Levi x SingleMother!Reader ~ Baby

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Request: could you do a continuation of the breakup and his s/o finds out she's pregnant and now she doesn't know if she should or shouldn't tell levi


Warning: Cursing


Not three weeks after you and Levi went separate ways you found out you were pregnant. What were you going to do now? Tell him? No you couldn't.. His job is too important and dangerous... But what if he dropped everything and raised the child with you? No dammit Y/N life isn't like some fairytale face it, you'll have to be a single mother.

Of course Hanji knew since she was the only person you told so sometimes you would have a bit of company with you until she had go head back to the headquarters, rumors got around about whoever she was visiting was pregnant yet the scientist refused to tell who knowing Levi would find out eventually. ''Hanji if you don't mind me asking but would we know who you visit frequently?'' Armin asked sitting across from the scientist who looked deep in thought ''yes.. you definitely would know her.. a sweet little thing she is...'' Hanji said not daring to look at Levi who was staring into the side of her head. ''It's someone we know...'' Armin mumbled placing a hand on his chin thinking. ''By the way, where did Y/N go? She was funny'' Eren smiled sadly at the memories, Levi stiffened and glanced away his eyes darkening to a gloomy state.

''She's living by herself now... She's alright though don't worry!'' Hanji grinned then immediately regretted it, the group's eyes snapped to her ''what do you mean she's alright? You've been visiting her then haven't you?'' Mikasa questioned Hanji who nodded hesitantly. ''Wait then... Since the person you're visiting is pregnant... Y/N is pregnant?'' Armin connected the puzzle pieces causing Levi's breath to hitch in his throat. ''What do you mean she's fucking pregnant?'' he asked frowning. Hanji turned to send him a dirty glare ''She's having a child Levi'' venom dripped from her voice as both of them knew who the father was.

Of course it was Levi

He was the father

// Time Skip \

You cradled the small infant in your arms, looking down to the baby he had dark raven hair like his father, he got all his looks from his father apart from his ears which looked like yours. Quietly cooing at the child in your arms you had become a mother merely two weeks ago and S/N was your beautiful prince of a son. Now you were heading to the HQ since Hanji said you could come over for the day since it was a day off, getting off your horse with your child to your chest you tied your stallion up and proceeded inside the Headquarters.

Walking through the familiar corridors you passed a few cadets who sent you gentle smiles. ''Y/N?'' a voice called out from behind you, turning around you viewed Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Jean standing at the bottom of the corridor looking at you in shock. Smiling to them they didn't hesitate to appear by your side in a couple of seconds. ''It's been a while huh?'' Eren grinned to you, you nodded in response ''awe he's a cutie'' Jean purred to the baby in your arms, Armin nodded smiling down to the smaller human. ''How are you Y/N? Is everything going well?'' Mikasa asked you grinned to her ''everything is going smoothly, S/N is a surprisingly calm child I thought he'd be tearing the house down'' you joke making the girl chuckle. ''Is it hard being a single mother?'' Eren quizzed you softly ''sometimes..'' you shrugged.

''Hey guys what are you all huddled up for? What's going on?'' A cheery voice ordered from the other side of the corridor making you smile widely. ''Y/N OH MY GOD! IS THAT YOU!?'' Hanji full on sprinted to you smiling like a maniac ''hey Hanji'' you say sweetly. ''Oh my! Look how much baby Levi has grown! How cute and adorable!'' Hanji took the baby from your arms and began cooing at it. ''Wait baby Levi?'' Armin piped looking to you ''You had a child with the captain!?'' Eren shrieked in surprise ''yeah.. but I'm a single mother now soo..'' you tell them awkwardly. Mikasa looks to you in pity ''don't worry Y/N the kid doesn't deserve a runt of a father anyway'' she says smirking.

''Y/N! let's go to my office and catch up! By the way, Erwin wanted to see you guys!'' Hanji says to the group who nod and take their leave after wishing you good luck.

''Y/N I can't believe this though... You're such a great mother'' Hanji praised as she handed you back S/N. ''Thanks Hanji..'' you mutter quietly looking out the window. Arriving outside her office she opens the door walking inside and holding it for you. As she walks in she spots a figure standing at her desk ''tch shitty glasses I was just about to go find you... You still don't have your paperwork starte-'' Levi stopped suddenly looking at you holding a small raven haired male to your chest protectively. Staring back at him silence fills the room like water ''Should I leave you two here..?'' Hanji looks to you raising an eyebrow, carefully nodding you looked down to your child who clung his little hand to the collar to your shirt.

Levi stared at you wide-eyed looking at you gently rock the baby in your arms ''w-who's the father..?'' he barely managed ''I only slept with one guy Levi and you know who that is..'' you said not daring to look away from the young human. Slowly taking steps towards you Levi kept his eyes on the small child, it looked exactly like him as it looked up to you in innocence. ''Y/N... I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.. c-can I see him?'' Levi nervously asked, nodding you reached the male in front of you letting him look at his son. You watched as Levi smiled at the baby, S/N reaching a small arm up to Levi's cravat. ''What's his name?'' Levi looked to you ''S/N, he's two weeks old'' you inform him as he nods at every word ''Y/N let me raise him with you, I know I broke your heart and I'm sorry.. I still love you and S/N he's my son..'' Levi looked like he was on the verge of tears ''alright Levi...how could I say no to you?'' you smile to him.

Levi's eyes light up as he dives in kissing you quickly ''damn.. fuck you're going to make me cry'' he suppresses a smile as he wipes his eye with his sleeve sniffing slightly. ''Want to hold him?'' you invite, Levi looked eager and nodded. You carefully gave him S/N who immediately grabbed onto Levi's soft cravat leaning into his chest for warmth. ''So god damn adorable.. He looks just like me'' Levi looked down to the smaller raven haired male. You giggled watching the scene in content.

// Time Skip \

''Dad mom's talking about putting a dress on me again! Help!''

''Sweet dear god Y/N NO!''

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