Levi x Titan Shifter!Reader ~ Locked Away

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Request: Hiii! Ok first of all I absolutely love ur blog! Keep it up! Ok so I'm requesting you to write that Levi's s/o tells him she's a shifter and since he's humanity's strongest he has no choice but to lock her up (and then u can surprise me from there) thank u💞💖


Warning: Cursing


You were scared..


You were beyond terrified.

Why you may ask?

// First Person \

I was planning on telling Levi about my titan shifting ability but after seeing what happened to Eren and the whole drama with Annie made me hesitant on the whole topic.

He'll find out one way or another right..?

Anxiously fidgeting on the hem of my Scouting jacket I arrive outside of the Captain's office, gulping I raise my fist to the door and quietly knock. I know I shouldn't be afraid of my lover but in this scenario, so many things could go wrong instead of right. "State your name and business" Levi drones from inside his office "it's Y/N.. Levi I have to tell you something.." I say earning a grunt from him inside. Stepping in I gently shut the door behind me and walk over to him, Levi sat at his desk giving me a questioning look.

"It's very unlike you to knock Y/N, normally you'd arrive here like a mad woman" Levi comments as I nod my head forcing a smile, Levi's expression turns to a stern yet concerned one again. "Now what is it you want to tell me? You're constipated? Someone annoying you? Wait... You're pregnant aren't you?" he asked as I violently shook my head watching him stand up and walk over to me. "Then what is it..?" he mutters, sighing I knew there was no going back now.

"Levi I'm a titan shifter"


"Levi?" I ask worriedly as he stares at me, squinting his eyes at me he crosses his arms. "You got proof?" he questions, nodding I scratch my arm almost instantly steam appears as Levi's eyes go as wide as dinner plates.

"We're telling Erwin"

// Time Skip \

I sat on the uncomfortable bed in the dark cell, chains gripped my wrists leaving bruises and marks in their awakening. A dim light came from two of the torches from outside the cell I was being caged in.

I heard the click of boots against the stone staircase leading down to my imprisonment, averting my tired gaze to the stairs I watch as Levi walks down them quietly. He'd always visit every now and then, sometimes Hanji or Erwin would come too.

"Evening Y/N, how are you feeling?" Levi asks as I whisk my orbs to the cell wall "tired... This cell is making me exhausted in every way possible" I reply as Levi leans against the wall, crossing his arms looking at me. "We should be able to get you out in a week or two, you just need to hold on a little longer.." Levi sighs as I click my tongue "Levi I've been kept in here for a month! When you or anyone isn't around the MP's that guard me to make sure I don't get an ounce of rest! They torment me! I haven't seen the sun in so long! I haven't even been able to use my legs that much either apart from when the MP's actually let me go to the bathroom! I might as well be a fucking animal in a cage waiting to rot at this point!" I growl at him as he scowls walking over and placing his hands on the bars looking in at me.

"You should be grateful we're actually taking you out, if not you'd be left in here to rot like an animal" Levi growls, glaring at the raven hair in anger I wipe away a few stray tears with my sleeve, the shackles of the chains rattling echoes and bounces off the walls. Levi sighs, his shoulders slumping a little "Y/N I'm sorry, I know what those pigs are like.. We're trying our best.." Levi coos as I scowl at him. "Oh it's not that I'm upset about.. I'm upset that I've been deprived of cuddles and your affection for nearly two months" I grumble as Levi chuckles inwardly.

"Really?" he asks perching an eyebrow, pouting I nod at him before he pulls out a small set of keys from his pocket jiggling the keys teasingly to me. My face lights up at the sight of them as I sit up instantly "please Levi!" I beg as a smug smirk plays at his thin lips. "Such a begger.." he whispers opening the door to the cell, shutting it behind him he stuffs the keys in his pocket again before sitting on the edge of the bed.

Flinging myself to him I wrap my arms around him snuggling into his warm chest as he pats the top of my head. "I need cuddles" I mumble as he nods laying down with me.

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