Headcanon #11

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Request: hey could you do hc for levi's reaction to seeing his s/o doing acrobatics

Warnings: None


¬ First time he sees you do acrobatics he's like w o w d a m n

¬ S U P E R F L E X I B L E

¬ During combat training you would surprise everyone with a new trick you have up your sleeve each day

¬ The girls betting you can't do the splits

¬ Sorry what?

¬ You immediately drop to the ground doing the splits

¬ People thought you literally broke some bones

¬ When you are using the 3DM Gear you would pull off new moves to make you speed off ahead of him and the squad whilst screaming ' CYA! '

¬ If you were in an acrobatics group that would do shows or tournaments, expect the entire Survey Corp to appear cheering you on

¬ Levi forced them to but they did enjoy it

¬ When Eren was taken by Rod and the whole fighting thing happened between Kenny's team and your own..

¬ You could have sworn you heard Kenny telling his troops to avoid you at all costs

¬ Let's just say you're a killing machine

¬ Levi adores the little tricks that you have

¬ He thinks your somewhat like a sly fox ready to pounce on it's prey

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