Levi x Reader ~ Apocalypse

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Two words: Zombie Apocalypse 😱

Warning: Gore, Violence, Cursing, Angst

Two words: FuCk yEaH

B/N - Brother Name


It's been two years since the virus broke loose, spreading like the plague it killed and contaminated thousands. Some managed to escape with their lives, some weren't so fortunate. You were one of the lucky ones, managing to swiftly escape with your little five-year-old old brother while your parents fought off the horrifying zombies making sure you and your little brother ran as fast as you could.

And then you met the most caring and courageous people ever, they were known as the Survey Corps. And their leader, Erwin Smith let you join with open arms. One of his best men, Levi Ackerman had found you struggling to fight off a zombie with a small pole while protecting your brother. He then brought you and your sibling to the 'Commander' and Erwin immediately let you join in the band of survivalists.

That was eleven months ago and you quickly became well known among the people in the Survey Corps, almost instantly becoming good friends with Hanji. Your little brother clung to you and followed you everywhere you went, the only other people he would be comfortable staying with would either be Mikasa, Hanji, Levi or Erwin since he knows how much you and them trust each other. Mikasa helped you train to fight and use weapons so you had a great friendship with the raven-haired girl.

Sitting on a crate by the campfire you hummed silently as B/N sat against the crate gazing into the flickering flames that danced freely. Hanji was across from you both reading a book she found in an abandoned store you both raided earlier. Levi was off with Erwin discussing some plans before he started to clean his gear again. You heard Hanji sigh and shut the book, E/C orbs flicking to the woman you gave her a questioning look as she ran her hands through her brown hair. ''Ever wish that everything could go back to the way it was Y/N?'' she asked looking at the lively fire, sitting up properly you faced the elder woman clasping your hands on your lap. ''Yes... I do wish that stuff could go back to the way it was, but because of this I managed to meet you and so many other great people'' you try to enlighten the mood as she gave a dry chuckle. ''Yeah.. that's the only good thing, I bet you're happy you still have your little brother with you hm?'' she continues sending a playful wink to B/N. Smirking down to him I snicker ''yeah, I'm lucky to still have him even though he can stick to me like a leech most of the time'' you joke as B/N grumbles quietly crossing his arms.

Smiling down to him you raise your head up and gaze out to the clear dark night that was speckled with stars. Your eyes switched from star to star inspecting each one as the little pops and sparks of the fire was the only thing that could be heard. Hearing footsteps coming from your left you soon heard a click of the tongue and knew exactly who had arrived. ''Hey shorty!'' Hanji called out to Levi as he crossed his arms looking between you three ''hey Hanji'' he said blanky before sitting down near the fire, taking out a cloth he began to clean the little blades he had.

Stretching you yawned, B/N had taken out a small packet of Fruit Pastilles and began to pick at them, setting the little bag of sweets next to him he popped one into his mouth. ''Want any Hanji? Levi?'' B/N asked the two who shook their head refusing the offer.

Peeping over the side of the crate you rose an eyebrow before coughing grabbing B/N's attention. ''What about me hm? I am your big sister anyway~'' you teased him as he rolled his eyes tossing up the packet, squeaking from surprise you caught the packet and rid it of its purple-colored sweets before passing it back to B/N. Groaning after looking into the packet B/N shot a glare up to you making you laugh lightly. Levi watched you both as Hanji went back to her reading ''what are you two doing?'' he asked as you smiled to him, about to answer until your sibling cut you off. ''She's a picky eater when it comes to these, the purple ones don't last a day with her here'' B/N motioned up to you scoffing the treats into your mouth, eyes widening partially you shugged. ''What can I say? They're my fucking favorite'' you reasoned as Levi clicked his tongue, moving over to you and B/N and snatched two of the sweets from your lap.

Watching in complete horror as he took two of your favorites you watched him lick one side of both the small sweets as a smug glint shimmered in his eyes. ''What? Want them back? Tch..'' he motioned teasingly to you as you watched him, rolling your eyes you swiftly took the little sweet he held out to you and threw it into your mouth in one swift motion. Levi didn't actually expect you to take the sweet back until you sent a wink his way.

// Time Skip - 4 months \

You drove your knife into another zombie's head, taking it out and dodging a swipe that another tried to claw at you. Kicking it back you quickly sent the blade into its head watching it drop to the floor.

Levi was off in the distance slaughtering the vile creatures that went near him, swiping and shooting at the multiple zombies. You turned around and dodged a lunge that one of them tried to do, taking out your baseball bat you let the zombie hit the ground, proceeding to beat it's skull into the pavement you let out a sigh of relief after standing up straight looking down to your piece of work.

Your heart skipped a beat when you heard an ear piercing cry coming from behind, spinning around your eyes widened at the sight of your 6-year-old brother desperately tried to get out of a zombies grip, the monster pulled B/N close to it and latched it's jaws on your brothers throat making him scream in pain before the zombie tore out his throat, blood splattered everywhere as you felt like you were starting to suffocate. Tears clouded your vision as you charged towards the thing and began to beat the living hell out of it, making its body smashed against the ground you felt tears roll down your cheek and drip from your chin as you stared down to your dead brother's body in shock. You could hear voices coming from all around you but you couldn't make out who was calling you, a loud ringing played in your ears as you didn't tear your dull gaze from the small body.

'He's gone, how... Why... This world, it's fucking cruel.. It took the only thing I was still fighting for, it made me watch my little brother scream and cry for help... Why didn't I do anything...? I couldn't move.. I-.. I-' your thoughts were disrupted when you felt a tug on your shoulder making you spin around and look blankly at whoever gained your attention. Seeing it as Levi, his raven hair was slightly messed up and he had some blood stains on his face, you could see his mouth moving rapidly yet you couldn't hear anything. Only ringing. You watched as he tugged on your arm and sprinted away, looking back to where your brother's corpse laid, the area was now filled with slow walkers letting out low groans and growls. Looking back to Levi, you saw everyone else had begun to retreat as he pulled you along.

The Survey Corps had retreated and left the scene, you were now at the base, hours away from the incident. Sitting down on the crate where you usually sat you brought your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around them, looking down to the dead fire as the sun shined above you.

You could feel your heart thump painfully against your ribcage as you desperately bit down on your lower lip, feeling the stinging sensation of tears arrive you hopelessly attempted at blinking them away. Soon enough your body was racked with sobs as you gave in- letting the new sensation of pain take over, you didn't care if anyone had heard you. Digging your face in between your knees you shut your eyes letting your hoarse cries fill the air, the visions appearing every time you shut your eyes making you sob harder.

You heard faint noises of someone approaching as you cried, feeling someone take you in their arms and rest their head on your own whilst you curdled up in some sort of fetal position. Feeing the soft sensation of the person stroking your hair making you slightly more calmer. ''It's alright Y/n... It'll be alright..'' Levi cooed in your ear as you looked up to him with glossy E/C eyes, jumping into his arms you wrapped your arms around his neck as you dug your face in the crook of his neck sobbing. ''I j-just s-stood there a-and watched! W-Why didn't I-I do something..?'' you thought out loud as Levi attempted to whisper sweet nothings in your ear.

A few minutes passed and you let go of him, a red hue ghosting over your face from embarrassment. ''S-Sorry...'' you muttered as he shook his head ''don't apologize, you needed some comfort and I was glad to give you some even though it means you got my shitty shirt wet'' Levi said as you chuckled at the last part. Feeling his hands on both of your cheeks your eyes darted up and immediately met Levi's silver-grey ones, seeing him slowly lean in towards your face you blushed as you leaned in and kissed him sweetly.

A few minutes passed and Levi pulled away, still looking at you he offered a gentle smile. ''Don't become stuck in the past, continue to rid them monsters of this planet and let your brother rest in peace, I'll help you Y/N..'' he stated watching you nod slightly. ''Alright Levi.. We can be partners in crime and kill every single one of them'' you giggle lightly as he chuckles.

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