my breath of fresh air

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**RON P.O.V**

i was sleeping peacefully when a queit knocksounded on my door waking me up.

i groaned rolling over, really its like 3AM!!

"come in" i said grogilly i sat up rubbing a tired hand over my face i heard a sniffle and my eyes flew to the door and i saw joslyn standing there with her teddy bear and her eyes red with  puffy cheeks. "whats wrong?" i opened my arms and she walked over to me i enclosed her in a tight hug as she hugged me back resting her head on my chest. she stayed silent.

i pulled away and she looked me in the eyes "can i sleep with you bubba" my eyes widened in shock. she hasnt called me bubba since we were like 9, she must be really shooken up. i  slightly nodded my head and laid back in bed she laid next to me and cuddled close. my little sister acts like she is 3 sometimes i swear. "wanna tell me whats wrong now?" she looked up at me with big eyes. she mumbled something and dropped her gaze, "joslyn." i said sternly she looked back  up "i dont know ron, i hada dream, or a vision, i dont know! and something i saw i felt like myheart shattered but i have never seen the person in my dream" a tear leaked out of her eye, one then  two, till she was crying loudly.

i grabbed her into a hugged and shhed her. she really needs to talk to dumbledore and needs extra protection.  

she eventually cried herself to sleep and i sighed. 

i got comphortable and started falling asleep, i was in that stage when you think your asleep but you can still hear everything. just as i was about to slip into a deep sleep there was another knock on my door.



the minister gave me the number to rons room at the leaky cauldron, i wasnt suppose to be here for like 2 days but i umm....well i blew up my aunt. i will spaare you the details untill later.

i walked up the creaky stairs and scanned the numbers on the doors. i found rons and knocked on the door.

about five minutes later the door flew open to my best mate in sweats and a t-shirt looking irratated and half-asleep he leaned against the door frame with eyes closed "mum im trying to sleep" he finished with a yawn, i chuckled slightly punching his shoulder, his eyes flew open and his jaw dropped "harry?!" he whisper yelled  he grabbed my arm dragging me inside the rrom. i pulled my trunk in behind me.

"why are you whispering?" i said in my normal voice ron put his hand overmy mouth and the roomm was completely quiet that was untill i heard light snoring i raised my eyebrow at ron and removed his hand from my mouth "sneaking a girl in enh ron?" i joked hes 13 i doubt it. he shhed me but i slapped his hand away before he could put it on my mouth again.

"its joslyn, beleive me you do not want to wake her up  again poor girl cried her self to sleep" he  whispered a sudden wave of worry washed over me and i let go of my trunk and swiftly crossed the room flicking on the light rons eyes widend and i walked over to the bed joslyn was on she was cuddling a teddy bear and her cheeks were slightly puffy with dried tear stains, my heart broke a little bit as her eyes were squeezed tight shut and her breathing started getting heavy. she was having a nightmare.

i gently shook her shoulder "joslyn, josy" she shot up panting and sweating her eyes wide, she scanned the room then her conflicted eyes landed on me "HARRY" she cried tackling me succesfully knocking us both on the floor, we hit with a thump joslyns tiny figure on top of mine she didnt even seem to notice that we fell off the floor and just hugged me tight. i hugged her back.

she stood up and i heaved my self up in front of her "what are you doing he-" she didnt finish her sentence because she went rigid, she was having a vision.

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