Levi x Arachnophobe ~ Beast

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Warning: Cursing

Arachnophobia - Fear of Spiders


Screaming from horror you bolted down each and every corridor of the Scouts HQ chased by two massive dog-sized spiders that hissed towards you making you scream even louder. Behind the two beasts was Hanji who was frantically screeching for the spiders to stop scaring the living daylights out of you.

Sprinting as fast as you could you continued down another corridor hearing the little pitter-patters of the spiders from behind you, they were literally the size of two golden retrievers, spikey hairs popping out of them as their demonic looking mouths fidgeted and moved rapidly.. not to mention the beady eyes that screamed food the second the two creatures saw you.

// Flashback \

"Oh come on Y/N you'll love my two new pets!" Hanji begged you for the fiftieth time today, scowling you finally agree to the man woman's pleads just to make her shut up.

When you both arrived outside her office she stopped you, giving you a serious look "whatever you do, do not make it look like you are scared of them, don't freak out or else they will think you're food" she said sternly earning a confused nod from you.

She swung the door open and walked in behind you, cautiously stepping in you looked around. "Hanji there's nothing here what are you talki-" you were cut off by a low hiss from above you.

Slowly looking upwards you visibly paled at the sight, two large eight legged monsters cramped up on the ceiling staring down at you curiously. Without thinking you screamed and ran out the door, distressing the two spiders they began to chase you.

// Flashback End \

You noticed this corridor as the one belonging to the dorms for the males and females, at the end of the corridor was Levi's office. Levi had been your boyfriend for 8 months and you trusted him with your life, well... Time to see if he'd actually protect you against these foul beasts.

You felt a silky leg hit your lower back making you scream evem louder, soon enough both the boys and girls dorm rooms open and out came your friends wondering what's going on seeing you at the start of the corridor being chased.

"SOMEONE FUCKING HELP ME!" you screeched seeing the dorm rooms getting closer, Jean and Eren began to snicker at you while Armin looked confused and concerned.

Noticing the door to Levi's office open he soon walked out with a pissed off expression until seeing you nearly piss yourself bulleting straight towards him with two eight legged creatures in tow along with a very scared Hanji trying to calm them down.

"LEVI!" you screeched finally reaching him before grabbing onto his arm and pulling him into his office before slamming the door shut behind you. You heard two loud thumps along with some hisses and growls from outside as you leant against the door slowly sliding down it.

"What the actual fuck did I just witness Y/N?" he asked looking down to your panting form. Resting your head back against the door you shook your head "Hanji turning spiders to the size of dogs, they tried to eat me.. Of course I have very bad arachnophobia so that doesn't help either.." you tried to catch your breath as Levi clicked his tongue. "Didn't Hanji know about your fear?" he asks crouching down in front of you, nodding you finally calm your breathing hearing no sounds come from outside.

"C-Can you go see if they're gone...? They terrify me.." you whimper as Levi nods scooting you out of the way with his boot he opens the door hesitantly. Stepping half-way out the door he glanced around and up to the ceiling before opening it fully for you when he made sure the coast was clear.

"They're gone it's fine" he offers a hand down to you with you gratefully accept as Levi hauls you up you hear a familiar hiss, swiftly stepping out of the way of the door Levi merely dodges getting tackled by one of the two rouge spiders.

Screeching from fright the creature immediately turns to you as if you were number one on it's hit list, quickly scurrying towards you-you scream backing up before Levi hands a rough kick to the side of the creature sending it over and onto it's back watching it's legs kick frantically in the air whilst being upside down.

Seconds later Hanji came in dragging along the other spider which had its legs tied up, Hanji frowned in disapproval to the beast that struggled before tying a rope around its legs before looking to you and Levi. "Well that was fun, wouldn't you say Y/N?" she grinned as you began to rock back and forth. Levi shoved her out of his office before shutting the door and walking over to you.

"You're alright.. They're gone" Levi places a gentle hand on your shoulder as you look up to him, offering a nervous smile you jump into his arms and hug him. "Thanks for protecting me Levi.." you nuzzle into the crook of his neck as he chuckles wrapping his arm around you. "I'd always protect you Y/N" he replies rubbing comforting circles onto your back.

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