9. A Dagger

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"Rosie? Ohhh Rosie."

I'm in my bed. I swear I was just at a party. Or maybe we're going to a party. That's it! I must have fallen asleep. I have to get up and start getting ready for the party tonight. I can't look bad if I'm going to run into-

"Rosie? You awake?" The party. The drink. Will. He must have carried me out of the party unconscious. I feel a blush start to creep up on my cheeks. Thank God I wasn't conscious, or I would have been mortified. 

"Rosie, can you at least open your eyes?"

"You call me Rosie one more time and I'll push you right out the window," I say in a sleepy voice. I want to open my eyes, but I feel his breath on the side of my face and I know he's way too close. 

"There she is! How ya feeling?"

I feel like absolute shit. My head is pounding, my body still feels weak, and everything in my memory has a fog over it from last night.

"I'm fine." Now please leave.

"That's good. I have a business analysis class to get to. So if you'll excuse me..." My eyes shoot open. I sit up halfway and then fall right back onto the bed.

"Easy there tiger," Will says coming back over to my bed.

"It's been two days?" I asked hoping that he will say he's kidding. He's got to be kidding. It's not a very funny joke either. 

"That was a pretty strong drug for someone like you." It tastes like a cherry tree. Who the hell makes a cheery flavored drug? There is too much irony in the whole thing for me to even think about. "I'm just glad we're not sitting in a hospital right now." He wasn't kidding. It's really been two days since the party. Add all of Will's friends to the list of people I can never trust.

"I told you not to come," he says in a mocking tone.

"You knew they were going to drug me!?" I would scream at him if my voice allowed me to.

"No! Of course not. But I knew what kind of people were going to be there and I didn't want anything bad to hap-" he stops mid sentence. I cross my hands over my stomach waiting for him to finish.

"I didn't want those guys to get what they came there for," he finishes quickly. "They don't deserve it."

"So why only tell me to stay away?" I ask, my voice a lot calmer then a second ago. I try to sit up again, but a lot slower. I'm fully upright before he responds.

"Because you're the kind of person that would fall for it," he says in a clipped tone. "You would be abused or dead right now if it wasn't for me."

Well that's a harsh way to put it. Part of me wants to punch him and part of me wants to thank him. But all of me wants to cry, because I know he's right. Who knows where I would be right now if he hadn't have been there. And helped me. He could have easily gone along with the whole sick idea.

"I need to get to class," he says when I don't respond. I know if I do, then I'll just start sobbing. "Don't come if you're not feeling up to it. I'll let you borrow my notes." He gives me a small smile and ducks out of the room. He is one smart-ass guardian angel.


I don't go to class on Monday or Tuesday. My body recovered fairly quickly, but my brain is still in a daze. Trying to cram statistics and algebra in there probably wouldn't work out too well. Kira and Avery spend a lot more time in the room because I don't feel like leaving, especially Avery. She told me that Will hardly left my bedside for the two days I was passed out.

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