Headcanon #21

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Request: Hello, first I wanted to say that I loved your blog! Your writing skills are great! 💕 And, if Headhcanons requests are open, I would like to ask for some long Sick! Levi x reader, what do you think? Hugs 💕

Thank you~! I'm happy that you like my blog ^,^

Warning: Cursing


× You first found out when Levi was sick because he looked awfully pale, and his voice was hoarse not to mention he was tired all the time

× N U R S E Y/N O N T H E W A Y

× You'd literally have to force Levi to stay in bed

× You'd do his paperwork and clean his office every two days

× You'd even bring him your mother's soup since she sees Levi as a son so he better be ready for s o u p

× He'd be asleep half the time

× You'd feed the soup to him like he's a child

× "Y-Y/N I'm not a fucking chi-"

× Expect a lot of sneezing

× He'd be the most stubborn and independent man alive when he's sick

× "No piss off I can get a shower instead of a bath if I want to"

× "No you won't Levi, now get in that bathtub now or else you're getting no more soup."

× You never saw someone scramble towards a bath so quickly

× He'd be so relaxed and calm and just lay there in the warm tub filled with bubbles

× You'd wash his hair while he's in this relaxed state

× Levi loves when you play with his hair, he just loves the feeling of it

× Literally the cutest thing you ever seen, seeing him with bubbles in his hair while being so calm

× When he says he's getting out you leave him to dry off and change

× He'd sit up in bed against the headboard waiting for you to return with the s o u p

× You'd join him in bed and cuddle up against him despite his protests

× "Y/N no, I'm not passing this onto you don't you dare"

× You really couldn't care if you got sick

× You two would fall asleep together eventually

× Waking up in the morning and being extremely careful not to wake Levi when you crawl out of bed

× You leave a little note at his bedside table saying you've gone to clean/train/whatever

× You would stay with him every minute of the day incase he needs you to do something

× Random cadets would walk into Levi's office and just see you filling out paperwork for him

× "U-Uh wrong office.. sorry miss.."

× You could hear Levi snickering from inside his bedroom connected to his office

× You'd leave Levi to attend higher ups meetings for him, violently writing down notes and everything for him to over once you return

× Erwin knows you're covering for Levi so he goes easy on you incase you don't understand something

× You'd return to him most likely reading, beaming from happiness that you got to attend a higher ups meeting

× "Someone's happy, what happened?"

× "I feel so proud I got to be in a superiors meeting"

× He'd roll his eyes playfully at your giddiness

× You'd let him read over the notes and whatever you took down during the meeting

× People would start to joke around with you by calling you either "Captain Y/N" or "Corporal Y/N"

× Word eventually reaches Levi and he begins to tease you when you visit him

× "What are the orders for today Captain?"

× "Oh not you too Levi.."

× Erwin actually gives you permission to punish people since you've basically taken over for Levi

× "Erwin's letting me punish people now"

× "Y/N wipe that smirk off your face, who was your first victim?"

× "Horse face, I made him clean the stables then feed the horses cause they're his family"

× When Levi gets better you then get sick

× The teasing will be u n r e a l

× "Told you so"

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