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"What? What the fuck did you just say?" He says, staring at me like he's caught me in the middle of committing a crime; his eyes wide, eyebrows raised and mouth parted, the only thing he didn't do was point a finger at me.

I start to panic, my face flushed in worry. I knew there was a possibility of him not being ready for such a... Role but I didn't think he would act so aggravated about it at first. "I-"

He holds onto his hair, pulling it. He turns his face to the side rather quickly and puts one finger up at me. "You can't be pregnant, Gisele." He mentions then shakes his head and putting his finger down.

I frown immediately, my mind running through the multiple options of how to respond to him.

"Gisele..." He says more calmly. He looks back at me and grabs hold of my hand. "Tell me you're joking..."

I look down at the staircase before I set my eyes to his. His assumption that I would be joking about a topic like this irritates me.

I show him a smile, a very faint one, one that doesn't even put a crease on any part of my face. "I'm joking, Harry." I lie. "I was just wanting to see your reaction." I laugh, putting on a charade that I hope he'll buy.

He chuckles, "oh my fucking god… shit! Don't do that shit again. I can't- Could you imagine if we really were?" He shakes his head and then bites on his fingernail.

I give him my best fake smile. "I was so kidding. That'd be hell." I look at him quickly, wanting to see his exact reaction, which is blank. He continues to stare at me and I start to think he knows I'm lying.

Soon, he nods. "We're too young for that. I'm not ready for something like that... Maybe later but not -not now at all."

I turn around, heading back up the stairs. "Me either."


"He doesn't want it, he doesn't want anything to do with it! What am I going to do, Leah?" I ask Leah, pacing back and forth in my lounge room. I had called her over this afternoon to tell her about my major, major, major crisis. I told her everything about last night.

"Gisele, calm down-"

My skin boils... Calm down? He doesn't want to father his own child, which happens to be in my womb at the moment!

I turn to face her. I love Leah but all sense of rationality has left me at this point. I knew that I might not be able to handle being a mother, but I thought that if Harry would be happy and excited for me then eventually I would be too, and I would look forward to bearing a child but I guess not.

"Leah... I don't know what to do." I sigh. I walk over to my vanity, placing my hands on the table and looking at myself in the mirror.

"Gisele, you should've told him the truth." She says quietly, walking over to me. "I don't want to be hurtful but I need to be honest. It would have been best if you’d just told him... I'm sure you can figure a way to tell him again... The truth, that is."

"But you didn't see the way he was acting... He couldn't believe it... literally! And when I did tell him the truth he asked if I was joking. He told me I can't be pregnant, Leah." I wipe my hand over my face, closing my eyes.

Leah starts rubbing my shoulder. "What do you plan on doing then?" She speaks, quietly. I respect her for being so patient with me.

"I've got to tell him," I say turning to look at her. "But... I don't know when."

She nods her head, crossing her arms and staring at the ground, thinking. "Gisele, he's not going to like it when he finds ou-"

"I know, Leah." I say cutting her off. "Sorry, but I know. He'll be mad for sure."

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