Humanities Strongest!Levi x Humanities Strongest!Reader ~ Power

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Request: Okay what about a female humanities strongest that fights side by side with Levi and they're praised by everyone else in the town and everyone wants them to be together

Sorry this is really short lol

Warning: None


You rode your pearl white horse through the gates of Wall Rose, the Scouts returning with little to no deaths only some minor injuries here and there from the latest expedition. You were known as 'Humanities Strongest Woman' and it made you wear a proud smirk everytime someone mentioned it, of course, Levi being Humanities Strongest male you were both praised by the citizens despite the failed expedition. Looking around at the citizens that had made a clear pathway for the Scouts to walk through you caught a glimpse of a small group of children that stared in awe at you on your horse. Sending the group of children a quick wink you heard them squeal in joy making you inwardly giggle.

Levi was on his horse next to you, watching you wink towards the kids. You always had a soft spot for children and you were incredibly kind to them even when you had returned from a catastrophe of an expedition. You smiled to the elder citizens and elderly who welcomed you back.

''Woah! Go Ms.LN! Welcome back!'' you heard from the crowd making you chuckle. ''You seem to have quite the fans'' Levi said from next to you, turning to look at him you shrugged at the Ackerman ''well you do have some as well Levi'' you smirked to him as he rolled his eyes making you snicker ''oh come on! You can't deny it~'' you continued as he frowned at you. Laughing you shook your head at him and returned your gaze forward. ''Levi and Y/N sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G'' you heard a child chant from the crowds of people making you go a slight pink. Of course you and Levi had to put up with this as well, every time you and him were caught together in public you both got whistled at by some people walking by. ''Tch.. They're never going to live it down are they?'' Levi growled in irritation, biting your lip you shook your head deciding to stay silent.

Truth is, you always got nervous when someone shouted stuff like that when you arrived back from expeditions because you actually did have a soft spot for the Captain yet he wasn't interested in relationships or love, he was fighting to free humanity. Not to get in a relationship.

Glancing towards Levi, he was staring dead ahead with a bored expression on his face like always. Drifting your E/C back to the horse beneath you-you gently pet its neck as the animal clip-clopped along the stone ground. You and Levi were quite good friends and you didn't dare ruin such a treasured friendship so you kept quiet and suffered in silence.

You didn't even dare tell Hanji knowing she'd run off screaming about what you told her. You recently even made a girl group for fun and your little group quickly gained popularity within the three walls, having a concert in each district once a year. Surprisingly Erwin let you do your concerts and you couldn't be happier with the way your life was currently, you made the girl band with your three other friends just for fun, not expecting to gain popularity but you loved it and you loved your girls.

Your number one song was called Private Show and it was honestly your favorite.

// Time Skip \

You were sat on top of the wall by yourself, overlooking the view of the sun slowly disappearing over the hills and trees. No Garrison soldiers were on top of the wall either so you had the area to yourself, humming quietly you felt the wind pick up slightly.

Sighing you lay back on the hard stone of the wall, your legs hanging freely off the edge as you stared up at the sky which was slowly getting darker with stars starting to appear. Tomorrow you had practice with your friends for your new album and you were so tired from the expedition you felt like you could sleep for years without waking up. You may be Humanities Strongest female but that doesn't mean you get tired from time to time.

'Oh how I wish I could just cuddle Levi right now..'

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