Levi x Reader ~ Blizzard

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Can you do a scenario where levi and fem reader get lost in a blizzard/some sort of storm, and they hide away in an abandoned house to keep warm and maybe end up confessing their feelings to another or whatever you want to do? 😍😍😍😍 thank you for all the amazing writing you do.

This is so cute!

Warning: None


// Flashback \

"Y/N I want you to come with me to go to the old Scouts HQ, there will most likely be a snow storm and we won't have horses so wrap yourself up" Levi's stern tone echoed off the walls of his office as you nodded at the Captain, dismissing you Levi continued on with his paperwork. Saluting you left his office 'wait so only me and Levi.. Oh god, we're alone together in a snowstorm!' you screeched internally.

// Current Time \

Trudging through the snow, every step you took made a crunching sound from beneath you as the snow left footmarks from where you trailed, Levi was a little head. He had a long coat on with fur lining the hood, some gloves along with a backpack filled with necessary items. You were the same except your coat was a bright cream color and his was jet black making his figure more noticeable in the frosty winds and chilly snow that batted against your face.

Red-nosed, pink cheeks and pale skinned you kept your gaze on Levi scared to lose him in this dangerous weather, the wind was coming at you both from all directions at high speeds along with the snow that pelted down onto you both. Turning around and looking over his shoulder Levi squinted his eyes looking at you "we'll stay overnight in a cabin I see ahead! It looks abandoned so we can get some rest and maybe light a fire!" he called out to you through the loud winds, Levi's nose was red and his cheeks were a bright red as well which made him look oddly cute in your opinion, sending him a swift nod you watched him turn back around and continue to march towards the supposed cabin.

Soon enough the shape of a small building appeared as you both trudged closer to it, arriving in front of it a violent gust of wind came from behind almost making you trip as Levi grunted taking the door handle and forcefully opening the door.

Walking inside you shut the door behind you cutting out the sounds of the winds and snow as you sighed from relief looking around the small cabin. It was made from wood, a large living area that was attached to a cozy kitchen along with a small corridor that led to a bedroom and a toilet. It was like a dream home to you.

Taking off his bag Levi set it against one of the sofas as he knelt down in front of the stove that had a few logs in it, untouched. "We need to find a match or something to light this fire, or else we'll freeze in here" Levi stated as you bite your lip, putting your bag down next to the door you took off your hood and walked into the kitchen area.

Taking a swift glance around you found a set of drawers, immediately digging through them you eventually found a box of matches which made you smile from the relief of having heat. Proudly marching into the sitting room you opened the box and gave them to Levi who muttered a quiet thanks. Swiping the match against the side of the box a small flame ignited as Levi tossed it into the stove soon watching the logs start to burn up and a warm fire appear.

"That seemed easier than I thought.." Levi thought out loud as you dove towards the flames sitting in front of them trying to gain as much heat as possible. Hearing Levi click his tongue from behind you he ventured off into the cabin seeing what else it had to offer. Silence filled the little home until Levi grunted "good news, there's only one bed" he informed you from the other side of the house, his voice dripping with sarcasm which made you roll your eyes playfully.

"You know what that means sir!" you replied back to him, his boots sounding louder and louder as he approached the living room again. "What does it mean Y/N?" he asked sitting down on the sofa in front of the blazing stove, his hood pulled off as he looked down to you "it means I get the bed~ Since you're a gentleman and all-" you teased as he shot you a glare. "Tch it's a kingsize bed you idiot.. we're sharing" Levi cut you off as you turned back facing the fire muttering a 'oh..' at the thoughts that drifted into your mind.

Quickly dismissing them you stood up noticing Levi was digging through his bag, sending you a questioning look he raised a thin brow. "What are you looking at?" he growled making you flinch "n-nothing! I-I'm going to get some rest if you need me.. You know where I am.." you say as Levi rolls his eyes averting his gaze back to his backpack on his lap. Cruising past the male you walked down the small corridor, opening a door to reveal a bedroom with a large cozy king-sized bed awaiting you.

The heat hasn't even gotten around the house fully yet so the bedroom was quite... Freezing to say the least. Spinning around and shutting the door behind you-you weren't long until you were sitting in front of the fire again. "Y/N you said you're going to bed, what are you doing?" Levi asked setting his backpack to the side, looking over your figure you shrugged at him taking in as much heat as you could. "The bedroom's cold and dark so I'm staying up here" you pouted towards the fire as Levi watched you.

Silence filled the air as you both sat there not knowing what to say. Gazing into the fire the flames illuminated your face with a warm glow. "Captain?" you suddenly ask not taking your E/C orbs off of the dancing flames "what is it?" Levi answers sitting back in the chair, one arm resting up on the back of it as his legs crossed. "Have you ever-.. Liked someone?" you hesitantly asked scared he'd tell you to piss off. A sigh came from the Ackerman as he drifted his gaze around the room "yeah.. Well I do, what are you asking for?" Levi scowls at the thought of you liking someone other than him. "Can we t-tell each other about our crushes? I mean I wouldn't go around screaming about your crush like Hanji or Sasha, and I know you're not the guy who gossips" you chuckle dryly at the little joke as Levi clicks his tongue.

"If it will pass the time then yes, but I'm not giving names L/N" he growled as you spun around to face him, a smile adorned your lips as you crossed your legs looking up to him. "Alright, we only describe them! I'll go first!" you pipe as Levi nods quietly, humming you glimpse around the room. "Well it's a guy obviously, he can be funny sometimes with his jokes as you would call them, he seems like he seen a lot of shit.. And I just want to help him out yknow?" you drift off as Levi bites the inside of his cheek trying to stick the puzzle pieces together of who this guy may be.

"Alright, now your turn" you chirp as Levi rolls his eyes, going silent from thinking what to say without spilling too much information. "Alright.." Levi sighs as you perk up eager to hear about the person he likes. "She can be oblivious sometimes, she's sweet... Always offering to help out... Beautiful.." Levi says as you smile at him, an idea popping into your head of who it might be. "Is it Christa?" you pipe excitedly, Levi scowls shaking his head "no it's not her".

Placing your finger on your chin in thought before another idea sparks in your mind. "Alright then captain-" "Levi" Levi cuts you off earning a confused look "wha?" you ask as he clicks his tongue. "Call me Levi" he says as you hesitantly nod "alright then Levi, on the count of three we both say our crushes name's at the same time... No backing out" you say as a smirk toys at your lips, Levi frowns but goes along with it anyway.

"Alright three, two... One!"



Your eyes widened as you look to your captain in slight shock, Levi wore his usual blank expression as he watched you stutter for a response. "I- uh.." you attempt as Levi shakes his head at you, patting the space beside him on the sofa you crawl up next to him. "I like you too Levi.." you mumble internally questioning if you should cuddle up to him or not. "You look like you're going to piss yourself" Levi comments as you spin your head his way sending him a disapproving look "well I'm secretly questioning on whether I should cuddle up to you or not since you have me sitting here" you shot back.

Sighing Levi wrapped his arm around your shoulder and brought you to his side which made you squeak from surprise. "E-eh!?" you say looking up to him as he glances down to you poker-faced. "It's fine, cuddle me" he simply says.

Giving him a small smile you snuggle into his side as Levi keeps his arms around you protectively. Inhaling his scent as you're lulled to a peaceful slumber in your new boyfriend's arms.

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