Headcanon #31

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Request: Levi's reaction to his and the readers daughters first word? What would it be? If its dada would he cry? Smile? Like a real shit eating grin smile?

Done as a hc

Warning: None


×When your daughter first said 'daddy' was when she was begging for Levi's attention while he was doing paperwork, you sat at the couch reading and she was going around in her walker

× When the word left her mouth Levi shot his head up to her as you stared wide-eyed

× Expect him to be hugging and cuddling her in a second

× You'd hear slight sobs and sniffles coming from the man which would concern you

× "Honey? Are you alright?"

× "Y-Yeah.."

× Levi would be all over your daughter for the rest of the night

× He'd try to get her to say it again and again

× It just makes him so happy

× Levi then would try get her to say 'Mommy' but would have no success

× He'd be praising her everytime she'd call him

×Funny thing is she'd only call him when she wants his full on attention

× You could be sitting at the cadet table with your friends as they chat to her

× Your daughter surprisingly knows which table Levi is always at with the higher-ups

× She just shouts at the top of her lungs "DADDY!"

× Incoming Levi at 9 o' clock

× She's obviously a daddy's girl

× So are you

× You'd find them cuddling at his desk most of the time

× Your daughter would have Levi's raven hair with your E/C eyes, everything else is like him

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