Chapter 46

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Harry's POV:

I look down at the contents at my phone and I'm instantly pissed. The last thing I want to see is a fucking text message from Zayn.

"What was that?" Tessa asks.

"Just a text."

"Oh from who?"

"I don't know I haven't opened it yet." I open the message on my phone and low and behold, it's a birthday dinner invitation. 

I roll my eyes.

Since when the fuck have me and this guy ever been cordial enough with each other, let alone he invites me to a birthday dinner? 

I walk over to Tessa.

"So you and I just got invited to a birthday dinner." I say and sit down next to her.

She proceeds to get up.

"We did? From who?" She peers at my phone and her eyes go wide once she sees who the message is from.

"ZA-YN?" She says out loud, clearly annunciating his name in two syllabus. 

"Yes fucking Zayn Malik. I don't even know why he's texting me, it's not like him and I were ever friends after I met you." I say and shake my head. None of this bs adds up.

She looks at the text again.

"Huh, well Harry. It looks like you were the one invited... not me." I look over and I see a sting of sadness in her eyes.

"I never said I was going." I say and place my phone back on the bed. 

"Wait what? You have to go. It's Zayn. You guys used to be best friends."

"Yeah, key word. Used to be. I have nothing to due with that guy so there's my attendance is not necessary." 

"I mean I still think you should go. He invited you for a reason right? Maybe he just wants to talk and be friends again. Not everyone likes to hold grudges. Besides the fact that you hate his guts, you have to admit he was a nice guy."

"Tessa all that bullshit was an act. He was trying to steal you away from me." I say and feel the anger pulsating in my veins. I used to get extremely pissed when Zayn was around but now I'm learning to control my anger.

"Yeah I mean I guess that's true, it was just fun when we all used to hang out. When the drama never got so bad." She says and shrugs her shoulder.

I pause. I don't know if I want to keep going on bashing Zayn because I was in a happy mood fucking Tessa ten minutes ago and I don't want to ruin it.

"Harry, don't you think it was a little strange that he didn't invite me?" She says and I see a small frown on her face begin to form.

"Tessa, hello you don't have a phone remember?" I say.

"Oh yeah...hmm... yeah he might have sent a message and I just didn't get it cause I don't have my phone on me." She looks away instantly when I mention her phone as if she's possibly hiding something? I don't know, I can't tell anymore. I'm too much in my head nowadays.

"Yeah, by the way when are you getting a new phone?" I ask.

"Hmm, I was thinking tomorrow?" She looks up.

"Is that a statement or a question?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"A statement. I will for sure get it tomorrow. I need to get back in communication with my boss too. Emailing people is just too hard."

"Good shit. I'm glad to hear it." I say and tackle her with a hug. I get on top of her and my whole body is basically engulfing hers. 

"Can you rest in peace now?" She teases and nips at my ear.

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