Levi x Titan Shifter!Reader ~ Recovery

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Warning: Cursing, Violence

Summary: You go unconscious during a fight with Annie in Stohess, waking up to Levi by your side you both have the strangest conversation

Based in Stohess, the plan to capture Annie


You stood next to Levi as Erwin was having a stare-down with the Commander of the Military Police, Nile. "Erwin this city is going to go up in flames and civilians will be killed because of you!" Nile shouted to him as MP's stood around with their guns, Erwin was currently wearing his gear and Jean just left a few minutes ago to meet up with a squad. "That's why we have Y/N here to sort out the problem and stop whatever destruction is being caused" Erwin said motioning back to me as Nile's eyes widened partially before he aimed his gun at me "you! You're one of those beasts as well!?" he exclaimed as I silently nodded. "Even though she's not a beast, she's with us in-case shit really got bad so we'd have some form of protection" Levi sarcastically snarled to Nile as he watched my every move.

"Y/N, since there's no word on Eren you go and deal with the Female Titan, I give you full permission to use your titan ability and take her down" Erwin says sternly over his shoulder to me. Nodding I catch a glimpse of Levi giving me a slight smile in reassurance. Smiling from excitement about using my titan form I set off walking forward ahead of Erwin ignoring the threats from Nile and his soldiers. A few meters ahead I bring my hand to my mouth and clamp my jaws around it, feeling electricity immediately run through my veins as muscle and flesh build up and form another large female titan. Feeling like I've opened my eyes I now have a clear vision of my titan perspective, looking around to get a view of the area before running off down the street leaving some MP's star-struck at my sudden appearance.

// Time Skip \\

It's been an hour and a half since I've changed and now I was currently brawling with Annie through the streets, dodging a punch I wasn't quick enough to react when she suddenly swept me off my feet making me fall on my back with a loud thud along with some cracks in the ground. Feeling her get a grip of my ankle Annie then proceeded to pull me up and toss me further down the street like a rag-doll.

Crashing through the building I quickly regain my composure and stand up, standing up as she charges at me. Swiftly moving out of the way I kept my arm out and landed a rough punch to her chest making her stumble back, I could see a few Scouts on nearby rooftops watching us which just edged me on to win more. Punching her in the face she growled before slamming me to the ground, kicking her legs out from underneath her I climb on top and pin her arms above her head as she stops moving. Presuming she gave up I eased a little 'good... She gave up... Heh wonder what Levi would think of thi-' I was dragged from my thoughts as Annie flipped us both over before she stood up and ran the opposite direction.

Hauling myself up I noticed a familiar blonde and raven hair down the street who watched the entire scene. 'OH MY FUCKING GOD! HOW COULD I LET MY FUCKING EGO GET TO ME!' I mentally scream taking off again after Annie, rounding a corner she stood in the middle of a complex staring at me with boredom. Screaming I violently swing a fist at her, only for her to dodge it and shove me backwards making me almost trip over my feet 'fuck... I'm getting tired... Where the fuck is Eren I can't hold up for much longer' I thought attempting to land another hit on her but she dodges again. My vision was getting hazy since I've begun to over-do the amount of time I can last in my titan form and I can tell my body was slowly giving up on me. 'Nonono! Not now! Imagine how disappointed everyone would be!' I panic as my vision becomes so blurry I could hardly tell what was happening.

I didn't notice that Annie had risen her crystallized leg to me, in one swift motion she took off my titans head. Immediately becoming limp I drop to my knees as I hear a few of my friends shout to me as Annie sprints off again. Using as much energy as I can I tear myself out from the nape and hang loosely from a few muscles on my arms and lower body as the wind hit against my steaming skin.

The sounds of blades slicing through flesh rang in my ears as I felt myself drop into someone's arms, looking up half-lidded to Jean who landed on the grass and laid me down. "Hey you alright? You did a great job back there" he smiles as I tiredly nod forcing myself to sit up and bringing my hand to my mouth again I attempt to bite down on it only for nothing to happen. "H-Hey stop! You're gonna hurt yourself!" Jean says pulling my bloody hand down from my mouth, giving him a bored expression I yawn and laid back despite the whole event that's currently going on. "I've already hurt myself by not stopping Annie, I guess I'm gonna have to clean down headquarters when this is all over" I chuckle sourly at my joke before losing consciousness.

// Time Skip - After Capturing Annie \

Groaning from pain I wake up with a thumping headache, raising my hand to my head I growl from the pain as I open my eyes seeing it as a completely different room 'must be in the infirmary..' I thought as a cough catches my attention. Snapping my gaze over next to my bed sat Levi in a chair with his suit still on looking at me with an eyebrow raised. "Finally awake huh... You were out for 14 hours.. Seems like you overdid yourself" he says propping one arm up on the back of the chair, sighing I nod as the drowsiness didn't go away.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop Annie" I mutter quietly as he shakes his head dismissing my apology "Don't apologize, you couldn't have stopped your body from giving up, you did a good job anyways... You wore the bitch out" Levi stated causing a smile to grace my lips.

"Heh... Only thing I remember before losing consciousness was making a joke about you forcing me to clean" you chuckle as Levi rolls his eyes playfully at your banter. "Not when you look like you've bathed in Satan's shit, no, you can clean another day" he teased making you snicker. Sitting up you smiled tiredly at Levi who stayed silent. "You know... Your titan has a massive ass" Levi blurts out before blushing a deep crimson as you pouted to your lover "and normal me doesn't?" you fake sniffle.

Sitting up Levi smirks "don't worry, your ass is a perfect size" he says as you laugh "why are we talking about my ass all of a sudden?". Levi shrugs "I'm trying to compliment you dammit, and if you even mentio-" he was cut off when you smirked deviously. "Y/N don't you dare bring back up that day.." he grumbled to you as your smirk grew bigger.

// Flashback \

"Hey Levi! I've recently noticed how good looking your butt is!" you call out to him across the training field. He spins around looking at you in shock "what the actual fuck?" he questions as you walk over and slap his ass in front of everyone including Hanji. "Don't worry, I know you love it you kinky little dog" you wink to him as Hanji bursts out laughing at Levi becoming incredibly flustered and annoyed. "Y/N why are you suddenly interested in my ass? jesus woman.." he groans turning back to the group in front of him who were currently stifling their laughter as Hanji was bent over crying from it.

// End Of Flashback \

"The day were I became very interested in your butt? Oh that's a day to remember" you tease as he clicks his tongue, a shade of pink on his cheeks. "You're a strange girl..." he comments as you smile to him "but you love me dontcha?" you ask as he nods lightly looking to the floor in embarrassment.

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