Chapter 44

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Chapter 44:

Tessa's POV:

Harry pays for the bill and we leave the restaurant. We walk outside and the cold air hits us again.

"Please remind me why we chose to live in New York when it's bloody freezing all the time." Harry says while attempting to thaw his hands with his breath.

"Because both of our jobs are here. Also, I'm pretty sure you said you wanted to live with me." I tease.

Harry's pale cheeks are turning pink from the cold and I touch mine, I can feel them doing the same.

"Can we please just go somewhere that's warm?" I say while my fingers are simultaneously freezing.

"What? You don't want to go home?"

"No actually I don't. Why don't we do something fun?" I say, surprised by my sudden change of mood.

"Wait what? Can it be? Is my girlfriend not actually 85 years old?"

I roll my eyes.

"Shutup. I can be fun if I want too if I wanna." I say.

"You know reading books isn't considered fun for a Thursday night right?" Harry teases.

"It is when you're an editor and writer. Which you and I both happen to be." I say, slightly hurt that Harry doesn't think I'm fun.

"Yeah I mean that's true. But why would you do your job outside your job for fun? Just doesn't make sense." Harry says and blows more air on his fingers to warm them.

"Well maybe I just like my job way a lot. Ever thought of that Harry?"

"Yeah, but even if you did, your still not getting payed for it."

"Yeah but I don't need to be getting payed for it. I enjoy reading and I enjoy writing."

"Yeah but that's not the issue here. The issue if me explaining to you that our definitions of fun aren't exactly the same babe."

"Okay but they don't have to be." I say, still annoyed that I have to argue that I am fun.

"You know you're not really winning this argument right Tess?" Harry says and urges me to start walking.

We walk over to a coffee shop that's near the restaurant and Harry pulls the door open for me. We choose to sit at a small booth but Harry and I have to sit next to each other because the other row has people on it. The other people look up at it but continue with their conversations.

"I'll be back. I'm going to go order a coffee." He says and gets up and goes to the counter. He returns five minutes later with a black coffee.

I decide to not let the conversation drop.

"Whatever Harry. Your argument is irrelevant and just for your information, I am fun." I say and cross my arms again.

"Tess." Harry laughs.

"No you're not." He laughs even harder.

"Theresa Young, you are many things, but you are by no means fun." He says trying to conceal more of his laughing because it is clear that he is pissing me off.

"I AM!" I say. I might have spoken a little too loudly because I feel two heads around us turn and look at me.

"Okay, you know what? I take it back. You're not fun. You're normal." He says and takes a sip of his coffee.


"Yeah normal. I mean. Well. Let's see. You wake up on time, you go to bed on time. You never miss an appointment. You go out every once in a while. It's not boring or over the top. It's just called normal. Or better yet control freak."

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