24. He's A Prick, But He's Not Stupid

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I'm engulfed in heat as we walk back inside the building. I smile when Will doesn't let go of my hand as we walk down the hall and into his office. There's at least thirty paintings scattered throughout the room; some on the walls, some leaning against his desk, some are covered, some are tagged.

"Try not to touch anything if you can restrain yourself."

There is one seat behind the desk and two in front of it. I'm pleasantly surprised when Will takes a seat in one in front of the desk and waves me over to sit next to him. I try to look around for any sign of personal belongings, but there's not much besides paper and paint. Even the screensaver on his computer is just different shades of red stripes. Everyone at least has a little picture of their family in a frame. But this is Will. He barley even talks about his family, let alone has pictures of them in his office.

"I don't want you going to my house tonight," Will says sternly.

"I know that." He's only said it about twenty times. "But you still haven't given me a good reason why not."

"Because I'm your ride back, and I'm not taking you." God damn. That's the reason he had to take me all the way downtown.

He seems to read my thoughts.

"I also didn't think you would believe me." Of course I would have believed him. He doesn't lie. He hides information, but I can't think of a time he's lied.

"You're an asshole," I say crossing my hands over my chest. Now I'm going to have to call Leah last minute and cancel again.

"Just because it didn't work out this time, doesn't mean I'm not going to reschedule." I reach to take out my phone and realize it's sitting on my bed at the dorms. Nothing is going my way today.

"Don't reschedule."

He's not in charge of me. I don't care if it's his family or not. Leah is almost becoming a friend to mine, and I'm not just going to blow her off because her stubborn son says I should.

"I'm not going to blindly follow your instructions Will. I thought you've learned that by now." He stands up and starts pacing around the room.

"Why are you so fucking stubborn?"

I'm stubborn?

"You said you were going to tell me about Ethan when we came back inside," I say ignoring his comment.

"Fine! You want to know?" He's yelling now and although it doesn't scare me like it did last time, I look around to make sure no one is staring. Then I remember we're in an empty building. He can be as loud as he wants without any unwanted attention; not that he cares about the attention anyway.

"Yes. I want to know," I say with a volume trying to match his. My voice comes out a lot more timid then I intended.

"He can't keep his fucking hands to himself, that's why."

Ethan? The one that's been dating Leah for almost five years?

"He's probably been with more women in the past two years than I have my whole life, and that's really saying something."

I try to put the information together in my head. Leah is one of the nicest people I've known. Why would he do that to her?

"But you haven't told-"

"Oh I've told her. I've basically screamed it in her face. She's the most delusional and desperate person in the world. I'm ashamed to even be related to her, and she knows it." That's why he calls her Leah, and not Mom. "Ethan could be fucking some chick ten years younger than him in the next room and Leah would just ignore it. She keeps saying 'it's just a phase he's going through.' It's been a three year phase for fucks sake."

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