Injured!Levi x Reader ~ Save you

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Request: Hey, I looove your writing, btw <3 I have an idea for a Levi scenario. Can you do one where the reader and Levi go on an expedition and an abnormal titan gravely hurts Levi. The reader thinks he's dead, so she goes berserk on the titan (like Levi did in the No Regrets OVA) and completely butchers it in a fit of insane rage and sadness. Then she finds out Levi is alive, and there's tearful fluff. Thanks!

Oh my lord I've been wanting to do this for a while now lmao!

Warning: Violence, Mentions of Blood, Cursing


You flew alongside your captain, Levi Ackerman. You had the honour of being a apart of his squad and you worked extremely hard for it, months after you joined the Scouts Levi asked if you wanted to join his squad in which you happily agreed. Over the time you spent with your captain you wouldn't be lying if you said you had begun to hold feelings for the raven haired soldier.

And now you were both flying through a forest full of trees hunting for titans like it were a sport. A familiar groan errupted from behind a bunch of trees making you squint your eyes where the noise came from. "Y/N stay on guar-" Levi was cut off when an abnormal came flying out towards him at lightning speed, Levi didn't have enough time to react and was caught in the titan's grip.

Eyes widening your heart rate picked up immensly as Levi struggled to get free, soon a loud snap was heard along with a shout of pain from Levi. The abnormal which was on all fours dropped Levi to the grass where he lay motionless.

It all happened so quickly, both your 3DM Gear wires latched onto trees either side of you as you hanged there looking at the titan in shock, tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as the abnormal turned to you only to find you not between the trees anymore.

The abnormal glanced around seeing where you disappeared to, swiftly slicing upwards from it's chin the titan stumbled to the side as you went sky high before bulleting back down slicing the abnormal's skin again. Swiftly dodging out of the way of it's hand the titan attempted to swat at you, tears ran down your cheeks as you screamed at it.

"YOU BASTARD! I'LL KILL YOU!" you screamed in absolute agony, darting back and forth in a blur slicing and cutting open the titan's flesh, after cutting it again you reattached your hooks and went in again screaming insults at the beast as it hopelessly attempted to hit you. "WHY!? WHY WOULD YOU?! I FUCKING HATE YOU!" you screeched as it clamped you in it's massive hand, not seconds later you sliced its hand up into pieces before shredding up it's arm like a lethal razor blade.

Blood splattered and poured out overywhere especially on you. As you tore through it's arm you leaped at it's eyes and shoved both blades in its eyes blinding it. Swiftly pulling out a new pair you violently darted back and forth from the creature in a blur due to the speed. You watched as its head came off, immediately slashing its nape open you let out a loud cry as you dropped to the ground, the beast collapsing behind you as you dropped your blades from your holders and sprinted to Levi.

"Captain! Captain!" you shouted arriving at his side in an instant, kneeling down to him you examined Levi. He was conscious but you could tell he was in a lot of pain due to the grunts and groans of it. "C-cadet?" he asked weakly, tears formed in your eyes again as you managed to pick Levi up "I'm here captain... Don't worry I'll help you, just, don't give up on me yeah? Please sir don't give up!" you pleaded as he groaned.

// Time Skip \

You sat next to Levi's bed in the infirmary, exhausted but you weren't going to leave your captain alone. He was asleep, earlier you offered to get him anything if he needs it. Of course, from witnessing you go bat-shit crazy on the abnormal Levi assumed you were tired and told you to go to sleep but you stubbornly refused.

You covered it up with a smile saying you were fine, but really Levi was right. Quietly standing up careful not to disturb Levi's resting form you walked out, arriving back a few minutes later with a fresh bunch of flowers that you got him every few days, you even came back with a small tray of stuff as well, a little box of tablets for the pain and a drink for the tablets. Taking out the old flowers you placed the new ones in and proceeded to throw the old ones away and laid the tray to his bedside table.

Sitting back down you lay your head back against the chair, closing your eyes you dozed off to sleep.

Half an hour later you stirred and woke up to Levi taking one of the tablets, he glanced to you before nodding quietly. Sending Levi a warm smile you stretched "how are you feeling sir?" you asked as Levi hummed for a few seconds "I'm doing fine, I just need a bit more rest but other than that I'll live... Thank you Y/N, if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here now" Levi mutters as you glimpsed to the flowers next to him. "No need to thank me sir, I was just looking out for you that's all" you respond as Levi clicks his tongue, scooting to the side of the small bed slightly Levi pat the empty spot next to him looking at you expectantly.

Raising an eyebrow you agreed to his request and sat next to him careful not to hurt him "are you alright sir-?" you didn't get a chance to finish your question when Levi wrapped his arm around you. "Drop the formalities Y/N, we're alone so we're fine also call me Levi" Levi says watching you hesitantly nod at his command. "When I fully heal you better be ready for me to bring you out on a date" he mutters nuzzling into your neck sending shivers down your spine as a blush errupted from your cheeks.

"A-Alright Levi" you bit your lip at the way how easily his name rolled off your tongue. Cuddling up against him you both lay there as Levi pecked your cheek, smiling slightly at the moment you two are sharing.

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