come to notice that I love lots of things

like, the fault in our stars, movies, reading,family, friends, tea, food, coco, hanging out with friends and so much more.

however, harry potter, there is only one thing I am IN love with, and thats you harry, your the boy I love

always have

always will

and still do

it would be an honor to be yours" she said busting out in a big grin she had tears in her eyes, she said yes, SHE SAID YES!!

I brought her back to me and kissed her again I wrapped my arms around her waist and her arms were around my neck

this is the girl I love.

and this is where our story begins...

a/n yup there together now! I tried making it as sweet and remembering as I could, im pretty proud of this chapter and I hope you guys like it  cause its official


I cant help to let out my own little touch down dance!

please comment and tell me what you think.

also ima be posting sneak peaks of the next book on to my instagram

I love you guys!


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