59. Because We Stay Inside Too Much

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"Jessi, how are you?" My mom answers the phone without even letting it ring a full time.

"I'm great Mom. How's it going?"

"I'm just on my way to work." I can hear that she's in a car. "What are you doing?"

"Getting my books together to go over Will's house. I was just calling to say hi. I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever."

It really has felt like forever. I used to talk to my mom and dad everyday, now it's barley once a week. Granted, they used to act like my best friends because I didn't have very many friends. That has changed a lot this year.

"Make sure you call your father too. He's been dying to talk to you. I think he's still at home."

"I'll make sure to a little later."

"You won't believe who I ran into yesterday." My mom could have run into anyone she's had a past conversation with and think it's a monumental occasion. 

"Who?" I ask trying to sound interested.

"Travis's mother!"

The world hates me.

"Oh that's cool."

"You and Travis used to be the best of friends." She obviously has a delusional idea of what's considered a friend. I would say that we maybe talked once a week, on a good week we would have an actual conversation. It was mostly 'what was the homework last night?'

"I guess," I say not wanting to burst her bubble.

"And she said Travis just transferred to the same college your at! I'm sure you'll run into each other. Entrepreneurship and Business are very similar majors. Maybe you'll have some classes together."

"Maybe..." It probably wouldn't be that bad to try and be friends with him. It just seems like boy/girl friendships almost never work out. Someone always wants more, and that someone is not going to be me. He's not in any of my classes, but if I see him around, I could at least be friendly.

I'd love to move off the subject of Travis.

"How are all the girls?" I ask and Mom automatically switches gears.

"They're good, especially Madison. It's amazing how much she has improved since Christmas. She can actually tolerate strangers and doctors in the same room as her. There can be no more than one at a time and she can't go longer than an hour without fussing, but it's so much better than it was."

Oh, Madison. I miss her so much. I need to make a trip home again so I can see her, and all of my other sisters.

"That's so great to hear. I knew she'd get there eventually, and I'm sure she'll continue to get used to it."

"Me too. I wish you were here to talk to her. She misses you a lot, we all do."

"I miss you too, Mom."

For the first time, I'm feeling homesick. It's almost March, meaning I've lived on campus for about seven months. I'm been having such a great time, that I sometimes forget about home.

"Maybe I can come visit next weekend."

"That would be amazing! Tell your friend Will he can come too."

I love how much my family has taken to Will. I don't know what I would do if they didn't like him.

"Okay," I say with a little chuckle.

"I have to go now, Darling. Have fun at Will's house!"

"Sure thing. Bye, Mom."

"Goodbye, Darling."

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