christmas break part two

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**Mionie P.O.V***





we collapsed on her bed laughing like mad.

it has only been two days and me and joslyn have been having a blast. joslyn being a pureblood and all didnt know what a computer was, so we flooed to my house and grabbed my computer and have been blasting music for as long as we've been here.

joslyn is sort of obsessed with jesee mcartney now.

we were still giggling but she shut up real quick and flopped on her stomach and rested her chin in her hands and had her legs crossed in the air.

I got in the same position.

"BOY TALK!" we both squealed!

"soo hermionie...." uh oh this is serious! she didnt even call me mionie.

"do you like ron?" I swear I almost chocked on air. Me? Ron? psht yeah right, like that would happen...well....

"okay fine! maybe a little" it was true, theres no point in lying to her shes my bestfriend she can read me like an open book.

"do you like harry?"

she paled a bit and went to say something but paused.

" I. I think. I think I might. I think I might love him mionie, I mean, I feel like I can take on the whole world with him by my side but at the same time im scared to love him because, he probally doesnt like me back but .........I love him......I love him so much.....its ridiculous to even think about it though because even if he did like me back ron would have a fit and would probally never leave us I guess IJOSLYN BAILEY WEASLEY! THAT IS ABSOLUTE RUBBISH! who cares what ronald thinks! if you love harry james potter then SO HELP ME! you love him! it is none of rons buisness who you date or who you have feelings for. and as for the whole oh he doesnt like me back stuff, TAKE A HINT HE IS MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU JOSY! have you seen how he looks at you! you would think you two were married with kids for merlin sakes! heck! even ronald notices it! tell him josy I know he loves you! or wait till he tells you! but DO NOT let that git step between you and the boy you love. I want to see my BESTFRIEND SLASH SISTER happy! and harry is my bestfriend too and I want to see him happy as well okay? I love you like my own family jos!"

I was panting and breathing heavily after my rant but I meant every single word.

josy launched her self at me hugging me tight I hugged her back.

"I love you too sister mionie"

I chuckled at the nickname.

"can we join the hug?"

me and joslyn jumped 50 feet in the air screaming, we pulled our wands at the same time yelling simultaneously


this time we both hit our target. we both gasped though when we saw who it was we hit.

"FREDIE GEORGIE!" joslyn squealed running over to help them up, I helped as well. after hugs and greetings were done me and joslyn pulled back looking at them with glares.

"what are you two doing here!" she snapped.

they both smirked

"well little sister and other new little sister"

"you didnt honestly think"

"that we werent"

"going to take advantage of"

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