Levi x Vampire!Reader ~ Starving

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Request: I was wondering if you do requests. I would love to read a story about levi and a vampire girlfriend. Something along the lines of his girlfriend is starving for some blood and asks to feed from him. Levi might me hesitant about it, but eventually says yes. P.s love your writing

Yass!! I'm so glad u like my writing!

Warning: Spoilers, Cursing

This Takes Place During AoT Season 3! If you don't like spoilers don't read!


You sat on a chair, listening to everyone talking casually as they made dinner for themselves, yep you heard it, for themselves, they're humans, you're a bloody thirsty vampire. Well of course everyone knew you were since you were dedicating your powers to humanity even though your kind were known to kill humans, you would help them and in fact you fell in love with one.

Levi Ackerman.

He was your boyfriend of a year marking tomorrow.

Watching Eren cut the carrots and sneakly slip a piece of one into his mouth made your stomach churn, you hadn't fed in a few weeks due to not wanting to hurt humans and because animal blood has the most disgusting taste you could ever imagine. You even promised Levi that you would never feed off a human when he was there incase it turned his stomach then that of course made you not want to eat at all since you of course were going to be bloody after.

Levi sat in the corner of the room across from you reading a report from Hanji he only received a few minutes ago, the Military Police was after you, Eren and Historia snd of course the Scouting Legion refused to hand the three of you over especially you and Eren knowing they'd kill you both straight away.

Watching the small cookary team's every move you analysed them as they began to let the food cook. "Boy I'm so hungry I could eat an entire human right now!" Sasha exclaimed stretching, hearing this your stomach growled loudly, Sasha's sentence gained some questionable looks "don't worry Sasha it will be done in a while we only have to wait" Armin's gentle voice soothed, whenever your hunger struck you your eyes would have a tinge of red in them until they turned to ruby red and you would go paler and paler until you either die from starvation or until you feed.

You were lost in thought until a voice called you out, snapping your now ruby eyes to your friends you saw Eren, Historia and the others looking at you. "Y/N are you alright? you're incredibly pale a-and your eyes are red" Historia asked moving closer as she said this Levi looked up from his papers towards your weak figure. Historia placed a gentle hand on your knee "when was it since you last fed Y/N?" she asked "four weeks.. Three days.." you mutter in shame. Armin gasped "Y/N that's not healthy! You're probably on the verge of starving to death you need food" he said rushing over "yeah it's alright we don't mind if you come in soaked with blood" Eren stated looking to you.

Levi had been watching the scene quietly, you hadn't eaten for four weeks? What were you thinking?

"Come on Y/N we can go find a deer in the forest if you want?" Sasha suggested you shook your head "human blood is the only blood I can feed off of.. not animals.." you tell her.

Levi stood up, he had to figure out why you stopped feeding, was it because of the promise you made a while back? You staying alive was more important than a promise.

"Oi Y/N" looking up you see your lovers face gazing back down to your own "come with me" Levi says before walking away, hesitantly nodding you follow the male up the small staircase to his bedroom. Walking in he motions for you to sit on his bed which was against the wall.

Sitting down on the bed, you watched as Levi run his hands through his raven locks before looking at you. "What am I ever going to do with you?" was the only words you heard "I promised you I wouldn't feed off of anyone Levi" you shrugged holding your stomach as it grumbled again. "You staying alive is more fucking important than a promise Y/N screw the promise alright? if you feel hungry then you go out and get food you hear me" Levi frowns at you, lowering your head like a scolded puppy you nod.

Levi crouched down in front of you "I don't care if you walk into this place one day looking like you bathed in blood after your little feast, I need you to stay alive alright?" Levi says in a more gentle tone looking into your temporary ruby eyes. "Pinky promise?" you say raising your pinky up to him giving him the puppy eyes, Levi swore he felt his heart melt "pink promise" he said linking his pinky with your own.

"C-Can I feed o-off of you?" you nervously ask, of course you knew how to control how much blood you took when you fed but you didn't want to hurt your boyfriend. Silence played in the air as you looked down to your lover who seemed to be thinking "I won't kill you or hurt you I promise and I would never do that anyway.. You're too important to me" you blink at him, Levi's eyes squint a low hum coming from his lips before he slowly nodded.

"Fine you can feed off of me but don't drain me got it?" Levi warned taking off his black jacket and undoing a few buttons of his shirt. Nodding eagerly you watched as he exposed his luscious neck to you "Thank you Levi" you smile at him, Levi nods facing the other way as you lean over to him.

Grazing your fangs over his tender flesh you sunk them in feeling Levi wince from underneath you, having your hand at the back of his head stroking his hair as you began drinking on his blood. "Fuck.. Y-Y/N.." you hear him say making you smirk slightly, eventually feeling him about to go limp against you, you pulled out swiftly licking his neck clean. Two small circular puncture holes left as Levi looked at you in a daze before laying on you tiredly.

"Don't worry I didn't take that much but I'll be fine for another few weeks" you smile at the exhausted man laying on you, grumbling Levi dug his head into your chest while you gently pet his hair.

"Fucking brat.. You made me tired.. I think I'll just sleep here" Levi says leaning into you like a newbord baby at it's mother. "Love you Y/N.." he whispers finally falling asleep "love you too Cap.." you reply dozing off.

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