Chapter 34

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Tessa's POV:

Harry rests his shoulder on me and I smile.

"Hey now you shouldn't get too comfortable." I say and Harry lifts his head up.

"And why is that?" He says, with a confused look on his face.

"Because, we need to go grocery shopping!" I say and get up from the couch and a limp Harry falls from underneath me.

"Ugh, Tessa you literally just got home and now your dragging me to the store?" He says with an un-amused look on his face.

"Not just the store, I have some other errands to run as-well." 

"Just fucking brilliant, is going to one of those make-up stores one of them? What do you call them, Sephoras?" 

"Sephora." I correct him. 

"Whatever. I'm not gonna stand around why you smear all that make-up on my hand like last time." He grumbles.

I laugh to myself. I remember that day. He absolutely hated it. 

"Harry that was different. I was trying to find the right shade for my skin-tone. Besides I already tested all the colors on my hand. That's why I needed to use yours." I laugh again, this time louder, remembering how much complaining he was doing.

"Tessa, you remember that shit took me foreverrrrrr to get off my hand. Nope. Not doing it again. Sorry if you want to run errands, count me out. Not doing anything that revolves that make-up shit." He says and crosses his arm.

I walk over to my room and grab a jacket and slip on some comfy Winter boots and re-touch up my make-up. I slip a pink beanie on my head and put on some gloves.

I walk over to the living room and find Harry still slumped on the couch.

"You coming?" I say.

"Fine." He grumbles.

Harry disappears into our room and re-emerges a couple of minutes later. He ex-changed his black jeans for a different pair of black jeans and put on a long Black winter coat.

"You look cute." I say, sheepishly.

"Thanks, love. Right back at ya." He says and smacks my ass.

"Ouch." I say and rub it a little and Harry kisses me once before we head out the door. 

We walk outside in the cold New York air and go down the stair-well.

"Did you bring your wallet?" Harry asks me.

"Of course." I say and I pat the side of my jacket coat.

"Which store should we go too?" I say. Because we live near the center of a couple of busy streets in New York, we have a couple different options. 

"Hmm, I feel like that Trader Joe place is really starting to grow on me." He says and scratches the bottom of his chin. 

"Okay, then Trader Joes it is." I say. 

"Jesus, it's so cold. I don't think it's ever been this cold in New York has it?" I say and Harry is looking away at someone.

"Harry?" I say because I don't think he heard me the first time. 

"Huh? Oh sorry, I thought I saw someone I knew." 

"Well, I was saying it's never been this cold, don't you agree?"

"Yeah, well babe. . this is know in England it can get like way worse than this." He says a kicks a small rock on the side of the street.

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