Headcanon #10

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Request: the french speaking daughter ask inspired me!! could i get headcannons for levi with a short, french-speaking SO? (shorter than him, 4'9 like the other anon requested please) 💖💖💖

Warnings: Mentions of sexual acts


× When you speak French it would be like music to Levi's ears

× You two could be flirting or could even be talking about other stuff since nobody else could understand you

× Your height is the most adorable thing to him

× He cherishes it

× Your French accent turns him on when you whisper it in his ear

× You would love to tease and annoy your friends by speaking to them in French, them getting annoyed not knowing what you're saying

× But really you're telling them how much you think your boyfriend is sexy and amazing while glancing in his direction

× Levi would bitch to you about something that's been getting on his nerves, even if it's a person and they're in the room he'll still do it because they wont u n d e r s t a n d

× You would often speak in French with him even behind doors

× He doesn't know how he managed to get a goddess like you in the first place

× If Oluo would be annoying you, you would use every insult you have in French and just shout it at him

× Levi snickering in the background as you bicker with his squad member

× You recreating the baguette meme in front of your friends one time during dinner making everyone laugh

× Sasha stealing the baguette making you upset

× Levi glaring at her like a serial killer until she gives it back to you

× He loves your height

× One reason being he has more of a reason to be the dom one in the bedroom seeing your little form under his

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