Levi x Sick!Crush!Reader ~ Medicine

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Request: Hi! If you are taking requests,can you please do Levi having a crush on a cadet(his subordinate it doesn't matter)and she wakes up one day feeling very sick and she goes to training but ends up fainting,getting injured...you choose what happens. I found your blog yesterday and i binge read until my eyes started to hurt:)I love your writing! srry if my english is bad:))

Aweh ur so nice! U don't need to worry about any grammar or anything when ur requesting ^.^

Warning: Cursing


Groaning you felt the bright warm sunlight seep through your window onto your face, cracking open your eyes you sighed inwardly at a thumping headache that tormented you. Swinging one of your legs over the side of the bed you lay in you hauled yourself up forcing yourself to wake up more. Your chest stung and your stomach was wrapped up in violent knots, along with the headache you felt like you ran around all three walls then let yourself get mauled by a titan.

Dragging yourself into your shower you took your time and then proceeded to get changed for the day, putting on your Scouting jacket you walked out of your room shutting the door behind you as you walked down the hallway tiredly. Entering the mess hall not too soon after leaving the comfort of your room, getting your grub you plopped down next to your friends who greeted you happily. ''Good morning Y/N, how did you sleep?'' Christa chirped, groggily looking to her you forced a smile ''great, what about you?'' you replied as she smiled saying she slept well.

// Time Skip \

You were in the middle of doing laps while a certain shorty watched you all run like cattle from a hungry wolf. Sasha was next to you as you both trailed at the back of the group chatting silently. You saw Hanji arrive next to Levi from the corner of your eye which improved your mood ever so slightly since Hanji was a good friend of yours.

''Y/N! Earth to Y/N~'' Sasha called out waving a hand in front of your face, snapping your head to the girl you raised an eyebrow ''yeah what is it?'' you sheepishly asked. Sasha sent you a teasing smirk ''checking out the captain again Y/N~'' she purred as you clicked your tongue, the pounding pain from your headache not helping ''hahah- no how about you stuff your mouth with a potato and keep quiet'' you say sarcastically.

''L/N! Braus! Hurry the fuck up unless you both want more laps!'' Levi roared over to you both, squeaking from fright you ran faster with Sasha. Somehow, this made you feel even worse as you placed the back of your hand against your head trying to ease the pain from it, your chest felt like a knot tightening as your legs were like jelly.

Suddenly you felt your legs give out from underneath you sending you down onto your stomach skidding a bit over the dirt and stone ground instantly dirtying your uniform, the stones scratching and cutting your skin. ''Y/N!?'' Sasha called out turning back to you and kneeling down in front of you. ''Braus! L/N what the fuck are you doing no-!'' Levi marched over seeing you unconscious on the dirt making his eye twitch ever so slightly. ''Braus get back to training now'' Levi said as he took up your limp body in his arms, passing Hanji he hissed at her to take over while he was gone.

Arriving in the empty infirmary, Levi placed your form on a bed. Your cheek was scratched and there were a few tears in your shirt. Placing the back of his hand against your forehead Levi checked to see if you were warm or not, the second his smooth skin came in contact with your own he pulled away from the blazing heat. 'Must have a fever or some shit..' Levi thought taking off your jacket and putting it to the side, disappearing to the other side of the small room you two were in he came back with a damp cloth and laid it on your forehead.

Groaning softly you opened your eyes seeing a bright light shine down onto you from the window. Your exhausted gaze landing on Levi who stood next to the bed with his jacket off looking down to you blankly. ''Awake finally? Now, time to clean those damn scratches and cuts you earned yourself'' Levi told you taking out a small cloth and disinfection, taking a sneaky glimpse to you he set both items on a small table next to your bed before motioning down to your shirt. ''I'm taking this off got it?'' he states as you hesitantly nod, Levi immediately got to work, his fingers doing wonders on easily and carefully unbuttoning your shirt before taking it off you leaving you in a training bra.

Biting your lip you drift your gaze elsewhere as Levi gently starts to clean the small cuts, wincing every now and then earning a low grumble from the raven haired man. He was now dabbing the cloth onto the bottom of your ribs, slowly making his way up with a tint of pink on his cheeks Levi ignored the flustered state he was in and continued to clean the cuts. He was finished in a few minutes and was now cleaning up, returning back to you Levi held out a spoon with medicine to you like he was feeding a child.

Face exploding in a bright red blush you blinked in confusion as he shoved the spoon in your face. ''Take it'' he said as you gave him a concerned look ''it looks like fucking piss sir!'' you exclaimed making Levi click his tongue ''it's medicine Y/N, even though it looks like piss I can assure you I didn't fucking piss on a spoon for you to take'' he scowled moving the spoon to your mouth more, hesitantly you clamped your mouth around the spoon before letting it go. Swallowing the disgusting medicine which made you shiver at the taste, Levi poured out a little more and ushered for you to take it. ''Come on Y/N.. Say ah like a good girl..'' Levi said lowly as your blush only worsened ''Wait wha-!'' you were cut off when Levi shoved the spoon in your mouth shutting you up again.

Swallowing the medicine Levi put the medicine bottle and spoon to the side before sitting on the edge of your bed crossing his legs. Not knowing what to say or do you quietly looked around the room before realizing you were still shirtless only wearing the sports bra you crossed your arms over your chest trying to cover it.

Hearing Levi sigh you avert your E/C iris' to him catching his gaze. ''What's wrong?'' you shyly ask, Levi shakes his head ''you know you torment the life out of me?'' he states as you drop your gaze. ''Oh.. I'm sorr-'' you were cut off by Levi's thin yet soft lips on your own, leaning over your form he placed a hand on the back of your neck bringing you closer as you squeaked from surprise. Subconsciously placing your hand on his shoulder Levi pulled back, appearing back where he sat in a second.

''Sorry.. I jumped on you like that..'' he muttered standing up and taking his jacket. Catching his wrist in your gentle hold you stopped the man from moving as he sped his gaze down to you ''don't apologize.. I-I liked it'' you blurt out as Levi stays silent for a second. Leaning down he placed a gentle yet firm kiss to your forehead before putting on his jacket and fixing his cravat. ''I'll be back later, then we can talk everything out... Get some rest'' Levi said before walking out fo the infirmary leaving you smiling slightly to yourself.

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