Underground!Levi x Scout!Reader ~ Come with me

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Request: First of all, i ADORE your work, please keep it up. Second of all, would you mind doing a levi x reader where they were friends in the underground but unfortunately reader gets captured by the survey corp, and she abandones levi, farlan, and isabell. A couple years later reader comes back down with erwin and mike to capture some thugs, and is mildly suprised to find out it was levi she had to capture? Sorry if its too complicated, you dont have to do it!

Underground LeTS GOOOO

Warning: Cursing


// Flashback \

Bulleting through the 'sky' of the underground you flicked your gaze over your shoulder to the hooded figures that bounded after you like a pack of hunting dogs after a fox. Clicking your tongue you retracted your hooks resulting in you plummeting towards the ground, rolling along the ground you set off in a sprint. Swiftly and skillfully dodging groups and singular people as you ran through the endless streets.

The uncomforting ringing of footsteps echoed in your ears as you continued down the streets, taking a sharp turn into an alleyway you heard a person chasing you by themselves. Grunting you launched yourself off the wall and back towards the person resulting in you kicking the person in the face, the person turned out to be a woman with goggles and brown hair. Stumbling backward with a shriek she fell on her butt groaning, rolling your eyes you shot up into the air again. 'Levi won't be one bit impressed when I tell him I'm being chased by these dogs again..' you thought flying in through a window of a building. Quickly making your way through the building you ended up in some bar at the top. Skidding over the counter you launched yourself back out the window and took off again ignoring the angry cries of drunken men that cursed at you for spilling and breaking their drinks.

Looking over your shoulder again you failed to notice a taller figure coming for you from above, catching a glimpse of them at the last second you whipped out your blade as a man with charming blue eyes and blonde hair came down on top of you sending you both off track and falling towards the ground wrestling and fighting.

Slashing at the man's arm you made a fine cut along his forearm that seeped with crimson blood almost immediately, hissing in pain he charged at you again. Suddenly a force came from behind you, knocking the wind out of your lungs as you fell forward. Stumbling and coughing you lay on your side grumbling curses to yourself.

The blade you held was kicked out of your hand a couple feet away, a firm grip was present on your wrists as you heard a click of handcuffs around them. Sending a glare to the male that stood in front of you that wrapped a cloth around his injured arm he glanced down to you with a firm stare. ''Y/N L/N am I correct?'' the blonde asked, staying silent you stared up to him with a dull expression. ''Woah! Erwin you got her! She's a feisty one ain't she?'' the same woman from earlier appeared from beside you, a clear bruise on her cheek as she smiled down to you. Growling at her in frustration you switched your gaze back to the blonde in front of you. ''She's not talking, but, if she doesn't say anything we could just hand her over to the Military Police... They wouldn't treat you very nice while you're there considering the crimes you've committed'' the blonde stated watching me frown at him.

''So, I'll give you one last chance, what's your name?'' he said again, lowering your head to the ground beneath you-you sighed ''Y/N.. you said it earlier blonde bitch''. The man chuckled and knelt down in front of you ''we'll let your crimes slip, only if you join us Y/N... we could use your strength in the Survey Corps so what do you say?'' he offered as you once again went into silence. ''First, what's your name's?'' you snarled to the three around you, the male motioned to the woman who sent you a friendly smile ''that's Hanji Zoe, the man behind you is Miche Zacharius and I'm Erwin Smith, Commander of the Scout Regiment'' he introduced earning a low nod from you.

''Alright Smith.. I'll join your band of freaks''

Before I kill you.

// Flashback End \

It's been two years since you were taken in from the underground, it took a while for you to get used to being above ground and not being with Levi, Isabel and Farlan but you couldn't just leave the Scouts now. As much as you wanted to go back to Levi you knew if you tried you'd be hunted down and Levi would be found out and captured as well, what girlfriend would do that to her boyfriend?

Not you

So you stayed silent.

Following Erwin and Miche down the staircase of your birthplace, your face scrunched up in disgust from the familiar stale smell that stretched to every part of the underground. Soon arriving at the bottom of the staircase you glanced around as Erwin spoke with some MP's that guarded the entrance to the staircase. ''Y/N, Miche lets go and find these criminals... Sooner the better we're out of here..'' Erwin mumbled walking ahead, looking to Miche he sent you a nod of reassurance as you both trailed behind Erwin.

Strolling through the filth covered streets you looked to the poor people who lay around begging for money, selling things or just standing around minding their own business. Noticing Erwin put up his hood you done the same with Miche, people moving out of your way as you walked along the streets. The Wings Of Freedom crest showing brightly that warned people not to interfere with the business you three were down in that pigsty for.

''Y/N you know these streets like the back of your hand right?'' Erwin said taking a glimpse to your shorter form over his shoulder, nodding you continued to look around as you walked. ''Yeah, even though I haven't been here in a while I still know the place from top to bottom..'' you mumbled as Miche sniffed the air. ''What is it doggy?'' you teased Miche as he rolled his eyes playfully at your name you gave him ''nothing Y/N'' he responded back plainly.

// Time Skip \

Landing on the ground with your hood up you walked past Farlan and Isabel who were being restrained, sauntering over next to Erwin you crossed your arms looking down to Levi who has gotten more incredibly handsome since you last saw him. His gunmetal eyes went up and down your hooded figure before you pulled your hood down and raised an eyebrow down to the male.

Eyes widening a fraction Levi stared up at awe to you, soon hearing Isabel shriek to you-you ignored her as you kept your E/C orbs trained on Levi. ''Y/N he's not saying a thing, is he mute?'' Erwin asked, shaking your head you knelt down in front of Levi as he furrowed his thin eyebrows at you. ''You left us for these bastards.. Where you planning it all along L/N?'' he seethed, rolling your eyes you clicked your tongue ''no I wasn't planning it all along, they captured me and here I am now'' you state looking over your shoulder to Erwin. ''Mind if we have a chat for a minute or two just around the corner?'' you ask as Erwin hesitantly nods, thanking the blonde you haul Levi up to his feet and take him around a corner a little bit further away from the group.

''Levi, you can just make this all easier and stop being so stubborn... I joined the Scouts, I'm still alive.. It's not as bad as you think..'' you tell him letting go of his handcuffs leaning against the wall of the building. Sending you a glare he shook his head ''why would I join you, you left us after all.. do you know how much shit I went through after you didn't come back that night?'' he snarled as you cocked a brow, running your hands through your hair you flicked your gaze to him then back to the ground. ''You're so stubborn if you refuse to join us Erwin will hand you and the other two to the MP's! They'll fucking torture you Levi, they'll probably kill you!'' you exclaim as he sighs in annoyance.

Shaking your head you turned to your last resort of trying to get him to join you.

Appearing in front of Levi in a split second you cupped his soft cheeks, giving him a pleading look as his gaze tore into your own. ''Levi please... Come with me.. I won't leave you again as long as you come with me'' you plead as his gaze softens, sighing and giving into your pleading he looks to the ground. ''Fine I'll join you.. dear..''

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