Trust/ the second task

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QOTC🌸: Are you guys on Spring Break?
I am(:
somedays life is all about your dreams,hopes and visions for the future.

but there are some days where life is just about putting one foor infront of the other.

and thats okay

also im thinking doing a new quote every chapter, what do you think?



i scurried out of the castle in a rush aware of my ponytail swishing behind my head as i held the straps of my backpack securly on my shoulders jumping over stones. it was currently 6:30 in the morning and about to rain. i was on my way to hagrids about to have an anxiety attack. i was in my leggings that stopped mid-way on the lower half of my leg and Harry's Gryffindor quidittich hoodie. the sky looked angry threatening to release a flood of liquid.

i ran to Hagrids hut succesfully making it down the hill, i raised my closed fist banging on the door, the sound still not as loud as my beating heart that was heard in my ears.


i was just in the middle of make me some of my famous rock cakes when i heard a loud banging on my door. suspecting that it was probably Dumbledore i swung the door open to see a very distraught looking Joslyn. "Joslyn? what 'r yer doing 'ere?" she bit her lip tightening her grip on the straps of her book bag "i need to talk to you hagrid, immediatly" my eyes widened "of course! is 'verything a'right?" she dropped her bag by the couch and took a seat while i sat across from her, the seat making a funny noise from my size.

"hagrid, what im about to tell you, i havnt told anybody, y- yo- you cant tell anybody" she said her voice shaky. ive never seen her like this before "i promise i won't tell no one" i said

she sighed putting her head in her hands "its going to sound crazy, but i need you to listen to the very end, and please just keep an open mind im gonna try my best" she started fidgeting in her seat.

i nodded encouraging her to go on.

she sighed taking a deep breath "well you know about my um" she awkwardly motioned towards her eyes and i nodded understanding what she was talking about.

"well last night i got up around erm m-midnight and well i felt really dizzy and lke i was gonna be sick? so i left to make my way to the Hospital wing and on my way i kind of lost my balance and fell, and then i got a vision, a- and "

she seemed to be getting overwhelmed.

"and all of these things that have been going on, the tournament, the goblet, me and harry of all people! it doesnt make any sence and in my vision i saw these two bright lights and at first i thought that maybe it was when mum died"

i expected her to get upset over the mentioing of her mother but instead she seemed to be getting frustrated trying to find the right words

"but it was different, and a long time ago dad had told me about the war, well not a long time ago but either way and there hd been stories bout the appearence of vo-" i cut her off "dont yer dare say it" i gruffed out.

"hagrid please just listen to me!" she pleaded and stood up pacing. "i think im going mad hagrid" she stated pulling at her ponytail, she then continued "and then after the light i saw- i saw this thing, it looked like a snake but it wasnt, it was a human with a snake like nose, well not really a nose but slits where the nose should be, and these eyes that were as dark as coal and pale white skin that you -you could see the dark blue veins in certain spots, it was mortifying and just by looking at him you just new that he was evil, a devil in disguise"

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