The trial and bedlam with the twins

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QOTC🌸: What is your favorite fairytale?

AOTC✨📖: Peter Pan or Sleeping Beauty, mostly Peter Pan though😊


Shine like the whole


Is yours



Ron pushed open the door and I shrugged myself out of his hold and Hermiome's, eager to get some independence. I made eye contact with George and he smiled. I then heard a chair squeal and I looked to my left and my heart gave a happy jolt and my breath got taken away. there standing up was Harry. I immediately went to rush forward and tackle him but he was already in front of me and he eagerly pulled me into his arms.

I threw mine around his neck ignoring the pain and grinned the biggest I have in weeks and clutched him to me like my life depended on it. He held me just as close digging his face in my hair.

"I missed you so much" I mumbled I felt him squeeze me a bit "I missed you more" I just sighed content in his loving embrace my heart still thudding in my ears. He pulled away and I tried to hide my disappointment but he placed a warm kiss on my forehead. I blushed madly realizing that everyone was watching and he laughed his green eyes shining bright and that made me laugh too.

That's when I took in his appearance and I had to remind my self to keep my mouth shut. Holy heck has he grown up. He was about 6 inches taller then last year and he cut his hair and he was all fit, still slim and slender like he always is, but fit. His face matured a lot and jeez, I'm just gonna say it!

Holy damn he is hot

He was scanning me too and then we heard a familiar voice

"Harry potter" We both turned to see dad leaning in the doorway and Harry side stepped around me "Sirius" he let out a breath and dad pulled him into a hug grinning and patting his back.

I felt my Heart flutter as I looked at my boys


I twirled around in my room letting out a loud laugh before I jumped on my bed.

"SHE SAID DONT YOU DARE LOOK BACK JUST KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME" I sung loudly jumping around wildly on my bed "I SAID YOUR HOLDING YOUR BACK SHE SAID SHUT UP AND DANCE WITH ME!" I laughed "THIS WOMAN IS MY DESTINY SHE SAID OOOHHHHH" I paused for a second dramatically before I jumped up again into a new series of dance moves "SHUT UP AND DANCE WITH ME!"

"Good morning sunshine"

I screamed and tripped over my pillow falling off of my bed the side of my arm catching my dresser. I landed with a loud thunk I groaned and my room was filled with loud laughter and I quickly peeped over my bed seeing my dad there leaning against the doorframe tears falling from his eyes as he smacked the wall repeatedly.

I blushed embarrassed "YOU KILLED MY VIBES DAD!" I yelled jokingly and he just hunched over in another round of laughter.

It's been probably 2 weeks since Harry arrived and guess what?! Guess guess guess guess! I HAVN'T HAD TO DO ANY SESSIONS FOR A WHOLE WEEK!

I did the first week Harry was here but by the fourth night he needed up shouting at everybody and would bang on the door while it was locked with Ron and Hermione demanding that they they leave me alone.

I stood up all the way and straightened out my clothes as if nothing happened. I stuck my nose in the air walking past him as he collapsed to the ground in laughter and I put my hand over my mouth muffling my own giggles. it was kinda funny.

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