Levi x Cadet!Reader ~ Fight

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Request: Could you write a quick story where the reader gets in a huge fight with one of the guys in the scouts and beats the living hell out of him? Levi and erwin watch the fight happen and they both agree that the guy had it coming. Levi is proud of the reader for finally standing up for herself.

Warning: Cursing obviously, Violence

B/N - Boy name


Standing next to Mikasa and Armin you three chatted amongst yourselves while the Captain was giving you a surprising ten-minute break to do whatever you want in the short time. Eren was off with Hanji doing god-knows-what, Levi was standing to the sidelines next to Erwin looking over everyone as they mingled and chat.

Humming quietly you looked around you until a familiar pair of eyes caught your gaze, B/N, the biggest bitch of them all sent you a questioning look as he dispersed from his little group of friends. Obviously looking for trouble since he was marching towards you with his little attitude. Sighing inwardly you excused yourself from Mikasa and Armin and strolled towards B/N meeting him halfway as he sent you a firm glare.

''What were you looking at L/N?'' he seethed frowning at you, snickering you crossed your arms over your chest and put your weight onto one leg as you leaned to the side slightly. ''Tsk I don't know, if I threw a stick you'd go and chase it right?'' you smirked deviously as he looked like he was about to pop a fuse. ''Are you calling me some shitty animal!? I'll have you know I'm a noble! My life is worth more than your own!'' he snapped as the training field went silent, multiple pairs of eyes on you both.

Going silent, you forced a straight face before you burst out laughing. Falling to your knees you held onto your stomach as you cried from laughter, hitting the dirty ground with your free hand as D/N clenched his fists in anger. Your laughing continued on for a few more seconds before you finally looked back up only to get a boot to the face. Head whipped to the side pain seared across your face, the direction your head was turned to had been facing Erwin and Levi. Erwin looked shocked at the sudden hit and was about to say something but Levi held him back and muttered something to the taller man.

Standing up you dust yourself and sent B/N a firm look he gulped but put up his fists in defense. ''I'm giving you five seconds to start running before I completely break you'' you threatened as B/N shook his head, too cocky for his own shoes he tried to hit you with a punch, swiftly dodging to the side B/N stumbled over his own feet as a few cadets snickered at him.

''Why won't you fight me, you bitch!? You're weak that's it isn't it!'' B/N roared as you shrugged. ''Oh hush child, you're only digging yourself a grave'' you state casually dodging another attack from a very furious B/N. Swinging another punch you caught onto his wrist and flipped him onto his back.

Sending him a glare you placed your boot roughly on his chest, gripping his wrist you slowly began to twist it without faltering eye contact. A firm snap was heard along by a screech from B/N. ''Y-You whore! You're toying with me! You animal!'' he kicked you in the stomach making you get off him.

Stepping backward he got up holding his wrist and turned to Erwin and Levi expecting them to scold you. ''Commander! Captain! Did you see that!? She broke my wrist-'' B/N was cut off when you landed a nasty punch to the jaw sending him off his feet and onto the ground a few meters ahead of you. Looking towards the two higher-ups, Erwin had his hands clasped behind his back nodding at you to continue if you wanted.

Coughing B/N struggled to get up hearing pitter patter from behind him he turned looking over his shoulder to see you, obviously excited about giving him a beating. Cracking your knuckles you watched him cry out and try crawl away, getting a grip of his ankle you sent Levi a gentle smile as you dragged B/N off from the training field behind the HQ leaving most people wide-eyed and slightly scared.

// Levi's P.O.V \

Watching Y/N drag B/N by the ankle and disappear around the corner of the HQ made me smirk slightly, Erwin coughed making me look up to him. ''She seemed... Pretty intent on making sure he gets punished..'' he noted in a low voice, nodding I cross my arms and continue supervising the rest of the cadets. ''Yeah, the bastard had it coming... She's probably beating him right now'' I say as Erwin nervously nods. ''She's frightening when she's angry, you don't see that much in cadets'' he replied as I rose an eyebrow. ''Are you going to give her shit after?'' I ask from curiosity, Erwin sends me a frightened look ''n-no I'll leave Y/N be..'' he mutters.

'Atta girl Y/N..'

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