Jealous!Levi x Reader ~ Affection

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Thank you for all the good histories, you are truly a gift to the fandom! I wanna request (just if you want) a jelaous Levi dealing with the amazing relationship de M/C has with her bestfriend(male)

Sorry about my english, it's my third language so...


A/N: ur too sweet xD I'm sorry I couldn't get this done quicker for you

F/N - Friend Name

Warning: None


You had been great friends with F/N since you were both young children, spending each and every day together playing in either of your gardens. When F/N heard you say you were joining the Scouts he didn't hesitate to join as well, as much as you didn't like the thought of him being in danger and getting hurt you couldn't control his life so you left him be.

The cadet years were fun, you remember the first time you both used the 3DM Gear you both were ecstatic about it. You had made some close friends during the years of your training as well and now you were involved in a massive friends group.

Here you were now, a full fledged scout that proudly wore the Wings Of Freedom on her back. Also a lover of the infamous and Humanities Strongest, Levi Ackerman. Life seemed to be going great for you, you had so many supportive friends and superiors along with a loving boyfriend that cared deeply for you.

Walking through the corridor of the Scouts HQ you were bored and decided to have a stroll around and find something to do before lunch, F/N decided to tag along as well and now you were both chatting and laughing about anything and everything. "Y/N we should do a horse race one day" F/N chuckles as you grin nodding to him. Turning a corner you both walk into the mess hall seeing soldiers and superiors eating their lunch.

Walking down the set of stairs into the mess hall your lively gaze met your boyfriend's calm and cold one, smiling to him you mouth a 'hey love' to him. Levi nods at you as you go and get your food, F/N following closely behind. Getting your tray of food you venture to your friends table and sit down in a empty spot. "Hey guys" you greet Eren and the others who greeted you back, F/N sat next to you and immediately dug into his food making you chuckle at his behaviour.

You all soon finished your lunch and now were sitting around chatting. Feeling F/N sling an arm around your shoulders he sent you a goofy grin. "Yeah, me and Y/N go way back! We knew each other since we were kids!" F/N laughed as you nodded at his statement, you soon heard a little snap of wood from across the mess hall. Flicking your eyes to where the noise came from you didn't find out what it was or who made it making you shrug your shoulders. "So you've known each other for that long? F/N how was Y/N when she was younger?" Armin asked curiously making F/N smirk "Oh Y/N was a daredevil when she was young, always going out after dark, sneaking out of the house when she was grounded... Now don't get me wrong! She may have been a little trouble maker but that didn't stop her from being smart and having such a great personality" F/N told the blonde who nodded every now and then.

Hearing a chair abruptly screech against the floor made you squeak, turning around you saw as Levi leave the mess hall with a pissed off expression. Raising an eyebrow at him you watched as the door shut behind him 'I'll give him sone space... He seems angry..' you thought turning your attention back to your friends.

// Time Skip \

Lunch was over and now everyone had time to relax, you told F/N you were going to spend some time with Levi and he happily sent you off with a 'Go get em tiger!'.

Arriving outside Levi's office you decided not to barge in unexpected this time in case he was still mad, gently knocking you heard Levi growl a 'come in' from behind the wooden door. Stepping inside his office you sent Levi a sweet smile seeing him furiously squeeze the life out of a stress ball you got him a few days ago, he was squeezing it so hard in his hand his knuckles turned white. "Hey you alright?" you asked closing the door behind you, seeing Levi's desk clear of everything he watched you sit on the edge of his desk looking down to him. "Yeah, just peachy." he said blankly making you quirk an eyebrow at his moodiness "what's wrong? Something bothering you?" you weren't buying his act since he was obviously annoyed at something. "I'm fine. Go mess with F/N or whatever" he added a little vemon to F/N's name making you more confused as you watched him.

"I'm not gonna leave you here while you're being tormented by something, maybe I can help?" you offered as Levi kept his terrifying gaze towards the door across the room from him. "If you want to help then maybe give me a little more attention every now and then" Levi growled tightening his grip on the stress ball again, your jaw dropped slightly. "What do you mean? Give you more attention? What?" you were puzzled and awfully confused on what Levi was annoyed at. Flicking his eyes to you for a few seconds he returned them to the door "you keep spending all the hours of the day with that brat F/N, Y/N if you want to break up just say it" Levi's voice was laced with pain as your confused gaze softened on him.

Getting off the side of his desk you hugged his arm "Why would I want to break up with you? I love you and you're stuck with me whether you like it or not" you giggle to him as he looks seeing you do puppy eyes. "No need to be jealous Levi, F/N is just a friend... You know I'd pick you over anyone in this world" you continue as Levi gives a little nod, slightly embarrassed from his behaviour.

"Now about you wanting more affection hm? I think someone is asking for cuddles~" you tease gently poking his cheek as Levi turns a bright pink rolling his eyes. "Tch fine come on" he said patting his lap, smiling widely you don't hesitate to sit in his lap.

Curling up and laying your head against Levi's chest you let your legs hang over the side of the chair as he wraps his arms around you, lowering his head to you Levi places a kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering over your soft skin for a few seconds before you snuggle more into him. The rhythm of his heartbeat making you sleepy as you both hold onto one another in a comfortable silence.

"Not so jealous now are we?"

"Tch shut it"

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