Chapter 10

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Molly's POV

Richard whisks me away like we are in a movie and we try get a taxi back to his hotel. 

We arrive at the hotel and I can even attempt to open the car seat before another one of the staff member's does it for me.

"Welcome to the Marriot ma'am, do you want me to take your coat?" A tall man with a hat on says.

"Oh, no I'm fine thank you." I say.

I pretty much sobered up the taxi right back to Richard's apartment, luckily the taxi driver had water bottles so I was covered on that end.

We walk into the lobby room and it's beautiful as usual. This Marriot looks like one of the nicer ones I have seen and of course it would be, Richard just seems like the kind who has money to afford this.

He practically smells of money. I can tell because I used to mess around with guys his type. Guys who were older and had professions with salaries that practically took up half the economy's money supply. The type who sleep around with younger women and get rid of them when they found their different flavor of the week.

I tap Richard on the shoulder.

"What's up Molly?" He says

"I need to pee." I say

"Okay, you know we have bathrooms in hotel rooms right?" He smirks

I'm already getting annoyed of the attitude that this guy is putting up right now and I don't want to use his restroom because I don't want him to hear me pee and god knows how messy his hotel bathroom is, men are slobs as I have experienced.

"Yeah, but.." I am at a loss of words. My head hurts from the alcohol and I just want to go back to my own hotel. Without him.

"But what? Let's just go." He says and pulls my arm.

"No, I'll just use the bathroom down here." I say, clearly defying the male authoritative figure that he is trying to set right now. 

"Okay, fine suit yourself. Come up to the room when your done. Room 728." He says and clicks his heels and turns the other way.

I sigh a big relief. Something about this guy just doesn't feel right but I ignore all the red flags.

I walk in the bathroom and I see two girls, around my age, one drunk and one semi-sober, laughing at each other in the mirror.

"Ah-ha! Did you see the way I told James off! He was sooo mad. He thinks he can just run off with some other girl and leave me. Yeah better think again!" She continues laughing and slings her arm against the other girl.

"Ah sweetie, sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows. He was trash and you know it." She replies and they go on laughing while I'm still peeing.

The weird uncomfortable feeling I had when Richard amplifies as I leave the bathroom and start walking to his door.

"Why am I doing this?" I say to myself out loud.

"Oh yeah, cause I'm stupid."

I take the elevator up to his room and go to the door. 

Before I even have  a chance to knock on the door, he swings the door open.

And before me, is standing Richard, with wet hair and he's practically half-naked except for the white towel that's covering his bottom torso.

"So you took a shower?" I smirk

"Yeah, I did." He replies

I come instead and start examining the room.

"You could have taken one with me." He replies

Honestly, I am surprised at how blunt this guy is. I have meet confident guys, but not like this guy, well except for Harry.

"No thanks." I say and plop myself on the bed.

"Why not?" He says and readjusts his towel to reveal the lines in his long torso.

"Because taking a shower entails taking your clothes off and I'm not in the mood." I say and turn myself around, with my back facing the bed.

Who the hell does this guy think he is? He thinks he can just waltz up to me at a wedding and say whatever the hell he wants to get me to sleep with him?

"What is wrong with you?" I say, annoyed at his haughty attitude and obnoxious demeanour. 

"What's your problem?" He snaps back.

"I just said you should have taken a shower with me, Holly."

"It's Molly."

"Yeah, well you thought I was Harry, so we're even now." His blank expression on his face grows into a grin and I don't know what's going to happen next.

He un-wraps his towel and slings it over his shoulder and I get the holy view.

"Holy shit." I practically say out loud.

"Amazed?" He says and walks back to his suitcase to put his boxers on.

I see him rummaging through his clothes, and out falls some large white documents.

He seems kind of frazzled so I jump off the bed to help him pick them all of.

"No stop!" He booms, but it's too late. 

 I already saw the documents written Harry Styles and Theresa Young splattered all over the white pieces of paper.

I get up with the pieces of paper still in my hands, shaking, and the uncomfortable feeling I had in the pit of my stomach when I first came into the hotel was undeniably correct.

"What is this?" I say, still shaking.

"Shit." Richard says and snatches the pieces of paper from my hands and the paper rips with pieces of it falling to the floor.

"Look what you did!" He yells.

"Richard, answer me now what the fuck is all this?" I yell back, this time with more confidence and a slight tone of anger in my voice.

"It's... it's." He stammers looking for the correct words.

"It's just some documentation, now leave it alone Holly." He hisses through his teeth. 

"These documents, they are things I deal with all the time, I am a doctor after all."

He re-organizes all the papers and puts them back in his suitcase, this time with the lock on. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He grabs a clean white shirt and pulls it over his head and starts pacing all over the room.

"I wasn't going to tell you this now, I was going to wait until after we fucked and then give it a week or two." He says

"Tell me what?" I say

"Molly I want to make a deal with you."

"What kind of deal?" I say, curiosity gets the best of me and I inch closer to him

"The kind of deal in which you and I both get what we want." He whispers in my ear and loops both his arms around my waist. 

Shivers go down my spine and I have no idea what is going to happen next. 

*End of chapter 10! Ahhhh, you guys I hit 1.1K views, this is crazy!! Y'all keep reading, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE like/comment/send me messages it makes me sooooo happy!! Chapter 11 will be up tomorrow!!

*Update, currently working on chapter 11 will be up soon!

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