21. A Different Game

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Will's POV

God fucking damn it. My need to slap this idiot in the face increases every time I see him. I know exactly how this situation looks. Jessi's wearing nothing but a towel and my hair is still wet. I don't give a fuck what he thinks, but I can tell that all Jessi wants is to hide in the corner. I hate him even more for making her feel embarrassed, if that's even possible.

"What are you doing over here?" I try to lower my voice but it doesn't work. He never comes on my side of the house. It's not just that he doesn't want to, we made an agreement that he wasn't allowed over here. What kind of game is he trying to play here? Whatever it is, I'm not in the mood.

"Well," he clears his throat. If he doesn't remove his eyes from her in two seconds, I really am going to slap him. "I just came to ask Jessi if she wanted to join Leah and I for some hot chocolate tomorrow. I would invite you tonight, but it's already so late."

"She's not your fucking friend. Why do you have to discuss life with her over drinks?" I say fuming.

"Will," Jessi whispers squeezing my hand. It makes me relax a little, but not nearly enough. Agreeing to Leah is one matter, but surly she won't say yes to this jackass.

"I would love to," she says with a little smile. I'm going to punch a fucking wall. "Is Will allowed to come?" Is Will allowed to come? I'm allowed to do whatever the fuck I want. I don't need Ethan's approval to do shit.

"Of course, if he wants." They're talking about me like I'm not even here. I don't even know what to say. I need Jessi to shut up and Ethan to get the hell out of here before he makes matters worse. I run my hands through my hair and pull at the ends.

Don't punch the wall. Don't punch Ethan's face. Don't punch anything. I have to keep repeating those three things over and over again or I'll loose control.

"I'll see you later," Ethan says a little bit uncomfortably. He better be uncomfortable. That's what he gets for coming to my side of the house.

"Bye," Jessi gives him a little wave with the hand that's not holding up her only clothing. As soon as he's gone, I grab Jessi and slam the guest room door behind us.

"What the fuck?! I thought you were on my side!" I can barley control my actions right now, let alone my words.

"There are no sides. I don't even know him yet. At least give me a chance to properly meet your parents," she says so innocently. That just about pushes me over the edge.

"NEVER call him my parent!" She jumps back against the door in fright. I don't mean to scare her. I don't mean to take all my hatred for Ethan out on her, but I just can't help it.

"I'm sorry," she says softly. She must hate me. I don't know why she's still my friend at all to be honest. "But I'm not backing down from this. I'm going over to their side for hot chocolate tomorrow and I hope that you would join me." I can't figure out if it's fucking annoying how persistent she's being or endearing how much she wants to meet my 'family', or whatever they're called. It doesn't matter in the end. She cannot get to know them over drinks and small sandwiches. I would never forgive myself if she gets sucked into my world.

"You don't get it Jessi!"

"You're right, I don't. Because you won't tell me shit!" She says a little louder.

"Because I don't trust you! Because you can't handle it! Remember last time you didn't listen to me? You ended up drugged at a party! I told you not to go, but you don't give a shit what I say. You just do whatever the fuck you want. Are you so fucking dumb that you're going to make the same mistake of not listening to me again? Wake up Jessi! You don't know what you're doing!" She doesn't respond. I see a tear roll down her cheek before she grabs the clothes I gave her and runs into the bathroom locking the door.

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