Chapter 17

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Tessa's POV:

As soon as I see Richard, I walk over to him and loop my arm around his. 

Ah yes, this is such a dumb idea but this is going to get the rise out of Harry that I am craving right now.

I glance over to Harry and see if he's watching.

Oh he's watching, watching with burning eyes...

 He takes one step forward to us like he wants to come up and say something and then I see him steady himself. 

Harry looks first at Richard and then at me. He burns his eyes into mine as if letting me know that he is going to get his revenge. I know that look in Harry's eye. 

He's warning me, as if letting me know that if I do anything further with Richard he's going to do what I'm doing to him back to me but ten times harder. 

I grasp my grip on Richard's arm to challenge Harry.

I see his eyes go wider.

I push Richard's hand around my waist and bring him closer to my body and Harry looks like he is going to give the other jail convicts a run for their money and tackle Richard to the floor.

I keep my hold like this, waiting for Harry to react further. 

My adrenal starts pumping and I pull Richard's head to mine and whisper something in his ear.

That was it, that is what did it. Harry storms over to us, but suddenly, mid-way he does the most un-Harry thing I've seen. He stops mid-way and steadies himself and re-adjusts his shoulders.

He talks briefly to the cop and without wasting another second, takes one looks at my hand looped around Richard's and storms out.

I feel my chest heave down in sadness and I look down at the dirty floor and my battered shoes.One of the heels split because I was trying to run after Harry and I must have stepped the wrong way because now the heel is detached.

 Part of me is angry that Harry left me here, he didn't even try to fight for me. 

He left me hear alone, in this jail with half my make-up running down my face and one functioning shoe.

He was walking towards me, but then he stopped. Why did he stop? This is not how this was supposed to go. Harry was supposed to come over to Richard and I, yell at Richard, then yell at me, and then afterwards we were supposed to leave this stupid jail cell.

"Are you okay Tessa, what happened last night?" Richard asks with wide eyes, clearly aware of how uncomfortable I am.

"I... Harry and I.. we were just being stupid.." The words struggle to come out of my mouth.

I try and explain how Harry and I got in the cell but instead I just ask,

"What so how did you know that I was here in.. uh jail?"

"One of the police officers is my friend, he said that I probably knew you guys because we all went to the same wedding." He replies.

"Yeah.. okay." I reply.

I'm a little confused as to why he still showed up, he had nothing to do with the situation. Unless he was tracking us the whole night?

My face must have gave away my doubt because he answered some of the mental questions to myself.

"They needed just some extra information. Sorry babe but your boyfriend wasn't really talking much."

I cringe as he says babe. 

"What do you mean Harry wasn't talking?"

Richard smirks.

"Tessa it's a little thing called cooperation, something that Harry isn't too good at. Especially when it comes to cops." He smiles and puts his nose in the air.

"Yeah well Harry doesn't talk much to me either, so I'm too surprised." I roll my eyes and glance at my shoes again. I probably look like such a wreck right now.

"Well I mean at least we are getting out of here." I sigh.

Part of me does not care that I am leaving with Richard and the other part of me aches when Harry isn't with me. It's like a burning hole in my chest.

"Not necessarily." He whistles a low melody.

"What do you mean?" I say with a worries. 

"Well, since Harry was extremely rude to the cops, they might call him back in the station to further investigate him." He says with a calm look on his face.

"What!" I practically yell.

"They can't do that! I mean once your out of jail, your out! He signed the documents, I saw it. That's mean he was clear to leave. They can't do that. They can't call him back unless they have a warrant for his arrest. This is crazy. They... They... why!" I stammer.

"Disrespecting an officer is a federal crime Tessa." He says with a serious look on his face.

"No, oh my god no." I hang my head in my arms.

"Unless...." Richard says.

"Unless what?" I pop my head back up from my distressed state. 

"Unless you do something for me." He smiles slyly. 

"Do what? Richard this is so dumb. I don't want to play these games with you anymore. I don't have the energy." I reply.

"Can you relax Tessa? You get worked up so easily. God it's like talking to one of my patients. It's annoying sometimes. Besides, if you want me to help you, you should be nicer to me." He hisses through his teeth.

"Okay, fine. First, explain to me how you are going to help out my situation here. Well, not my situation but Harry's." I straighten my shoulders.

"It's simple. The chief is one of my good friends. All you have to do is do what I want with me and I can pass a good word along to him and he won't call Harry back." 

"Okay, I'm not having sex with you. Let me just make that clear." I say, disgusted with his tone of voice and the thought of sleeping with him.

"Who said anything about sex?" He says and takes a piece of my hair and starts twirling it.

"Stop it." I say and swat his hand away.

"Oh, please Tessa. You want me. Hard. Every girl wants me so stop pretending your any different." He barks.

"I'm not going to acquiesce to these ridiculous demands of yours." I spit back.

"They are dumb and I am better than-"

"Enough!" He yells back.

"Your going to listen to what I say or your precious Harry is going to spend six months behind the slammer!" He yells.

I look around to see if the cops are here but it seems that they have left the room and I have no idea where they went.

I gulp.

"Richard I don't like where this is going..."

"That's right Tessa! I have that kind of authority, in fact I can call up my friend right now and tell him to bring Harry back."

"I'm quite good at convincing you know. Convincing girls to have sex with me. Convincing my friend to keep Harry is the slammer, oh and convincing you to come home with me." He hisses through his teeth.

I know arguing with him will be bad because I'm not sure what he's saying is true or not.

Before I have a chance to say anything, he takes my hand and whisks me out the front door. 

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