the sorting

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once we made it to shore a lady in green robes told us to wait for the great doors to open. I was in the middle of a conversation with hermionie when the pale kid from diagon ally shoulderd pass me, succesfully knocking me on the ground.

hermionie lent her hand out for me to help me stand up only after glaring after ferret face.

yup thats his name ferret face.

he marched up to harry and started talking to him when rons face went weasley red. he was pissed. I went up over there, hermionie tailing behind, and pushed ron behind me glaring at ferret face

"who are you?" I snarled glaring at him

"malfoy, draco malfoy" he eyed me up and down even winked at me.

"OI! dont stare at her like that!" harry and ron choroused malfoy scoffed looking at me

"which one is your boyfriend then, It mustnt be weasley since hes a blood traitor" he smirked at ron.

now I have a bit of a temper and I was about to explode " listen here ferret face thats my brother your talking to, and thats my family your insulting. so I DARE you to make one more smart comment about my family" it wasnt much but I dont like being mean but, I wasnt gonna let him get away with it thats my brother hes talking too.

everyone was silent. then everyone started cheering and ron and harry and hermionie gave me a group hug. then green lady came back and led us to the hall. george and fred waved and smiled at us which we returned.

the sorting hat sang a song before names were called

"hannah abbot.....HUFFLEPUFF"

"seamus finnigan....GRYFFINDOR"

"cho chang.... RAVENCLAW"

"hermionie granger..."

I cut off the sorting hat cheering and whooping loudly for my new bestfriend she blushed brightly but kept quiet ".....GRYFFINDOR"

"harry potter....GRYFFINDOR" his sorring took like 15 minutes and everyone whisperd the whole time it was quite irrating actually I clapped and whooped for him though cause hes one of my best friend I just thought it was rude for people to whisper, its none of there buisness.

"ronald weasley......GRYFFINDOR" I cheered and clapped for ron also.

"joslyn weasley" I strutted up to the hat in confidence even though the nervousness I was radiating. once I sat down and the hat was placed on my head and started whispering

"ahhhh yes.. many prophecies written bout you my dear..destined for greatness your father couldnt fufill...youll find love of and youll be eachothers partners through the darkness....ahhh very loyal but strong and impaitent, not hufflepuff...witt beyond measure, not a ravenclaw though it wouldnt suit you...powerfull and the will to achieve so much but your too kind and would give your life to save another, not slytherin...dwell the brave at heart your bravery and courage out shine be GRYFFINDOR!!!!!"

I jumped of the stool with the biggest smile ever and sprinted to the wild maroon table where all my best friends and brothers were.

I sat down and was grabbed from all diffrent directions in hugs. I plopped down between hermionie and harry, ron sat on the other side inbetween fred and george we all smiled at eachother then in a complete moment of weirdness.

when it got dead silent we all yelled simutaniously....beside mionie of course


we all laughed and smiled fondly at eachother.

I felt a tug at my hand and looked down to see harrys laced with mine I blushed but kept it there anyway. it gave me a sense of warmth and I was on cloud 9. we stayed like that all dinner until we got to our dorms and had to leave I hugged all my siblings, and harry becore me and mionie went upstairs to our dorm.

there were 5 beds one for me mionie and ginny when she comes next year and too other girls were in there .

"hi im lavender brown" a girl with curly blode hair came up and introduced herself we smiled and itroduced our selves as well. then another girl came up (I know luna lovegood isnt in GRYFFINDOR but im changing it abit because I cant think of another girl first year right now in this house)

she was blonde and looked like she was off in dream land. "hello im luna lovegood" we did the same thing we did to lavender before going to bed

"night mionie"

"night jos"

"thanks for being my friend here"

"you too josy, were bestfriends now okay we have to stick together alright? till graduation and after, promise?" she asked looking at me in eye

I smiled and nodded "wanna camp on the floor?"

she agreed and we made a biggg bed on the floor of blankets and got comphortable.

"night josy."

"night mionie"

I went to bed that night thinking of what the sorting hat said. ill ask dumbledore tomorrow.

I sighed curling up next to mionie she did the same and then we both fell asleep

I think I like harry.

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